Address: 1370 Creekside Boulevard, Naples, Florida 34108-1945, USA
www.arthrex.com |
Phone: +1-(800)-933-7001
FDA Registration: 1220246
Products: Interference Screws, Small Joint Arthroscopy Instruments, Small Joint Arthroscopy Instrument Sets, Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release Systems, Leg Positioners, Arthroscopes (FDA Code:
HRX), ...
Arthrex provides quality products & educational services to meet the special needs of orthopaedic surgeons and their patients. We focus on creative product development and medical education. We develo
Address: PO Box 587, Warsaw, Indiana 46581-0587, USA
www.biomet.com/orthopedics |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(574)-267-6639
FDA Registration: 1825034 Year Established: 1977
Annual Revenues: > USD 1 Billion
Employee Count: ~20
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Heat or Cold Packs, Blades, Drills, Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Saws (FDA Code:
HSO), ...
Biomet, Inc designs and manufactures products for hip replacement, knee replacement, shoulder replacement, elbow replacement & other small joint replacements. We are an ISO 9001 CE certified company.
Address: 2825 Airview Boulevard, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49002, USA
www.stryker.com/en-us/index.htm |
Phone: +1-(269)-385-2600
Products: Insufflators, Saws (FDA Code:
HSO), Light Sources, Bipolar Forceps, Titanium Plating Systems, Bone Drills, ...
Stryker offers a full range of laparoscopic products that meet the performance needed by surgeons. From the uniform image created by our laparoscopes to our StrykeFlow II suction irrigation system, we
Address: 10180 Viking Dr., Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344, USA
www.inletmedical.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(952)-942-5034, 800-969-0269
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~10
Products: Suture Passers, Knot Pushers and Tighteners, Surgical Suture Passers, Trocar Wound Closure System, Ligament Grasper, Knot Pusher, ...
Inlet Medical, Inc. deals with medical products and services. Our product categories are obstetrics, family planning, general examination, cervical care, incontinence products, surgical and neonatal p
Address: New Bedford Industrial Park, New Bedford, Massachusetts 02745, USA
www.symmetrymedical.com |
Phone: +1-(508)-998-4493
Products: Vaginal Retractors (FDA Code:
HDL), Saws (FDA Code:
HSO), Gastroenterologic Needle Holder (FDA Code:
FHQ), Instruments, Self-Retaining Retractors (FDA Code:
FFO), Lacrimal Probes (FDA Code:
HNL), ...
Symmetry Medical Inc. manufactures implants, instruments and cases to orthopedic devices. We offer cases and trays that made of metal, plastic or hybrid. We provide forged, cast, machined and finished
Address: 3208 S.E. 13th Ave., Portland, Oregon 97202, USA
www.orthomedinc.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(503)-234-9691, 800-547-5571
FDA Registration: 3019455 Year Established: 1970
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~10
Products: Mallets, Chisels, Osteotomes, Suture Passers, Biopsy Punches (FDA Code:
FCI), General Surgical Instruments, ...
Ortho-Med, Inc. specializes in surgical instruments. Our product list comprises of wire & pin implants, spinal rongeurs & punches, bone curettes, osteotomes, chisels and bone files. Our hot or cold ve
Address: 15 Adam Street, London WC2N 6LA, United Kingdom
www.smith-nephew.com/uk |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +44-(020)-7401-7646
Year Established: 1856
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~320
Products: Curettes, Sutures, Light Sources, Headlight Box / Light source, Tibial Inserts, Patellar Implants, ...
Smith & Nephew develops and markets advanced medical devices. We focus on orthopaedics, endoscopy and advanced wound management. We create new solutions to chronic and acute wound management problems.