Address: New Adalat Garha, Ugoki Road, Sialkot, Punjab 51310, Pakistan
www.ar-amon.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-3254289
Products: Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Retractors, Scalpels, Sutures, Tissue Forceps, Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), ...
A.R.Amon International manufactures surgical, dental, bones instruments and scissors of all sorts. We are an ISO 9002 certified company. Our surgical instruments include scalpels, knives, blades, need
Address: P.O. Box 2412, Sialkot, Punjab 51310, Pakistan
www.azal-intl.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-4583730
Products: Otoscopes, Laryngoscopes, Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Retractors, Scalpels, Dressing Forceps, ...
Azal International offers a full range of surgical & dental instruments, beauty care, hand tools and a selective range of diagnostic instruments. Our surgical instruments include artery forceps, urolo
Address: Tecnimen Agha (pvt) Ltd, Kashmir Road, Sialkot, Punjab 51310, Pakistan
www.technimen.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-4263834
FDA Registration: 3007057998
Products: Gynecology Instruments, Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Retractors, Scissors, Sutures, ...
Technimen Agha (pvt) Ltd focuses on surgical instruments. Our surgical products include scalpel handles, scissors, artery forceps, retractors, probes, applicators, spatulas, suture, bone surgery produ
Address: 4/329, Murray College Road, Sialkot, Punjab 51310, Pakistan
www.genialint.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-6902151, 4568847
Quality: ISO 9002, CE Mark Certified
Products: Retractors, Scissors, Pliers, Hemostats, Diagnostic Instruments, Thumb Dressing Forceps, ...
Genial International is a manufacturer of surgical, dental and veterinary instruments. We are an ISO 9002 and CE Mark certified company. We also provide T.C pedicure, orthodontics, hollow-wear, scisso
Address: Shahab Pura, P/O S.I.E, Sialkot, Punjab 51310, Pakistan
www.abroint.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-3560033, 334-8182806
Products: Anesthesia Equipment, Laryngoscopes, Retractors, Bone Rongeurs, Towel Clamps, Bone Curettes, ...
Abro International is a manufacturer of surgical and dental instruments. Our surgical instruments include anesthesia & laryngoscope, diagnostic instruments, surgical dissecting forceps, dressing force
Address: 1st. Floor, Anwar Plaza, Defence Road, Sialkot, Punjab 51310, Pakistan
www.jackbilly.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-3552142
Year Established: 2005
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~20
Quality: ISO 9001:2000 and CE Mark Certified
Products: Retractors, Scalpels, Sutures, Dressing Forceps, Tissue Forceps, General Surgical Instruments, ...
JackBilly Enterprises is a manufacturer and exporter of surgical & dental instruments. Our surgical instruments include diagnostic instruments, trocars, sutures, scalpels, scissors, dressing & tissue
Address: Defence Road, Sialkot, Punjab 51310, Pakistan
www.pearlitesurgical.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-3256133
Products: Gynecology Instruments, Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Retractors, Scalpels, Dressing Forceps, ...
Pearlite Enterprises manufactures surgical and medical devices. Our surgical instruments are developed for diagnostics, scalpel holders, scissors, haemostatic forceps, dressing forceps, needle holders
Address: PO Box 1341 Hamza Ghous Road Habib Pura, Sialkot 51310, Pakistan
www.fourthcare.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-694 95 40
Products: Elevators, Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Laryngoscopes, Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Retractors, Scalpels, ...
Fourth Care Industries manufactures and exports surgical, dental, TC, Hollowware, electrosurgical, diagnostics, manicure instruments and hospital furniture. Our dental product line includes cartridge
Address: Roars Road Muzaffar Pur, P.O.Box.No.973, Sialkot, Pakistan
www.topbro.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-3256986
Products: Stethoscopes, Clamps, Retractors, Dressing Forceps, Tissue Forceps, Sterilizing Aids, ...
Top Bro Instruments manufactures a wide range of surgical & dental instruments and all kind of scissors. Our surgical product line includes diagnostics, anesthesia, scalples, knives, scissors, thumb &
Address: Shah Abad Estat, Fatehghar, P. O. Box 2750, Sialkot 51310, Pakistan
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Phone: +92-(52)-3550989
Products: Retractors, Scalpels, Dressing Forceps, Spatulas, Towel Clamps, Bone Curettes, ...
N. Irfan Enterprises is a manufacturer, exporter & global supplier of surgical & dental instruments, scissors and other medical & hospital allied products. Our product catalog consists of diagnostics,
Address: C-89 Industrial Estate, Sialkot 51310, Pakistan
www.mtlinstruments.com |
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Phone: +92-(432)-559944, 563344
Products: Retractors, Dressing Forceps, Hemostatic Mosquito Forceps, Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), Backhaus Towel Forceps, Micro Suturing Forceps, ...
