Profile: Welch Allyn, Inc. is a medical device company. We manufacture innovative medical diagnostic equipment & therapeutic devices, cardiac defibrillators, patient monitoring systems and miniature precision lamps. Our product portfolio consists of eye, ear, nose & throat care products, stethoscopes, blood pressure management, cardiopulmonary, thermometry, patient monitors & systems, defibrillation, lighting, women's health, endoscopy and replacement parts. We also manufacture and develop veterinary devices. Our Micropaq® is a wearable wireless monitor, which has significant advantage over traditional telemetry. It is available with display of ECG waveforms, connection to the acuity central station, and out-of-range alarms that protect & extend patient care. Our SureTemp® Plus 692 is easy to use with intuitive operation. It reduces the risk of cross-contamination with removable probe and provides more reliable readings with improved accuracy. It takes approximately 4-6 second oral, 10-second pediatric axillary, 15-second adult axillary and 10-second rectal temperatures.
The company was founded in 1915, has revenues of USD 100-500 Million, has ~2700 employees and is ISO 9001, CE certified.
FDA Registration Number: 1316463
• Microscopes |
• Middle Ear Analyzer |
• Middle Ear Analyzer, Tympanometer |
• Mobile Aneroid Sphygmomanometers |
• Monitoring Equipment |
• Monocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope |
• MRI Safe Blood Pressure Cuff |
• Multi-Channel Electrocardiographs |
• Multi-Image Video Camera |
• Multiparameter Monitors |
• Multiparameter Monitors |
• Nasal Illuminators |
• Nasal Specula |
• Nasal Speculums |
• Nasal Speculums |
• Nasal Suction Tips |
• Nasopharynx Illuminators |
• Neonatal Disposable Blood Pressure Cuffs |
• Neonatal Multiparameter Monitors |
• NiCad Rechargeable Battery |
• Non Invasive External Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacemaker (FDA Code: DRO / 870.5550) An external transcutaneous cardiac pacemaker (noninvasive) is a device used to supply a periodic electrical pulse intended to pace the heart. The pulse from the device is usually applied to the surface of the chest through electrodes such as defibrillator paddles. |
• Non-Automated Sphygmomanometer |
• Non-Electrical Rigid Sigmoidoscope (FDA Code: KDM / 876.1500) An endoscope and accessories is a device used to provide access, illumination, and allow observation or manipulation of body cavities, hollow organs, and canals. The device consists of various rigid or flexible instruments that are inserted into body spaces and may include an optical system for conveying an image to the user's eye and their accessories may assist in gaining access or increase the versatility and augment the capabilities of the devices. Examples of devices that are within this generic type of device include cleaning accessories for endoscopes, photographic accessories for endoscopes, nonpowered anoscopes, binolcular attachments for endoscopes, pocket battery boxes, flexible or rigid choledochoscopes, colonoscopes, diagnostic cystoscopes, cystourethroscopes, enteroscopes, esophagogastroduodenoscopes, rigid esophagoscopes, fiberoptic illuminators for endoscopes, incandescent endoscope lamps, biliary pancreatoscopes, proctoscopes, resectoscopes, nephroscopes, sigmoidoscopes, ureteroscopes, urethroscopes, endomagnetic retrievers, cytology brushes for endoscopes, and lubricating jelly for transurethral surgical instruments. This section does not apply to endoscopes that have specialized uses in other medical specialty areas and that are covered by classification regulations in other parts of the device classification regulations. |
• Non-interpretive Resting ECG |
• Non-Metal Vaginal Speculum (FDA Code: HIB / 884.4530) An obstetric-gynecologic specialized manual instrument is one of a group of devices used during obstetric-gynecologic procedures to perform manipulative diagnostic and surgical functions (e.g., dilating, grasping, measuring, and scraping), where structural integrity is the chief criterion of device performance. This type of device consists of the following: |
• Non-Powered Rectal Probe (FDA Code: EXX / 876.4730) A manual gastroenterology-urology surgical instrument and accessories is a device designed to be used for gastroenterological and urological surgical procedures. The device may be nonpowered, hand-held, or hand-manipulated. Manual gastroenterology-urology surgical instruments include the biopsy forceps cover, biopsy tray without biopsy instruments, line clamp, nonpowered rectal probe, nonelectrical clamp, colostomy spur-crushers, locking device for intestinal clamp, needle holder, gastro-urology hook, gastro-urology probe and director, nonself-retaining retractor, laparotomy rings, nonelectrical snare, rectal specula, bladder neck spreader, self-retaining retractor, and scoop. |
• Non-Sterile Tongue Depressors |
• Non-Surgical Tongue Depressor (FDA Code: FMA / 880.6230) A tongue depressor is a device intended to displace the tongue to facilitate examination of the surrounding organs and tissues. |
• Office Holter Software Kit |
• Office Holter System |
• Open valve nasal speculum |
• Operating (Cut-out) Speculum Anoscope |
• Operating Otoscopes |
• Ophthalmic Diagnostic Sets |
• Ophthalmology Instruments |
• Ophthalmoscopes |
• Ophthalmoscopes, Indirect |
• Orthostatic Vital Signs Monitors |
• Otoacoustic Emission Test Equipment |
• Otoscope Accessories |
• Otoscope Aids |
• Otoscope, Throat Illuminator |
• Otoscope/Ophthal Sets |
• Otoscopes |
• Otoscopes (FDA Code: ERA / 874.4770) An otoscope is a device intended to allow inspection of the external ear canal and tympanic membrane under magnification. The device provides illumination of the ear canal for observation by using an AC- or battery-powered light source and an optical magnifying system. |
• Otoscopes Medical Aids |
• Patient Monitoring Systems |
• Patient Monitoring Systems |
• PC-Based ECG Systems |
• PC-Based Exercise ECG |