Address: 46360 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, California 94538, USA
www.microgenics.com |
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Phone: +1-(510)-979-5000
FDA Registration: 3010939897 Employee Count: ~240
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Digoxin, Phenytoin (Dilantin), Controls for Diagnostic Equipment, General Diagnostic Supplies, Digoxin Calibrators, Digoxin, Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Reagents, ...
Microgenics Corporation manufactures and markets immunodiagnostic tests for drugs of abuse testing, therapeutic drug monitoring & calibration & linearity verification. We are accredited with ISO9001 a
Address: 1717 Deerfield Road, Deerfield, Illinois 60015-0778, USA
www.usa.siemens.com/diagnostics |
Phone: +1-(847)-267-5300
Quality: ISO 9000, CE Certified
Products: Laboratory Automation Systems, Biochemistry Analyzers, Blood Gas Analyzers, Coagulation Analyzers (FDA Code:
GKP), Immunoassay Systems, Immunochemistry Analyzers, ...
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, a clinical diagnostics company, provides clinicians with the vital information they need for the accurate diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients. Our comprehen
Address: 12076 Santa Fe Drive, P.O. Box 14428, Lenexa, Kansas 66215, USA
www.remelinc.com |
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Phone: +1-(913)-888-0939
FDA Registration: 1031428 Year Established: 1973
Employee Count: ~20
Products: Swabs, Chemical Sterilizers (FDA Code:
MLR), Coagulation Analyzers (FDA Code:
GKP), Myoglobin (FDA Code:
DDR), Sliding Microtomes (FDA Code:
KFL), Rotary Microtomes (FDA Code:
IDO), ...
Remel offers a wide range of microbiology products that are used in the clinical, industrial, research and academic laboratories. Our products help diagnose infection quickly and accurately, providing
Address: 100 Indigo Creek Drive, Rochester, New York 14626, USA
www.orthoclinical.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(800)-828-6316
FDA Registration: 1319809 Year Established: 1937
Products: Laboratory Automation Systems, Immunoassay Systems, Troponin I, Myoglobin (FDA Code:
DDR), Glucose Analyzers, Glucose Test Kits, ...
Ortho-clinical Diagnostics, Inc. provides diagnostic products and services for the global health care community. We deliver accurate, timely & cost-effective solutions for screening, diagnosing, monit
Address: 468 N. Camden Dr., 2nd Floor, Beverly Hills, California 90210, USA
www.oxisresearch.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(310)-860-5184, 800-547-3686
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Quality: ISO 9000 Certified
Products: Antioxidant Anti Aging System, Enzyme Immunoassay Test, Carbamazepine Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay Test (FDA Code:
LGI), Diphenylhydantoin Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay (FDA Code:
LGR), Drug Specific Calibrator (FDA Code:
DLJ), Fluorescent Immunoassay Gentamicin Test (FDA Code:
LCQ), ...
Oxis International, Inc. is the nutraceutical provider for a potent antioxidant, ergothioneine. We also have an extensive patent portfolio, and a portfolio of therapeutic compounds. Our lipid soluble
Address: 5440 Patrick Henry Dr., Santa Clara, California 95054, USA
www.abbott.us |
Phone: +1-(408)-982-4800
FDA Registration: 2919069 Employee Count: ~72000
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Myoglobin (FDA Code:
DDR), Catheter Introducers (FDA Code:
DYB), Ferritin (FDA Code:
DBF), Capillary Blood Collection Tubes (FDA Code:
GIO), Carotid Stent Systems (FDA Code:
NIM), Diagnostic Instruments, ...
Abbott Hematology offers pharmaceutical, medical, and nutritional products. Our product range comprises of medicines, medical diagnostic instruments & tests, minimally invasive surgical devices, and a
Address: 9115 Hague Road, P.O. Box 50457, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250, USA
www.roche-diagnostics.us |
Phone: +1-(317)-521-2000
Annual Revenues: USD 100-500 Million
Employee Count: ~140
Quality: ISO 9000, CE Certified
Products: Blood Glucose Meters, Immunoassay Systems, Immunochemistry Analyzers, Myoglobin (FDA Code:
DDR), Lancet Devices, Diagnostic Systems, Lancet, ...
