Profile: Proportional Technologies, Inc. offers radiopharmaceutical and instrumentation products for use in nuclear medicine. Our 62Zn/62Cu radiopharmaceutical generator is used in positron emission tomography (PET) imaging. It is a user-friendly microgenerator developed based on the radionuclide pair 62Zn/62Cu. This supports multiple compound formulations (based upon the bisThiosemicarbazone (BTS) family) through the use of ligand kits. An important feature of the 62Zn/62Cu generator is the high specific activity of the radiocopper of 1000 mCi/μg of cold copper. This enables 62Cu based biomolecular agents to target bioprocesses at the nanomolar level. We have developed a high capacity H2ATSM lyophilized kit specifically meeting the requirements for 64Cu-ATSM preparation. This kit provides instant synthesis at radiochemical purity greater than 95 per cent simply by mixing ionic 64Cu and the reconstituted kit solution. No complicated purification is required and once prepared at the clinical site, the solution remains stable for at least 4 hours. We also provide a wide range of BTS ligand kits for onsite instant labeling using 64Cu and other non-generator produced copper radionuclides such as 67Cu, 60Cu & 61Cu.
3 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)
• Microgenerators |
• Neutron Gamma Portable Monitors |
• Scintillation Gamma Camera (FDA Code: IYX / 892.1100) A scintillation (gamma) camera is a device intended to image the distribution of radionuclides in the body by means of a photon radiation detector. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, radionuclide anatomical markers, component parts, and accessories. |