Address: 1216B Rollins Road, Burlingame, California 94010, USA
www.baygene.com |
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Phone: +1-(650)-375-1600
Products: Digital Microscopy Cameras, Vacuum Manifold Aids, Vacuum Manifolds, Dual Bank Vacuum Manifolds, Single Bank Vacuum Manifolds, Space Saver Vacuum Manifolds, ...
Bay Gene, Inc. is a biotechnology & genomic company that discovers, develops and markets new products for molecular biology research. We offer products like plasmid DNA purification system, total RNA
Address: 2746 Loker Avenue West, Carlsbad, California 92010, USA
www.mobio.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-606-6246, 760-929-9911
Products: Liquid Bacterial Media Misc, Agar, Nitrile Gloves, Vacuum Manifold Aids, Vacuum Manifolds, Vacuum Pumps, ...
MO BIO Laboratories, Inc. develops tools for researchers in molecular biology. We offer products like DNA clean-up and gel extraction, plasmid DNA isolation, soil DNA isolation, blood DNA isolation, t
Address: 10394 Pacific Center Court, San Diego, California 92121, USA
www.emdbiosciences.com |
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Phone: +1-(858)-450-9600
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~130
Products: Vacuum Manifolds, Anti-acetylcholine Receptor Alpha Monoclonal Antibody, Dual Bank Vacuum Manifolds, Single Bank Vacuum Manifolds, Space Saver Vacuum Manifolds, Polyclonal Antibody Goat Anti-whole hCG, ...
EMD Biosciences, Inc. renders a broad range of life science research products used in disease-related life science research. We offer products like molecular biology, nuclear acid purification, peptid
Address: 27220 Turnberry Lane,Suite 200, Valencia, California 91355, USA
www1.qiagen.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-718-2056
FDA Registration: 3004013603
Products: Laboratory Automation Systems, Vacuum Manifold Aids, Vacuum Manifolds, Vacuum Pumps, Microcentrifuges, Plate Sealing Films, ...
Qiagen provides integrated solutions for life sciences. We offer products like animal & vertenary testing, biomedical research, drug development, genetic identics, forensics, biosecurity, water & envi
Address: 3M Center Building 270-2A-08, St. Paul, Minnesota 55144-1000, USA
www.3M.com/empore |
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Phone: +1-(612)-509-5330, (888)-737-6501
Products: Vacuum Manifold Aids, Vacuum Manifolds, Plate Sealing Films, Digital Manifold Vacuum Aids, Dual Bank Vacuum Manifolds, Single Bank Vacuum Manifolds, ...
3M Bioanalytical Technologies is a diversified technology company, which focuses on consumer & office, display & graphics, electro & communications, health care, industrial & transportation, safety, s
Address: International Department, 75 Panorama Creek Drive, Rochester, New York 14625, USA
www.nalgenunc.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-625-4327
FDA Registration: 1314344 Year Established: 1949
Annual Revenues: USD 100-500 Million
Employee Count: ~900
Quality: ISO, CE Certified
Products: Microplate Washers, Vacuum Manifolds, Plate Sealing Films, Plate Sealing Foils, Centrifuge Aids, General Diagnostic Supplies, ...
Nalge Nunc International is an ISO 13485 certified company. Our hydrometer jar is a one-piece unit, which is transparent, has superior chemical resistance & an upper temperature limit of 135°C. It
Address: One Cantiague Road, P.O. Box 1019, Westbury, New York 11590-0207, USA
www.brinkmann.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-645-3050
Year Established: 1967
Employee Count: ~30
Products: Laboratory Sterilizers, pH Monitoring System, Thermal Shakers, Microhematocrit Centrifuges, Vacuum Manifolds, Vacuum Pumps, ...
Brinkmann Instruments, Inc supplies laboratory products. We offer products like brinkman column chromatography, physical measurements, digesters, dispensing & dilution products, process analysers, ele
Address: 68 Elm Street, Hopkinton, Massachusetts 01748, USA
www.caliperls.com |
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Phone: +1-(508)-435-9500
Products: Vacuum Manifolds, Computed Tomography, Dual Bank Vacuum Manifolds, Single Bank Vacuum Manifolds, Space Saver Vacuum Manifolds, Software Programs, ...
Caliper Life Sciences develops in vivo biophotonic technology, which allows non-invasive exploration of genes and tumor cells. We offer patented biophotonic and fluorescent imaging technologies. Our p