Mtl Instruments (Pvt) Ltd. supplies dental and surgical instruments. We are an ISO 9001 certified company. We market bandage scissors, dressing forceps, ENT & eye instruments, hemostatic forceps, oper
Address: 42, Ajmal Town, PO Box 2604, Sialkot 51310, Pakistan
www.adeptsurgicals.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-3558095
Products: Anesthesia Equipment, Cryo Surgery Equipment, Curettes, Retractors, Scalpels, Ophthalmic Loupes, ...
Adept Industries manufactures and distributes dental & surgical instruments. Our product line comprises of forceps, elevators, cervical traction tongs, scissors, tweezers, nail & cuticle nippers, mani
Address: Gondal Road, Barath, Sialkot 51310, Pakistan
www.hoaintl.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-8100721
Quality: ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Products: Retractors, Scissors, Sutures, Tissue Forceps, Adson Tissue Forceps, Otoscope/Ophthal Sets, ...
Hoa International specializes in surgical instruments. We offer trocars puncture needles, dressing & tissue forceps, haemostatic forceps, towel clamps, retractors, and sterilizing drums.
Address: Pacca Ghara Islam Nagar, Kashmir Road, Sialkot 051310, Pakistan
www.xtreemsupplies.com |
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Phone: 0092 3216112869
Products: Obstetrical Retractors, Gynecology Instruments, Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Retractors, Scalpels, ...
Xtreem Supplies manufactures surgical, dental, beauty care instruments. Our surgical instruments include all types of operation theatre instruments of orthopaedic, ophthalmology, gynaecology, cardiova
Address: P.O.Box # 1547, Mohalla Darbar Sharif, Pacca Garha, Sialkot 51310, Pakistan
www.wellpointinst.com |
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Phone: +92-(333)-8712030
Products: Gynecology Instruments, Elevators, Retractors, Scalpels, Dressing Forceps, Tissue Forceps, ...
Well Point Instruments is a manufacturer and exporter of surgical, dental, beauty care and fishing instruments. Our intraligamental syringe is offered for use in performing PDL injections. It is desig
Address: 8/231 Pura Heeran, Rang Pura, Sialkot 51310, Pakistan
www.muhadis.net |
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Phone: +92-(300)-6100039
Products: Laryngoscopes, Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Retractors, Suction Tubes, Trocars, Towel Clamps, ...
Muhadis International is an exporter of surgical and dental instruments. We offer ENt, gynecology, probes, orthopedic, clamps, hydrocele, retractors, forceps, bostetrics, ophthalmology, oral, puncture
Address: 26 Dakota Crescent, Sockburn, Christchurch 8042, New Zealand
www.enztec.co |
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Phone: +64-(3)-348 0203
FDA Registration: 3004641308
Products: Drills, Retractors, Soft Tissue Repair Products, Hip Length Gauge, Cup Impactors, Hip Screw Instrument Sets, ...
Enztec Limited designs medical devices for the orthopaedic industry. We offer hip instruments, which include hip calibration gauges, star drills, offset cup impactors, minimally invasive hip sets, lig
Address: Bendererstrasse 2, schaan 9494, Liechtenstein
www.ivoclarvivadent.com |
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Phone: +423-(235)-35-35
FDA Registration: 9612352 Annual Revenues: USD 100-500 Million
Employee Count: ~700
Quality: ISO 9001, ISO 9002, CE Certified
Products: Retractors, Powered Surgical Laser Instrument (FDA Code:
GEX), General Medical Supplies, Swabs, Fan Retractors, Gynecological Retractors, Eyelid Procedures, Army-Navy Retractors, ...
Ivoclar Vivadent AG specializes in dental products. Our product categories are restorative therapy, cementation, temporary restoration, preventive care, tooth whitening, impression materials, alloys a
Address: 4-11-6 Narashino, Funabashi-Shi Chiba 274-0071, Japan
Phone: +81-(516)-4829001
Products: Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Retractors, Scissors, Orthopedic Surgical Instruments, Minimally Invasive Hip Instruments, Surgical Tables, Needle Holders & Scissors, ...
Mizuho Ikakogyo Co., Ltd. is engaged in the manufacture of medical products. We offer operating room equipments, orthopedic surgery devices, neurological surgery devices, general surgery devices, hemo
Address: 3-6-3 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 131-0033, Japan
Phone: +81-(3)-3818-4041
Products: Obstetrical Retractors, Retractors, Sutures, Desmarres Lid Retractors, Rake Retractors, Jaffe Lid Retractors, ...
Kyowa Tokei Kogyo Co., Ltd. supplies sutures, suture needles, retractors and bone operating devices.