Profile: Weber Medical Gmbh offers laser acupuncture devices. We provide laser blood irradiation and laser therapy. Our laser acupuncture device has 12 lasers, which can treat 12 points simultaneously and perform a real acupuncture. Red, infrared, green and blue lasers can be combined for an effective treatment with various additional biological effects. Weberneedle lasershower body is an effective tool for treating joint diseases, pain syndromes or wound healing, and for skin irradiation and local acupuncture. Weberneedle® bloodsystem is a intravasal intravenal radiation of the blood by means of low-energy laser rays. This causes an absortion of the light quanta via the blood cells and gives rise to multifarious positive curing reactions. The bio-stimulating effects of the laser light take place directly on the blood.
FDA Registration Number: 3007165178
US Agent: Steve Liu / Hanling Acupuncture Healing Center
Phone: +1-(520)-878-8116 Fax: +1-(520)-878-2355 E-Mail:
7 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)
• Acupuncture Kits |
• Acupuncture Needles |
• Acupuncture Stimulator |
• Facial Acupuncture Needles |
• Laser-L Type Needles with Tubes |
• Therapeutic Heating Infrared Lamp (FDA Code: ILY / 890.5500) An infrared lamp is a device intended for medical purposes that emits energy at infrared frequencies (approximately 700 nanometers to 50,000 nanometers) to provide topical heating. |
• TInfrared Light (FDA Code: ILY / 890.5500) |