Profile: Pro-Lab, Inc. is the manufacturer of safety test kits. Our test kit provides precise measurement of specific life threatening pollutants. Our test kits include mold, radon, carbon monoxide, lead in paint and dust, asbestos, septic & plumbing treatment kits, and microwave oven leakage detectors. Our Pro-Lab® test kits prevent health risks by identifying dangerous pollutants in the air, water, and surface areas in homes, schools & offices. Our asbestos test kit utilizes polarized light microscopy(PLM) that identifies asbestos fibers. Our microwave oven leakage detector, detects microwave radiation leakages.
FDA Registration Number: 8010383
US Agent: Robert J. Rae / Pro-lab Incorporated
Phone: +1-(512)-832-9145 Fax: +1-(512)-832-6424 E-Mail: rjrae
18 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)
• Amniotic Fluid Sampler (FDA Code: HIO / 884.1550) The amniotic fluid sampler (amniocentesis tray) is a collection of devices used to aspirate amniotic fluid from the amniotic sac via a transabdominal approach. Components of the amniocentesis tray include a disposable 3 inch 20 gauge needle with stylet and a 30 cc. syringe, as well as the various sample collection accessories, such as vials, specimen containers, medium, drapes, etc. The device is used at 16-18 weeks gestation for antepartum diagnosis of certain congenital abnormalities or anytime after 24 weeks gestation when used to assess fetal maturity. |
• Anaerobic Identification Kit Test (FDA Code: JSP / 866.2660) A microorganism differentiation and identification device is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of one or more components, such as differential culture media, biochemical reagents, and paper discs or paper strips impregnated with test reagents, that are usually contained in individual compartments and used to differentiate and identify selected microorganisms. The device aids in the diagnosis of disease. |
• Culture Media Supplements (FDA Code: JSK / 866.2450) A supplement for culture media is a device, such as a vitamin or sugar mixture, that is added to a solid or liquid basal culture medium to produce a desired formulation and that is intended for medical purposes to enhance the growth of fastidious microorganisms (those having complex nutritional requirements). This device aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms. |
• Escherichia Coli Antigens (FDA Code: GMZ / 866.3255) |
• Escherichia Coli Antisera (FDA Code: GNA / 866.3255) |
• General Nutrient Broth Culture Media (FDA Code: JSC / 866.2350) A microbiological assay culture medium is a device that consists primarily of liquid or solid biological materials intended for medical purposes to cultivate selected test microorganisms in order to measure by microbiological procedures the concentration in a patient's serum of certain substances, such as amino acids, antimicrobial agents, and vitamins. The concentration of these substances is measured by their ability to promote or inhibit the growth of the test organism in the innoculated medium. Test results aid in the diagnosis of disease resulting from either deficient or excessive amounts of these substances in a patient's serum. Tests results may also be used to monitor the effects of the administration of certain antimicrobial drugs. |
• Gram Negative Identification Panel (FDA Code: LQM / 866.2660) |
• Human/Horse/Rabbit Coagulase Plasma (FDA Code: JTL / 866.2160) Coagulase plasma is a device that consists of freeze-dried animal or human plasma that is intended for medical purposes to perform coagulase tests primarily on staphylococcal bacteria. When reconstituted, the fluid plasma is clotted by the action of the enzyme coagulase which is produced by pathogenic staphylococci. Test results are used primarily as an aid in the diagnosis of disease caused by pathogenic bacteria belonging to the genusStaphylococcus and provide epidemiological information on disease caused by these microorganisms. |
• Insulin-Like Growth Factor Binding Protein-1 Immunoassay (FDA Code: OAM / 862.1550) A urinary pH (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to estimate the pH of urine. Estimations of pH are used to evaluate the acidity or alkalinity of urine as it relates to numerous renal and metabolic disorders and in the monitoring of patients with certain diets. |
• Legionella Direct & Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Regents (FDA Code: LHL / 866.3300) |
• Microorganism Differentiation Strip and Reagent Disc (FDA Code: JTO / 866.2660) |
• Rotavirus Enzyme Linked Immunoabsorbent Assay (FDA Code: LIQ / 866.3405) Poliovirus serological reagents are devices that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to poliovirus in serum. Additionally, some of these reagents consist of poliovirus antisera conjugated with a fluorescent dye (immunofluorescent reagents) used to identify polioviruses from clinical specimens or from tissue culture isolates derived from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of poliomyelitis (polio) and provides epidemiological information on this disease. Poliomyelitis is an acute infectious disease which in its serious form affects the central nervous system resulting in atrophy (wasting away) of groups of muscles, ending in contraction and permanent deformity. |
• Salmonella Spp Antiserum (FDA Code: GRM / 866.3550) |
• Shigella Spp Antiserum (FDA Code: GNB / 866.3660) |
• Single Biochemical Test Culture Media (FDA Code: JSF / 866.2320) A differential culture medium is a device that consists primarily of liquid biological materials intended for medical purposes to cultivate and identify different types of pathogenic microorganisms. The identification of these microorganisms is accomplished by the addition of a specific biochemical component(s) to the medium. Microorganisms are identified by a visible change (e.g., a color change) in a specific biochemical component(s) which indicates that specific metabolic reactions have occurred. Test results aid in the diagnosis of disease and also provide epidemiological information on diseases caused by these microorganisms. |
• Staphylococcus Spp Fluorescent Antisera (All Types) (FDA Code: GTN / 866.3700) |
• Sterile Absorbent Tipped Applicator (FDA Code: KXG / 880.6025) An absorbent tipped applicator is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of an absorbent swab on a wooden, paper, or plastic stick. The device is used to apply medications to, or to take specimens from, a patient. |
• Streptococcus Spp Antiserum (FDA Code: GTZ / 866.3740) |