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Address: 1430 Birchmount Road, Toronto, Ontario M1P 2E8, Canada
Phone: +1-(416)-615-0185
FDA Registration: 3005405896
Products: AC-Powered Ophthalmic Chair (FDA Code:
HME), Ophthalmic AC-Powered Instrument Stand (FDA Code:
HMF), Ophthalmic Projector (FDA Code:
HOS), Powered Ophthalmic Instrument Table (FDA Code:
HRJ), ...
Blue.S4 Inc. deals with AC-powered ophthalmic chairs, ophthalmic AC-powered instrument stands, ophthalmic projector and powered ophthalmic instrument tables.
Address: 14 Plastics Ave, Toronto, Ontario M8Z 4B7, Canada
Phone: (416)-503-4200
Products: Ophthalmic AC-Powered Instrument Stand (FDA Code:
HMF), ...
Phakosystems, Inc. supplies phakosystems echorule.
Address: Rua Marcilio Antonio Ferreira, 350, Sao Carlos Sao Paulo 13571-330, Brazil
Phone: +55-(16)-33687137
FDA Registration: 3003851947
Products: AC- powered Corneal Topographers (FDA Code:
MMQ), Adjustable Operating Room Stool (FDA Code:
FZM), Operating-Room Electrical Table (FDA Code:
GDC), Examination and Treatment Chair (FDA Code:
FRK), Powered Medical Examination Table (FDA Code:
LGX), AC-Powered Ophthalmic Chair (FDA Code:
HME), ...
Wilson Marcos Mazari-Me is a manufacturer of ophthalmic chairs, stands and tables.
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43 Ophthalmic AC-Powered Instrument Stand suppliers Page:
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FDA Code / Regulation: HMF / 886.1860 An ophthalmic instrument stand is an AC-powered or nonpowered device intended to store ophthalmic instruments in a readily accessible position.
Classification. Class I (general controls). The AC-powered device and the battery-powered device are exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 886.9. The battery-powered device is also exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of 820.180, with respect to general requirements concerning records, and 820.198, with respect to complaint files.