Profile: Supertech Inc focuses on X-ray technique calculations, leaded acrylic mobile and modular barriers & radiation detection & safety. Our products contain essential instruments for checking and calibrating equipment. Our product line includes sensitometers, economy model densitometer and step edges. Our anesthesiology / pain management catalog includes kip injection phantom, lumbar training phantom, general purpose and endoscopic phantom, surgical c-arm pain management table, aprons, attenuating gloves, mobile barriers, and radiation protection eyewear. our epidural pain management training phantom provides a realistic puncture practice phantom for use with fluoroscopic image guidance. The phantom contains realistic anatomy to facilitate eye / hand coordination in a training environment. Our breast biopsy phantom mimics the appearance, touch and acoustic properties of the human breast. It is combined with 5 and 10 mm diameter, cystic and solid-like tissue-mimicking target structures embedded randomly throughout the phantom. Our skull phantom is made from materials, which are imaged using x-ray, CT, and MR. The skull is manufactured from an epoxy based tissue substitute. The interstitial and surrounding soft tissues are made from a proprietary water based polymer. The gel is formulated to accommodate specific requirements such as x-ray attenuation, contrast, and MR response. The entire phantom is encased in a vacuum formed plastic shell.
The company was founded in 1973, has revenues of USD 1-5 Million and is CE certified.