Profile: Smiths Medical ASD, Inc supplies devices that are used during critical & intensive care, surgery, post-operative care during recovery & in a series of high-end home infusion therapies. We focus on developing technologies that offer both clinical & economic advantages to our healthcare providers and patients. We render market-leading solutions in anaesthesia & safety devices. Our Venipuncture Needle-Pro® device is a holder-based safety device that minimizes back-end exposure by preventing needle removal and holder re-use & is compliant with OSHA directives.
The company was founded in 1978, has revenues of USD 25-50 Million, has ~280 employees and is ISO 9001, CE certified. LON:SMIN (SEC Filings)
FDA Registration Number: 1824231
• Nerve Locator Replacement Regional Block Lead Wire Set |
• Non-Direct Patient Interface Humidifier (FDA Code: KFZ / 868.5460) A therapeutic humidifier for home use is a device that adds water vapor to breathing gases and that is intended for respiratory therapy or other medical purposes. The vapor produced by the device pervades the area surrounding the patient, who breathes the vapor during normal respiration. |
• Non-Heated Nebulizer |
• Non-Implanted Hemodialysis Catheters (FDA Code: MPB / 876.5540) A blood access device and accessories is a device intended to provide access to a patient's blood for hemodialysis or other chronic uses. When used in hemodialysis, it is part of an artificial kidney system for the treatment of patients with renal failure or toxemic conditions and provides access to a patient's blood for hemodialysis. The device includes implanted blood access devices, nonimplanted blood access devices, and accessories for both the implanted and nonimplanted blood access devices. |
• Non-Mercury Thermometers |
• Non-Rebreathing Oxygen Mask (FDA Code: KGB / 868.5570) A nonrebreathing mask is a device fitting over a patient's face to administer oxygen. It utilizes one-way valves to prevent the patient from rebreathing previously exhaled gases. |
• Non-Rebreathing Valve (FDA Code: CBP / 868.5870) A nonrebreathing valve is a one-way valve that directs breathing gas flow to the patient and vents exhaled gases into the atmosphere. |
• Nylon Epidural Catheters |
• Oocyte Recovery Set Single Lumen |
• Oocyte Recovery Systems |
• Operating Procedure Trays |
• Oral Care System |
• Oral Endotracheal Tubes |
• OSHA Compliant, Protective Disposable Garments |
• Other Catheter |
• Oxygen Aids |
• Oxygen Masks (FDA Code: BYG / 868.5580) An oxygen mask is a device placed over a patient's nose, mouth, or tracheostomy to administer oxygen or aerosols. |
• Oxygen Nasal Cannula (FDA Code: CAT / 868.5340) A nasal oxygen cannula is a two-pronged device used to administer oxygen to a patient through both nostrils. |
• Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) Infusion Pump (FDA Code: MEA / 880.5725) An infusion pump is a device used in a health care facility to pump fluids into a patient in a controlled manner. The device may use a piston pump, a roller pump, or a peristaltic pump and may be powered electrically or mechanically. The device may also operate using a constant force to propel the fluid through a narrow tube which determines the flow rate. The device may include means to detect a fault condition, such as air in, or blockage of, the infusion line and to activate an alarm. |
• Pediatric Garments |
• Pediatric Pulse Oximeter |
• PEP Therapy System |
• Percussor, Vibrator (FDA Code: GWZ / 882.1700) A percussor is a small hammerlike device used by a physician to provide light blows to a body part. A percussor is used as a diagnostic aid during physical examinations. |
• Percutaneous Catheter (FDA Code: DQY / 870.1250) A percutaneous catheter is a device that is introduced into a vein or artery through the skin using a dilator and a sheath (introducer) or guide wire. |
• Percutaneous Catheters Sets, Pediatric |
• Percutaneous Catheters Sets, Pediatric Percutaneous Access |
• Peritoneal Catheter (FDA Code: GBW / 878.4200) An introduction/drainage catheter is a device that is a flexible single or multilumen tube intended to be used to introduce nondrug fluids into body cavities other than blood vessels, drain fluids from body cavities, or evaluate certain physiologic conditions. Examples include irrigation and drainage catheters, pediatric catheters, peritoneal catheters (including dialysis), and other general surgical catheters. An introduction/drainage catheter accessory is intended to aid in the manipulation of or insertion of the device into the body. Examples of accessories include adaptors, connectors, and catheter needles. |
• Plastic Tubing Clamp |
• Platinum-Cured Biopharmaceutical Silicone Tubing |
• Portable Pulse Oximeter |
• Positive End Expiratory Pressure Breathing Attachment (FDA Code: BYE / 868.5965) A positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) breathing attachment is a device attached to a ventilator that is used to elevate pressure in a patient's lungs above atmospheric pressure at the end of exhalation. |
• Post-Surgery Compression Garments |
• Postsurgical Garments |
• Pressure Cycled Ventilator |
• Pressure Infuser |
• Pressure Infusor for I.V. Bags (FDA Code: KZD / 880.5420) A pressure infusor for an I.V. bag is a device consisting of an inflatable cuff which is placed around an I.V. bag. When the device is inflated, it increases the pressure on the I.V. bag to assist the infusion of the fluid. |
• Pressure Monitoring Kit |
• Pressure Monitoring Lines |
• Pressure Transducer Dome |
• Pressure Transducer Kits |
• Pressure Transducer Monitoring Kits |
• Pressure Tubing and Accessories (FDA Code: BYX / 868.5860) Pressure tubing and accessories are flexible or rigid devices intended to deliver pressurized medical gases. |
• Procedure Kits & Packs |
• Procedure Trays |
• Procedure TrayS For Surgery |
• Product Development, Pulse Oximeter |
• Pulmonary Function Flowmeter |
• Pulse Oximeter Accessories |
• Pulse Oximeter Adapter Cables |
• Pulse Oximeter Connector Cables |