 Ophthalmoscopes Suppliers > Retrofit, Llc

Retrofit, Llc

Contact: Ron Bochner
Address: 10 Candle Ln., East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-288-1950 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Retrofit, Llc specializes in gynecological exam tables. Gynocart™ is a device that is designed for bedside examinations of hospitalized patients and emergency room visitors. It enables a physician to perform an optimal bedside gynecologic, urologic or proctoscopic exam. This device wheels up to the foot of a hospital bed or emergency room stretcher. The flipperdesk is a space saving device that provides additional writing surface at already crowded nursing stations. The medical utility belt is a safety device for the health professional. It is a medico-legal risk reduction device for the health care facility. It provides a carrying pouch for safety goggles, gloves and masks. This reduces the risks associated with accidental contact with infected body fluids.

FDA Registration Number: 3005616830

6 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Flipper Desks
• Gynecological Examination Table
• Medical Utility Belts
• Powered Medical Examination Table (FDA Code: LGX / 878.4960)
Operating tables and accessories and operating chairs and accessories are AC-powered or air-powered devices, usually with movable components, intended for use during diagnostic examinations or surgical procedures to support and position a patient.
• Safe Posture Belts
• Space Saver Vacuum Manifolds

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