
Traction Head Halter Suppliers

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Instituto De Ortopedia E Fisioterapia Sao Paulo Ltda | Address: Rua Antonio Victor Maximiano 107, Parque Industrial Ii, Santa Tereza Do Oeste 85825000, Brazil
Phone: +55-(45)-400-97044
Products: Traction Accessories, Leg Straps (FDA Code: ILZ), Traction Accessories (FDA Code: ILZ), Examination and Treatment Chair (FDA Code: FRK), Non-Powered Traction Apparatus (FDA Code: HST), Orthopedic Burr (FDA Code: HTT), Orthopedic Needle Holder (FDA Code: HXK), ...
Instituto De Ortopedia E Fisioterapia Sao Paulo Ltda deals with medical furnitures and accessories. Our products include examinations and treatment chairs, exercise components, exercise parallel bars more...
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  41 to 41 of 41 Traction Head Halter suppliers  Page: << Previous 20 Results 1 2 [3]
FDA Code / Regulation: HSS / 888.5890

A noninvasive traction component is a device, such as a head halter, pelvic belt, or a traction splint, that does not penetrate the skin and is intended to assist in connecting a patient to a traction apparatus so that a therapeutic pulling force may be applied to the patient's body.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 888.9. The device is also exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of 820.180, regarding general requirements concerning records, and 820.198, regarding complaint files.

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