 Human Troponin ELISA Kits Suppliers > Technology in Medicine, Inc.

Technology in Medicine, Inc.

Address: 325 Hopping Brook Road, Holliston, Massachusetts 01746-1456, USA
Phone: +1-(508)-893-9500 | Fax: +1-(508)-893-9501 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Technology in Medicine, Inc. provides medical equipment technology and asset management solutions. We render clinical engineering services to hospitals, integrated health systems & alternate care providers on a contractual basis. We deliver a variety of facility and environmental testing services that include waste anesthetic testing & analysis of occupational exposure of operating room personnel to nitrous oxide & halogenated agents.

1 to 50 of 286 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 >> Next 50 Results
• Acid and Corrosive Chemical Storage, Polypropylene Cabinets
• Adjustable Bone Holding Forceps
• Adjustable Sphygmomanometer
• Adson 1 x 2 Teeth Tissue Forceps
• Adson-Graefe Tissue Forceps
• Adult Muscle Forceps
• Adult Wheelchairs
• Advanced inverted microscope
• Advanced Microscope Objective
• All-Purpose Foreign Body Forceps
• Alligator Forceps
• Aluminum Finger Splints
• Aneroid Sphygmomanometer
• Anesthesia
• Anesthesia Ring
• Angled Micro Capsulorhexis Forceps
• Angled Micro Tying Forceps
• Angled tying utility Forceps
• Anterior chamber utility Forceps
• Asset Management Services Consulting Service
• Auto Inverted Microscope
• Beam-Scanning Confocal Microscope
• Binocular and Trinocular Inverted Microscopes
• Biomedical Device Consulting
• Biomedical Devices Repair Service
• Biomedical Spare Parts
• Biopsy Forceps, Internal Jugular Approach 7
• BiPolar Bayonet Forceps
• Bipolar Forceps, Handswitching
• body fat calipers
• Bone Holding and Plate Holding Forceps
• Bowls & Basins
• Cabinets
• Calipers
• Chairs & stools
• Chemical Supplies
• Clinical BX Microscope
• Clinical CH2 microscopes
• Clinical CX Microscopes
• Clinical Inverted Microscopes
• Clinical Mercury Thermometers (FDA Code: FLK / 880.2920)
A clinical mercury thermometer is a device used to measure oral, rectal, or axillary (armpit) body temperature using the thermal expansion of mercury.
• Clinical Specular Microscopes (FDA Code: NQE / 886.1850)
An AC-powered slitlamp biomicroscope is an AC-powered device that is a microscope intended for use in eye examination that projects into a patient's eye through a control diaphragm a thin, intense beam of light.
• Coin Operated Sphygmomanometer
• Compact Anesthesia Monitor
• Compact Wheelchairs
• Confocal Microscope Objectives
• Consulting
• Consulting Services
• Corneal fixation Forceps
• Corneal Suturing Forceps

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