Address: 5302 Betsy Ross Drive, Santa Clara, California 95054, USA
www.lumenis.com |
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Phone: +1-(408)-764-3000
FDA Registration: 1720381 Annual Revenues: USD 10-25 Million
Employee Count: ~100
Quality: ISO 9000, CE Certified
Products: Nd:YAG Laser Capsulotomy Systems, Nd:YAG Trabeculotomy and Capsulotomy, Photocoagulator Lasers, Photocoagulator Systems, Biomicroscopic Slit Lamps, Indirect Ophthalmoscopes, ...
Lumenis Inc. focuses on medical and aesthetic lasers & light-based technology. Our product categories are aesthetics, surgery and vision products. Our Aluma skin renewal system with functional aspirat
Address: P.O. Box 465, Marshfield Hills, Massachusetts 02051, USA
www.fci-ophthalmics.com |
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Phone: +1-(781)-826-9060
FDA Registration: 1225124 Year Established: 1996
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Quality: ISO 9002, CE Certified
Products: Conformers, Gold Weighted Eyelid Implants, Punctum Plugs (Punctal Plugs), Wright Needles, Evisceration Scoops, Titanium Plating Systems, ...
FCI Ophthalmics concentrates in ophthalmic surgical devices. Our products include retina, cataract, lid repair, orbital implants, lacrimal stents & tubes, and dry products. The orbital implant product
Address: 601 Haggerty Lane, Bozeman, Montana 59715, USA
www.quantelmedical.com |
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Phone: +1-(888)-660-6726
FDA Registration: 9680671
Products: Ultrasonic Pachymetry, Photocoagulator Systems, B-Scan Devices, A-Scan Devices, Powered Surgical Laser Instrument (FDA Code:
GEX), Diathermy Coagulator, ...
Quantel Medical, Inc. develops and markets a complete range of diagnostic ocular ultrasound systems and surgical lasers. We are specialized in laser technology for scientific, industrial and medical p
Address: 2270 Camino Vida Roble, Suite L, Carlsbad, California 92011, USA
www.ramed.com |
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Phone: +1-(760)-804-1648
FDA Registration: 2032864
Products: Powered Surgical Laser Instrument (FDA Code:
GEX), Excimer Laser Systems, Therapeutic Lasers, Monochromatic Excimer Light System, Small Excimer Laser Systems, CO2 Surgical Laser System, Used Surgical Lasers, ...
RA Medical Systems, Inc. is a medical excimer laser company. We develop and manufacture state of the art xenon chloride 308 nm lasers to treat a variety of medical conditions. We provide Pharos EX-308
Address: 25 Upton Dr, Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887, USA
www.dusapharma.com |
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Phone: +1-(978)-657 7500
FDA Registration: 1226354
Products: Powered Surgical Laser Instrument (FDA Code:
GEX), Anti-Aging System, MCP Anti-Aging System, Anti-Aging clinical System, Skin Nutrition Anti-Aging System, Sun Protection Kits, ...
Dusa Pharmaceuticals, Inc. deals with dermatology specialty pharmaceutical. We focus on the development of Levulan Photodynamic Therapy technology platform. Our Levulan PDT is used for the treatment o
Address: 603 Queensbury Ave, Queensbury, New York 12804, USA
www.angiodynamics.com |
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Phone: +1-(518)-798-1215, 800-772-6446
FDA Registration: 1056436 Year Established: 1990
Annual Revenues: USD 25-50 Million
Employee Count: ~150
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: El Gamal Angiographic Catheter, Catheter Introducers (FDA Code:
DYB), Catheter Introducers, Mullins Design, Powered Surgical Laser Instrument (FDA Code:
GEX), Central Venous Catheters, Angiographic Catheter, Angled Pigtail, ...
Angiodynamics, Inc. provides medical devices for radiologists, surgeons, and other physicians. We offer medical devices for the minimally invasive diagnosis and treatment of cancer and peripheral vasc
Address: 538, Daedeok Techno Valley, Yongsan-Dong, Yusung-Gu 305-500, Korea, Republic Of
www.wtlaser.com |
Phone: +82-(42)-9346800
FDA Registration: 3006985208
Products: Cosmetic Lasers, Powered Surgical Laser Instrument (FDA Code:
GEX), Acne Treatments, Hemorrhoidal Treatments, Hair Removal Device, Product Development, Dental Laser Hand piece, ...
Won Technology Co., Ltd. manufactures medical laser equipments. Our products are Won-PDT, PDT D662, TR, SR, VR and Won-Cosjet AR. Won-PDT is developed in laser medical technology within the field of p
Address: 10, Promenade, Jena 07745, Germany
www.zeiss.de |
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Phone: +49-(3641)-220-105
Products: Photodynamic Therapy Laser System (FDA Code:
MVF), AC-Powered Biomicroscope Slit Lamp (FDA Code:
HJO), Ophthalmic Posterior Neodymium:yag Laser (FDA Code:
LXS), ...
Carl Zeiss AG is a supplier of complete ophthalmic systems including IOLs and disposables of optical and digital visualization systems for Neuro- and ENT surgery. We focus on surgical products, micros