Address: P. O Box No 2550,Nargate street, Jinah Park Colony,No-2, Sialkot 51310, Pakistan
www.bszsurgico.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: 92 52 4580548
Products: Laryngoscopes, Retractors, Saws (FDA Code:
HSO), Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), Microsurgical Knives, Biopsy Forceps, ...
BSZ Surgico is a medical instruments manufacturing company. We have surgical instruments, dental instruments, scissors, T.C. instruments and medical & general tools. We have forceps, needle holder for
Address: Kotli Loharan East, Sialkot 51210, Pakistan
www.twinsersurgical.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-3530418
Products: Retractors, Scalpels, Trocars, Surgical Scalpels, Surgical forceps, Surgical Retractor Systems (FDA Code:
GAD), ...
Twinser International specializes in the manufacture and export of surgical, dental, eye, orthopedic & tungsten carbide instruments. We are an ISO 9001, ISO 13485, cGMP and CE certified company. Our s
Address: A.N.A Square, Airport Road, Muradpur, Sialkot 51310, Pakistan
www.anaamity.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-4268654
Quality: ISO-9001 Certified
Products: Elevators, Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Retractors, Saws (FDA Code:
HSO), Scalpels, ...
A.N.A Amity Impex is a manufacturer and exporter of surgical, dental, veterinary, manicure & pedicure implements. We are an ISO 9001:2000, pGMP and CE certified company. Our surgical instruments inclu
Address: P.O Box 51010, Ghani industries Mohalla Rai walla Afshan Link Road, Daska Dist., Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan
www.surgicalking.com |
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Phone: +92-(52)-6618300
Products: Anesthesia Equipment, Gynecology Instruments, Micro Surgery Instruments, Calipers, Goniometers, General Urology Supplies, ...
Surgical King Co. specializes in the manufacture and export of surgical, dental, TC instruments & scissors. We are an ISO 9002 certified company. We offer surgical instruments for applications in anes
Address: Eltastrasse 9, Wurmlingen D 78573, Germany
www.schmid-medizintechnik-gmbh.de |
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Phone: +49-(7461)-2723
FDA Registration: 8010374 Quality: ISO 13485 Certified
Products: Scissors, Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), Disposable Microscissors, Calipers, Razors & Blades, ...
Schmid Medizintechnik GmbH specializes in the manufacture of surgical instruments. Our products include needle holders, scissors, glaucoma punches, caliper and razor blade holder/breaker. We manufactu
Address: 202-277 Mountain Highway, North Vancouver, British Columbia V7J 3P2, Canada
www.finescience.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(604)-980-2481, 800-665-5355
Products: Bone Cutters, Bone Rongeurs, Self-Retaining Retractors (FDA Code:
FFO), Microsurgical Knives, Backhaus Towel Forceps, Ultra-Microtome Diamond Knife, ...
Fine Science Tools, Inc. markets surgical & microsurgical instruments to the scientific and biomedical research community. Our products include scissors, bone instruments, scalpels & blades, curettes,