
Vulcon Technologies

Address: 718 Main Street, Grandview, Missouri 64030, USA
Phone: +1-(816)-966-1212, 888-522-7746 | Fax: +1-(816)-966-8879 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Vulcon Technologies manufactures centrifuges for the medical laboratory industry. Out products include clinaseal, variseal, clinaspin, microspin, quantum, rototron, and hemodyne. The clinaseal features a 30 minute variable timer and is available in six place or eight place versions & the drive motor is brushless and permanently lubricated. A lid safety switch prevents unit operation when the lid is open. The microspin is a 24 tube microhematocrit centrifuge that is more affordable than many competitive 6 tube instruments. The platter spins to 10,000 RPM allowing for rapid spindowns. The built in spiral reader is infinitely adjustable to allow accurate hematocrit determinations at all capillary tube fill volumes. The Hemodyne blood rocker is essential to keep hematology samples thoroughly mixed prior to analysis. A synchronous motor and teflon bearings at all pivot points help to assure years of quiet, reliable service. The tube cradle is removable for easy cleaning. Our quantum performs centrifugal blood cell separations, urine separations and sperm cell washing. Our rototron rotator is a compact benchtop unit for rotational mixing needs & is ideally suited for aggultination test cards, chemical mixing and other rotational mixing needs.

13 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Benchtop Rotators
• Blender/Mixer (FDA Code: JRO / 862.2050)
General purpose laboratory equipment labeled or promoted for a specific medical use is a device that is intended to prepare or examine specimens from the human body and that is labeled or promoted for a specific medical use.
• Blood Mixing and Weighing Device (FDA Code: KSQ / 864.9195)
A blood mixing device is a device intended for medical purposes that is used to mix blood or blood components by agitation. A blood weighing device is a device intended for medical purposes that is used to weigh blood or blood components as they are collected.
• Centrifuges
• CLIA-Waived Diagnostic Devices, Microhematocrit Centrifuges
• Clinical Centrifuge
• Hematocrit Measuring Device (FDA Code: JPI / 864.6400)
A hematocrit measuring device is a system consisting of instruments, tubes, racks, and a sealer and a holder. The device is used to measure the packed red cell volume in blood to determine whether the patient's total red cell volume is normal or abnormal. Abnormal states include anemia (an abnormally low total red cell volume) and erythrocytosis (an abnormally high total red cell mass). The packed red cell volume is produced by centrifuging a given volume of blood.
• Hematology Blood Rocker
• Laboratory Centrifuges, Floor
• Microhematocrit Centrifuges
• Non-Refrigerated Centrifuges
• Refrigerated Centrifuges (FDA Code: JQC / 862.2050)
• Scientific Microhematocrit Centrifuges

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