Address: 27822 Fremont Ct, Valencia, California 91355, USA
www.neotechproducts.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(661)-775-7466, 800-966-0500
FDA Registration: 2025917 Year Established: 1986
Quality: ISO, CE Certified
Products: Adhesive Bandages (FDA Code:
KGX), Nasopharyngeal Airways (FDA Code:
BTQ), Foley Catheter Holders (FDA Code:
EYJ), Adhesive Hydrogel Electrodes, Ureteral Catheter Holder (FDA Code:
EYJ), Adhesive Gel Electrode, ...
Neotech Products, Inc. develops neonatal, pediatric and respiratory products. Our speciality is in creating skin friendly products that are ideal for neonates. Our binasal airway is made from soft, la