Profile: Tekno-medical Optik-Chirurgie GmbH & Co KG. specializes in surgery, endoscopy, ENT, H-F surgery, and dental instruments. We also focus on the supply of different medical articles. Our product catalogue comprises of endoscopy, sterilization container and ENT. Our instruments are produced using the latest techniques & modern machinery.
The company has revenues of USD 5-10 Million, has ~50 employees and is ISO 9001, CE certified.
• Micro Castroviejo Needle Holder with Stopper |
• Micro Needle Holder |
• Micro Needle Holder Round Handle |
• Micro Needle Holders with Flat Handles |
• Micro Needle Holders with Lightweight Plastic Handles |
• Micro Ophthalmic Scissors |
• Micro Spring Handle Needle Holder |
• Micro Suturing Forceps |
• Micro Utility Forceps with Spring-lock |
• Microsurgical Bipolar Forceps |
• Microsurgical Ear Hook (FDA Code: JYL / 874.4420) |
• Microsurgical Instruments (FDA Code: GZX / 882.4525) A microsurgical instrument is a nonpowered surgical instrument used in neurological microsurgery procedures. |
• Microvascular Needle Holders |
• modified bayonet Forceps |
• Modified Watchmaker's Forceps |
• Mouth Gags (FDA Code: KBN / 874.4420) |
• Nail Extractors (FDA Code: HWB / 888.4540) An orthopedic manual surgical instrument is a nonpowered hand-held device intended for medical purposes to manipulate tissue, or for use with other devices in orthopedic surgery. This generic type of device includes the cerclage applier, awl, bender, drill brace, broach, burr, corkscrew, countersink, pin crimper, wire cutter, prosthesis driver, extractor, file, fork, needle holder, impactor, bending or contouring instrument, compression instrument, passer, socket positioner, probe, femoral neck punch, socket pusher, reamer, rongeur, scissors, screwdriver, bone skid, staple driver, bone screw starter, surgical stripper, tamp, bone tap, trephine, wire twister, and wrench. |
• Nasal & Ear Specula |
• Nasal Punch (FDA Code: KAY / 874.4420) |
• Nasal Scissors (FDA Code: KBD / 874.4420) |
• Nasal Scissors Straight (FDA Code: KBD / 874.4420) |
• Needle Holder For 10mm Diameter Tubes |
• Needle Holder Round |
• Needle Holders & Scissors |
• Needle Holders Repair Service |
• Needle Holders with TC-Inserts |
• Needle Holders with Tungsten Carbide Inserts |
• Non Dental Irrigating Syringe (FDA Code: KYZ / 880.6960) An irrigating syringe is a device intended for medical purposes that consists of a bulb or a piston syringe with an integral or a detachable tube. The device is used to irrigate, withdraw fluid from, or instill fluid into, a body cavity or wound. |
• Non-Cantilevered Ringed Forceps |
• Non-Electrical Clamp (FDA Code: FFN / 876.4730) A manual gastroenterology-urology surgical instrument and accessories is a device designed to be used for gastroenterological and urological surgical procedures. The device may be nonpowered, hand-held, or hand-manipulated. Manual gastroenterology-urology surgical instruments include the biopsy forceps cover, biopsy tray without biopsy instruments, line clamp, nonpowered rectal probe, nonelectrical clamp, colostomy spur-crushers, locking device for intestinal clamp, needle holder, gastro-urology hook, gastro-urology probe and director, nonself-retaining retractor, laparotomy rings, nonelectrical snare, rectal specula, bladder neck spreader, self-retaining retractor, and scoop. |
• Non-Surgical Tongue Depressor (FDA Code: FMA / 880.6230) A tongue depressor is a device intended to displace the tongue to facilitate examination of the surrounding organs and tissues. |
• Obstetrical Forceps (FDA Code: HDA / 884.4400) An obstetric forceps is a device consisting of two blades, with handles, designed to grasp and apply traction to the fetal head in the birth passage and facilitate delivery. |
• Open Biopsy Forceps |
• Ophthalmic Aspiration Cannula (FDA Code: HMX / 886.4350) A manual ophthalmic surgical instrument is a nonpowered, handheld device intended to aid or perform ophthalmic surgical procedures. This generic type of device includes the manual corneal burr, ophthalmic caliper, ophthalmic cannula, eyelid clamp, ophthalmic muscle clamp, iris retractor clip, orbital compressor, ophthalmic curette, cystotome, orbital depressor, lachrymal dilator, erisophake, expressor, ophthalmic forcep, ophthalmic hook, sphere introducer, ophthalmic knife, ophthalmic suturing needle, lachrymal probe, trabeculotomy probe, cornea-sclera punch, ophthalmic retractor, ophthalmic ring (Flieringa), lachrymal sac rongeur, ophthalmic scissors, enucleating snare, ophthalmic spatula, ophthalmic specula, ophthalmic spoon, ophthalmic spud, trabeculotome or ophthalmic manual trephine. |
• Ophthalmic Caliper (FDA Code: HOE / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Cannula (FDA Code: HMX / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Curette (FDA Code: HNZ / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Epilation Forceps |
• Ophthalmic Eyelid Clamp (FDA Code: HOD / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Forceps (FDA Code: HNR / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Hook (FDA Code: HNQ / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Knife (FDA Code: HNN / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Manual Trephine (FDA Code: HRH / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Muscle Clamp (FDA Code: HOB / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Retractor (FDA Code: HNI / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Spatula (FDA Code: HND / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Speculum (FDA Code: HNC / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Spoon (FDA Code: HNB / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Spud (FDA Code: HNA / 886.4350) |
• Ophthalmic Suture Scissors (FDA Code: HNF / 886.4350) |