Profile: Protatek Reference Laboratory develops biological products for the animal health industry. We offer reference lab which provides animal health diagnostic testing. Our reference lab services are useful for the detection of viral, protozoal, rickettsial, fungal, bacterial and other animal health diseases. Our product line includes swine biologicals, equine biologicals, bovine biologicals and immuno fluorescent antibody testing slides. The biological vaccines are useful to the animals.
1 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)
• Typhus Fever Group CF Antigen Test (FDA Code: GPO / 866.3500) Rickettsia serological reagents are devices that consist of antigens and antisera used in serological tests to identify antibodies to rickettsia in serum. Additionally, some of these reagents consist of rickettsial antisera conjugated with a fluorescent dye (immunofluorescent reagents) used to identify rickettsia directly from clinical specimens. The identification aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by virus-like bacteria belonging to the genusRickettsiae and provides epidemiological information on these diseases. Rickettsia are generally transmitted by arthropods (e.g., ticks and mosquitoes) and produce infections in humans characterized by rash and fever (e.g., typhus fever, spotted fever, Q fever, and trench fever). |