 Detection Kits, Prolactin Suppliers > Venetec International, Inc.

Venetec International, Inc.

Address: 12555 High Bluff Drive, Suite 100, San Diego, California 92130, USA
Phone: +1-(858)-350-4444, 800-833-3895 | Fax: +1-(858)-350-7899 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Venetec International, Inc. supplies medical products. We specialize in catheter securement technology. Our Statlock® devices protect patients and healthcare workers by reducing potential complications & accidental needlesticks. Our StatLock® stabilization devices replace tape & suture, reducing or preventing everyday complications associated with vascular access. Our StatLock® I.V. premium stabilization devices are designed to restrict catheter motion associated with tape securement and are clinically proven to reduce I.V. complications. They meet the 2006 INS standards for catheter stabilization.

The company has revenues of USD 5-10 Million, has ~70 employees.

1 to 50 of 152 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: [1] 2 3 4 >> Next 50 Results
• Adjunctive Devices, Thermal Catheters
• Angiographic Catheter, Pigtail Diagnostic Catheters
• Angioplasty Catheters
• Arterial Catheters
• Arterial Stabilization Device
• Balloon Catheters
• Balloon Urethral Dilator Catheters
• Bipolar Coaxial Pacing Catheters
• Bipolar Pacing Catheters
• Broviac catheters
• Bypass Catheters
• Cardiac Catheters
• Catheters
• Catheters Foley Catheters
• Central Venous Catheters
• Coronary Diagnostic Catheters
• Coronary Guide Catheters
• Cosmetic Surgical Instruments, Catheters
• Cryo Ablation Catheters
• Cryo Ablation Systems, catheters
• CryoSurgical Catheters
• Cut-Away Guide Catheters
• Delivery Catheters
• Diagnostic Catheters Pigtail Ventriculography
• Diagnostic Catheters Pigtail, Aortography
• Diagnostic Catheters, angiography
• Diagnostic Coronary Sinus EP Catheters
• Dialysis Catheters
• Dialysis Stabilization Device
• Directable Coronary Sinus Guide Catheters
• Disposable Urethral Catheters
• Distal Guide Catheters
• Double Loop Catheters
• Double Loop Catheters DL
• Double Loop Catheters SHDL
• Double-J Urethral Catheters
• EBU (Extra Back-Up) Left Coronary Guide Catheters
• Embolectomy Catheters (FDA Code: DXE / 870.5150)
An embolectomy catheter is a balloon-tipped catheter that is used to remove thromboemboli, i.e., blood clots which have migrated in blood vessels from one site in the vascular tree to another.
• Endocardial Ablation Catheters
• Epidural Stabilization Device
• Esophageal Balloon Catheters
• Esophageal Catheters
• External Catheters
• Female External Catheters
• Female Indwelling Catheters
• Female Intermittent Catheters
• Femoral Left Catheters
• Femoral Left Catheters Femoral Curve Left
• Femoral Left Catheters Femoral Left Short Tip
• Femoral Left Catheters Guide Catheter

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