 Fitness Treadmills Suppliers > Penner Manufacturing Inc

Penner Manufacturing Inc

Address: 102 Grant Street, PO Box 523, Aurora, Nebraska 68818, USA
Phone: +1-(866)-736-6377, 800-732-0717 | Fax: +1-(402)-694-5319 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Penner Manufacturing Inc specializes in bathing spas for patients and residents of nursing homes, hospitals, & assisted living facilities. Our Cascade™ premier's unique design is the look nursing home facilities have requested. This beautiful setting still maintains the same reliable function and ease of operation currently being experienced with the entire line of Penner Spas. Cascade™ alcove bathing spa is now an assisted living side-entry bathing system complete. It is available in various colors to accommodate decor for home living. The Cascade™ end-opening is available with transfer, reservoir, and scale. The unique design of the Cascade™ gives the choice of a bathing system with or without the reservoir. The large access door makes it possible for barrier-free accessibility. This unique design is also available with the access door on the right or left side. The end opening tub offers many options to room sizes.

FDA Registration Number: 1922538

13 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Adjustable Recumbent Bathing Systems
• Battery Powered Patient Lift
• Chair with Casters (FDA Code: INM / 890.3100)
A mechanical chair is a manually operated device intended for medical purposes that is used to assist a disabled person in performing an activity that the person would otherwise find difficult to do or be unable to do. Examples of mechanical chairs include the following: A chair with an elevating seat used to raise a person from a sitting position to a standing position and a chair with casters used by a person to move from one place to another while sitting.
• Electric Patient Lift
• Hydraulic Patient Lifter
• Hydro-Massage Bath (FDA Code: ILJ / 890.5100)
An immersion hydrobath is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of water agitators and that may include a tub to be filled with water. The water temperature may be measured by a gauge. It is used in hydrotherapy to relieve pain and itching and as an aid in the healing process of inflamed and traumatized tissue, and it serves as a setting for removal of contaminated tissue.
• Patient Lift Replacement Parts
• Patient Lifters (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
An AC-powered lift is an electrically powered device either fixed or mobile, used to lift and transport patients in the horizontal or other required position from one place to another, as from a bed to a bath. The device includes straps and slings to support the patient.
• Patient Lifts and Accessories (FDA Code: FNG / 880.5500)
• Patient Scale (FDA Code: FRW / 880.2720)
A patient scale is a device intended for medical purposes that is used to measure the weight of a patient who cannot stand on a scale. This generic device includes devices placed under a bed or chair to weigh both the support and the patient, devices where the patient is lifted by a sling from a bed to be weighed, and devices where the patient is placed on the scale platform to be weighed. The device may be mechanical, battery powered, or AC-powered and may include transducers, electronic signal amplification, conditioning and display equipment.
• Powered Sitz Bath (FDA Code: ILM / 890.5100)
• Swivel Lift Systems
• Transfer Patient Lifts

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