Roche Diagnostics offers diagnostic tests and systems in the area of integrated healthcare solutions. Our products cover the early detection, targeted screening, evaluation and monitoring of the disea
Address: One Parker Plaza, Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024, USA
Phone: +1-(201)-944-1777
Annual Revenues: < USD 1 Million
Products: Carbamazepine Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code:
KLT), Digitoxin Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code:
LFM), Drug Specific Calibrator (FDA Code:
DLJ), Drug Specific Control Test (FDA Code:
LAS), Quinidine Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code:
LBZ), Theophylline Fluorescence Polarization Immunoassay Test (FDA Code:
LGS), ...
Opus Diagnostics, Inc. manufactures therapeutic drug monitoring devices. We deal with drug specific calibrators, digitoxin enzyme immunoassay tests, tobramycin fluorescence polarization immunoassay te
Address: 6009 Enterprise Drive, Export, Pennsylvania 15632, USA
Phone: +1-(724)-539-1833
FDA Registration: 2530112
Products: Myoglobin (FDA Code:
DDR), Continuous Ventilator (FDA Code:
CBK), Non-Continuous Ventilator/Respirator (FDA Code:
BZD), Tartrate Inhibited Acid Phosphatase (FDA Code:
JFH), ACTH Radioimmunoassay Test (FDA Code:
CKG), C Peptides of Proinsulin Radioimmunoassay Test (FDA Code:
JKD), ...
Carclo Technical Plastics is associated with immunoassay tests.
Address: 55 Diamond Road, Crumlin, Crumlin, Co. Antrim BT29 4QY, United Kingdom
www.randox.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +44-(28)-9442 2413
FDA Registration: 3010814230
Products: Amylase, Creatinine, HDL Cholesterol, C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Myoglobin (FDA Code:
DDR), Microalbumin, ...
Randox Laboratories Ltd. is revolutionising healthcare through continuously improving diagnostic solutions. We provide innovative, high quality solutions to make diagnostic testing faster with higher
Address: 3-4-2, Nihonbashi,Kayabacho,Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0025, Japan
www.denka-seiken.co.jp |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +81-(3)-3669-9421
FDA Registration: 3003871639
Products: Assayed and Unassayed Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (FDA Code:
JJX), LDL & VLDL Precipitation, Cholesterol Via Esterase-Oxidase (FDA Code:
LBS), Primary Calibrator (FDA Code:
JIS), Secondary Calibrator (FDA Code:
JIT), Immunoreactive Insulin Radioimmunoassay Test (FDA Code:
CFP), Lipoprotein Low-Density Test System (FDA Code:
MRR), ...
Denka Seiken Co,.Ltd.{kagamida facility} specializes in bacteriology and virology, immunochemistry, clinical chemistry and food-related diagnostic reagents. Our bacteriology products comprise of staph
Address: Sandhofer Strasse 116, Mannheim D-68305, Germany
FDA Registration: 9610529
Products: Myoglobin (FDA Code:
DDR), Ferritin (FDA Code:
DBF), Automated Urinalysis System (FDA Code:
KQO), Nephelometer (FDA Code:
JZW), ACTH Radioimmunoassay Test (FDA Code:
CKG), Nitrophenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase (FDA Code:
CJE), ...
Roche Diagnostics Gmbh Mannheim is a provider of automated urinalysis system and cardiac readers.
Address: Sandhoferstrasse 116, Mannheim D-68298, Germany
www.roche.com |
Phone: +49-(621)-759 0
FDA Registration: 9610126
Products: Myoglobin (FDA Code:
DDR), Ferritin (FDA Code:
DBF), Capillary Blood Collection Tubes (FDA Code:
GIO), Analyte Specific Reagents, Asr Reagents (FDA Code:
MVU), Automated Urinalysis System (FDA Code:
KQO), Nephelometer (FDA Code:
JZW), ...
Roche discovers, develops and provides diagnostic & therapeutic products. Our product area includes pharmaceuticals, solutions for diagnostics and products for researchers. Our pharmaceutical products