 Rehabilitation Treadmills Suppliers > Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics

Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics

Contact: Dan Kastenholz
Address: 2316 W. Wisconsin St., Portage, Wisconsin 53901, USA
Phone: +1-(608)-745-6130 | Fax: +1-(608)-742-6949 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics deals with the development of molded and extruded components for medical original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). Our product category comprises of silicone, thermoplastic elastomer, and thermoplastic. Some of our product names are Bio-Sil®, Silmedic®, C-Flex® tubing, Tygon® and PharmaPure®. Bio-Sil® 1250 is a medical-grade translucent silicone elastomer tubing ideally suitable for hospital applications where strength, durability, long life & non-reactivity with bodily fluids and skin are of primary importance. C-Flex® is a unique, patented thermoplastic elastomer specifically designed to meet the critical demands of the medical device industry. It is non-pyrogenic, non-cytotoxic, non-hemolytic, significantly less permeable than silicone, heat-sealable, bondable & formable, and has longer peristaltic pump life.

The company is ISO 9001, CE certified. SGO (SEC Filings)

FDA Registration Number: 1054044

26 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Breathing Hose
• Fluid Delivery Tubing (FDA Code: FPK / 880.5440)
An intravascular administration set is a device used to administer fluids from a container to a patient's vascular system through a needle or catheter inserted into a vein. The device may include the needle or catheter, tubing, a flow regulator, a drip chamber, an infusion line filter, an I.V. set stopcock, fluid delivery tubing, connectors between parts of the set, a side tube with a cap to serve as an injection site, and a hollow spike to penetrate and connect the tubing to an I.V. bag or other infusion fluid container.
• General Tubing
• Hospital Silicone Tubing
• Medical Grade Silicone Tubing
• Medical Grade Vinyl Tubing
• Medical Tubing
• Non-Conductive Tubing
• Packaging Sealer
• Plastic Tubing
• Plastic Tubing Clamp
• Platinum-Cured Biopharmaceutical Silicone Tubing
• Polyethylene Tubing
• Polyethylene Tubing Adapter
• Polyvinyl Chloride Tubing
• Pressure Tubing and Accessories (FDA Code: BYX / 868.5860)
Pressure tubing and accessories are flexible or rigid devices intended to deliver pressurized medical gases.
• PVC Tubing Medical
• Silicone Tubing
• Silicone Tubing, Medical Grade
• Synthetic Polymer
• Thermoplastic Tubing
• Tubing
• Urethane Tubing
• Ventilator Tubing and Support Set (FDA Code: BZO / 868.5975)
Ventilator tubing is a device intended for use as a conduit for gases between a ventilator and a patient during ventilation of the patient.
• Vinyl Tubing, Plastic
• Wire-Reinforced Silicone Tubing

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