 Cardiac Output Modules Suppliers > Smith River Biologicals

Smith River Biologicals

Address: 9388 Charity Hwy., Ferrum, Virginia 24088, USA
Phone: +1-(276)-930-2369 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Smith River Biologicals provides prepared culture media, tubed, bottled and plated, and biologicals for the professional microbiologist. We offer media to water and wastewater treatment facilities, food processors, cosmetic manufacturers, universities, federal and state government agencies, hospitals and physicians' offices. We also specialize in custom media for industry and research, and provide numerous specialty biologicals.

13 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Culture Media Supplements (FDA Code: JSK / 866.2450)
A supplement for culture media is a device, such as a vitamin or sugar mixture, that is added to a solid or liquid basal culture medium to produce a desired formulation and that is intended for medical purposes to enhance the growth of fastidious microorganisms (those having complex nutritional requirements). This device aids in the diagnosis of diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms.
• General Nutrient Broth Culture Media (FDA Code: JSC / 866.2350)
A microbiological assay culture medium is a device that consists primarily of liquid or solid biological materials intended for medical purposes to cultivate selected test microorganisms in order to measure by microbiological procedures the concentration in a patient's serum of certain substances, such as amino acids, antimicrobial agents, and vitamins. The concentration of these substances is measured by their ability to promote or inhibit the growth of the test organism in the innoculated medium. Test results aid in the diagnosis of disease resulting from either deficient or excessive amounts of these substances in a patient's serum. Tests results may also be used to monitor the effects of the administration of certain antimicrobial drugs.
• Mueller Hinton Agar Broth Culture Media (FDA Code: JTZ / 866.1700)
A culture medium for antimicrobial susceptibility tests is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of any medium capable of supporting the growth of many of the bacterial pathogens that are subject to antimicrobial susceptibility tests. The medium should be free of components known to be antagonistic to the common agents for which susceptibility tests are performed in the treatment of disease.
• Multiple Biochemical Test Culture Media (FDA Code: JSE / 866.2320)
A differential culture medium is a device that consists primarily of liquid biological materials intended for medical purposes to cultivate and identify different types of pathogenic microorganisms. The identification of these microorganisms is accomplished by the addition of a specific biochemical component(s) to the medium. Microorganisms are identified by a visible change (e.g., a color change) in a specific biochemical component(s) which indicates that specific metabolic reactions have occurred. Test results aid in the diagnosis of disease and also provide epidemiological information on diseases caused by these microorganisms.
• Non-Propagating Transport Culture Media (FDA Code: JSM / 866.2390)
A transport culture medium is a device that consists of a semisolid, usually non-nutrient, medium that maintains the viability of suspected pathogens contained in patient specimens while in transit from the specimen collection area to the laboratory. The device aids in the diagnosis of disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms and also provides epidemiological information on these diseases.
• Non-Selective and Differential Culture Media (FDA Code: JSH / 866.2320)
• Non-Selective and Non-Differential Culture Media (FDA Code: JSG / 866.2300)
A multipurpose culture medium is a device that consists primarily of liquid or solid biological materials intended for medical purposes for the cultivation and identification of several types of pathogenic microorganisms without the need of additional nutritional supplements. Test results aid in the diagnosis of disease and also provide epidemiological information on diseases caused by these microorganisms.
• Pathogenic Neisseria Culture Media (FDA Code: JTY / 866.2410)
A culture medium for pathogenicNeisseria spp. is a device that consists primarily of liquid or solid biological materials used to cultivate and identify pathogenicNeisseria spp. The identification aids in the diagnosis of disease caused by bacteria belonging to the genusNeisseria, such as epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis, other meningococcal disease, and gonorrhea, and also provides epidemiological information on these microorganisms.
• Propagating Transport Culture Media (FDA Code: JSN / 866.2390)
• Selective and Differential Culture Media (FDA Code: JSI / 866.2360)
A selective culture medium is a device that consists primarily of liquid or solid biological materials intended for medical purposes to cultivate and identify certain pathogenic microorganisms. The device contains one or more components that suppress the growth of certain microorganisms while either promoting or not affecting the growth of other microorganisms. The device aids in the diagnosis of disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms and also provides epidemiological information on these diseases.
• Selective and Non-Differential Culture Media (FDA Code: JSJ / 866.2360)
• Selective Broth Culture Media (FDA Code: JSD / 866.2360)
• Single Biochemical Test Culture Media (FDA Code: JSF / 866.2320)

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