Address: 47651 Westinghouse Dr., Fremont, California 94539, USA
usa.nidek.com |
Phone: +1-(510)-226-5700, 800-223-9044
FDA Registration: 2936921
Products: AC- powered Corneal Topographers (FDA Code:
MMQ), AC-Powered Ophthalmic Camera (FDA Code:
HKI), AC-Powered Automatic Perimeter (FDA Code:
HPT), AC-Powered Biomicroscope Slit Lamp (FDA Code:
HJO), AC-Powered Keratome (FDA Code:
HNO), AC-Powered Keratoscope (FDA Code:
HLQ), ...
Nidek, Inc. offers a wide array of equipment designed for the diagnosis and treatment of retinal diseases, glaucoma, and other vision-impairing afflictions. Our compact and reliable GYC-1000, solid-st