
Tracheal Tube Stylet Suppliers

  61 to 61 of 61 suppliers  Page: << Previous 20 Results 1 2 3 [4]
Bovie Medical Corp. | Address: 4056 North Service Road, Windsor, Ontario N8W 5X2, Canada Canada | Phone: +1-(519)-251-0668
Products: Forceps (FDA Code: HTD), Arthroscopes (FDA Code: HRX), Drill Bit (FDA Code: HTW), Tracheal Tube Stylet (FDA Code: BSR), Electrosurgical Cutting and Coagulation Device (FDA Code: GEI), Electrosurgical Electrode (FDA Code: JOS), ...
Bovie Medical Corporation specializes in offering surgi-center and hospital-based electrosurgical generators & accessories. We offer a full line of disposable electrosurgical electrodes in blade, ball more...
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  61 to 61 of 61 Tracheal Tube Stylet suppliers  Page: << Previous 20 Results 1 2 3 [4]
FDA Code / Regulation: BSR / 868.5790

A tracheal tube stylet is a device used temporarily to make rigid a flexible tracheal tube to aid its insertion into a patient.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 868.9.

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