 Heparin Suppliers > Scanamed


Contact: Larry Brewton - Owner
Address: 430 E 162nd St., South Holland, Illinois 60473, USA
Phone: +1-(708)-473-2072 | Fax: +1-(708)-564-0865 | Map/Directions >>

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Profile: Scanamed specializes in providing EMG, nerve conduction equipment, and pain fiber testing units. We carry a wide range of products to suit a variety of budgets and tastes. Our products include black & white ultrasound, laptop ultrasound, and ultrasound probes. CTS-5500 is a high-end digital ultrasound imaging system. It adopts high-density super-broadband five-frequency probes and digital imaging technologies, to achieve clear image. Powerful functions and configurations such as large capacity image storage, cine-loop, USB ports, dual-probe connectors, 8-TGC, back light silicon-gel keyboard and non-interlaced monitor are integrated in the system. Apogee 1100 is a hand-carried color doppler imaging system which is compactly designed and with powerful performance. It has both the advantages of mobile color doppler system and portable system with high resolution & powerful functions. The data stored in cine-loop storage are in RF format, thus images are in high resolution and with least distortion.

11 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Braces & Collars
• Cervical Neck Collar
• Color Doppler System
• Digital Ultrasound Imaging System
• Intravascular Ultrasound Imaging System
• Medical Ultrasound Imagings
• Neck Collars
• Ultrasound Imaging
• Ultrasound Imaging Components
• Ultrasound Imaging Probes
• Ultrasound Probes

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