Address: 3334 Walnut Bend Ln, Houston, Texas 77042, USA
www.labcoatsusa.com |
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Phone: +1-(866)-266-1888
Products: Knee/Ankle Braces & Supports, General Medical Supplies, General Orthopedic Supplies, Sports Supports, Thumb & Elbow Brace & Supports, Wrist/Arm/Shoulder Braces & Supports, ...
LabCoatsUSA.com supplies medical and industrial lab coats. We market lab coats for men & women and counter coats. Our W27-KP17 womens' specialized counter has a one-piece lined collar & long sleeves w
Address: 150 North Park Street, P.O Box 1143, Asheboro, North Carolina 27203, USA
www.asheboroelastics.com |
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Phone: +1-(336)-629-2626
Annual Revenues: USD 100-500 Million
Employee Count: ~200
Products: Athletic Cloth, Athletic Elastic, Garments, Medical Garments, Novelty Pants, Cotton Pants, ...
Asheboro Elastics Corp. provides knits to the elastic industry. We supply elastic for men and women's underwear, athletic wear, home furnishings, pants, fleece, hosiery and industrial markets. We manu