Address: 6 State Route 173, Clinton, New Jersey 08809, USA
www.inotherapeutics.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(908)-238-6600
FDA Registration: 3004531588
Products: Pharmaceuticals, Pharmaceuticals Bags, Oxygen Therapy, Concentrators, Nitric Oxide Equipment, Nitric Oxide Delivery Apparatus (FDA Code:
MRN), Backup Delivery Nitric Oxide Apparatus (FDA Code:
MRO), ...
INO Therapeutics specializes in the development and manufacture of drugs. We deal in INOmax®(nitric oxide) for inhalation, which is used for the treatment of persistant pulmonary hypertension.
Address: 8508 Cross Park Drive, Austin, Texas 78754, USA
www.int-bio.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(512)-873-0033
FDA Registration: 1629497
Products: Blood Glucose Monitors, Radiation Protection Accessories, Blood Gas Monitors, Nitric Oxide Delivery Apparatus (FDA Code:
MRN), Surgeon's Gloves (FDA Code:
KGO), Analytical Sampling Infusion Pump (FDA Code:
LZF), ...
International Biomedical Inc offers new Powder-Free Radiation Attenuating Glove to provide increased protection from direct x-ray beam and scattered radiation. These gloves are suitable for reducing h