 Cleanser Wipes Suppliers > Raymond A Lamb

Raymond A Lamb

Contact: Mrs. P. Lamb - CEO
Address: 6 Sunbeam Road, London NW10 6JL, United Kingdom
Phone: +44-(181)-965-1834 | Fax: +44-(181)-961-4961 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Raymond A Lamb is a provider of comprehensive range of medical, histological and associated products. Our products include stains, chemicals & waxes, staining solutions, dissection equipment, micro writer systems, slides & cover glasses, microscopy accessories, labeling & marking accessories, electrical equipment, microtome accessories, cryostats, micro pipette and dispensing products. We manufacture cabinets, block & slide storage products, cassettes, consumables, staining troughs, and racks & stain mate products. We offer a wide range of epoxy-coated, stackable steel cabinets for the storage of microscope slides, slide-filing wallets, processing cassettes, tissue blocks, transparencies and A5 index cards. Our cassette products are biopsy, pre-filled tissue, pre-packed biopsy, slotted cassettes and microwriter microflow cassettes.

The company is ISO 9000, ISO 9001, CE certified.

1 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Labeled Medical Laboratory Equipment (FDA Code: LXG / 862.2050)
General purpose laboratory equipment labeled or promoted for a specific medical use is a device that is intended to prepare or examine specimens from the human body and that is labeled or promoted for a specific medical use.

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