
Stone Extraction Balloon Triple Lumen Suppliers

 EMAIL INQUIRY to  2 suppliers  
Meditalia | Address: Via Saline, 75/A, Palermo 90149, Italy | Send Inquiry | Phone: 0039/091/6841193
Products: Stone Extraction Balloon Triple Lumen, Endoscopy Accessories, Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, Endoscopy Devices, ...
Meditalia is an import-export marketing research company of surgical instruments. We are manufacturers of endoscopic accessories. Our products include silicone spray, UV cabinet, vein stripper and bio more...
Medi-Globe GmbH | Address: Medi-Globe-Strasse 1-5, Achenmuhle 83101, Germany Germany | Send Inquiry | Phone: +49-(8032)-973-0
FDA Registration: 9680809  Quality: ISO 13485: 2007 Certified
Products: Snares, Guidewires, Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code: FHQ), Catheters, Biopsy Forceps, Lithotripsy Systems, ...
Medi-Globe GmbH produces and distributes minimal-invasive instruments & accessories used in the fields of gastroenterology & flexible endoscopy. We also deal with wound care systems. We have DIN EN IS more...
 EMAIL INQUIRY to  2 Stone Extraction Balloon Triple Lumen suppliers  
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