Address: P.O. Box 708 ,1800 West Center Street, Warsaw, Indiana 46581-0708, USA
www.zimmer.com |
Phone: +1-(574)-372-4790, 800-613-6131
FDA Registration: 1822565 Year Established: 1927
Annual Revenues: > USD 1 Billion
Employee Count: ~7600
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Splints, Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Saws (FDA Code:
HSO), Spreaders, Silicone Tubing, Dressing Forceps, ...
Zimmer, Inc. manufactures orthopedic products and instruments. We specialize in joint replacement solutions for knee pain & hip pain. We deliver comprehensive spine care solutions for acute and chroni
Address: 297 High Street, Dedham, Massachusetts 02026, USA
www.alimed.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-225-2610
FDA Registration: 1218386 Employee Count: ~180
Quality: ISO, CE Certified
Products: Masks & Breathing Bags, Hypodermic Syringes, Bodyfat Analyzers, Spirometers, Disposable Examination Gloves, Furniture & Storage, ...
Alimed, Inc. is a manufacturer and supplier of pre-formed orthoses, alarms for fall management, cushions, diagnostic imaging & operating room accessories, orthopedic rehabilitation equipment, and ergo
Address: 5635 Peck Road, Arcadia, California 91006-0020, USA
www.posey.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-447-6739
FDA Registration: 2020362 Year Established: 1937
Employee Count: ~250
Products: Orthopedic Cushions, Endotracheal Tubes, Urine Collection Leg Bags (FDA Code:
FAQ), Chairs & stools, Coats, Jackets & Smocks, Foams, ...
Posey Company offers patient safety solutions, including products and in-service support for fall management, bed safety, wound prevention, wheelchair seating & patient restraint. Our posy pressure-re
Address: 1000 Remington Blvd., Suite 210, Bolingbrook, Illinois 60440-5117, USA
www.sammonspreston.com |
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Phone: +001-(630)-378-6000
Year Established: 1977
Annual Revenues: USD 50-100 Million
Employee Count: ~20
Products: Biofeedback & Electrotherapy, Dressings, Bandages, Gauze, Heat or Cold Packs, Orthopedic Cushions, Patient Lifters (FDA Code:
FNG), Splints, ...
Sammons Preston manufactures forceps, exercise boards, orthopedics, pediatrics, sensory motor, goniometers and Knee/Ankle braces & supports. Our turtle therapy system is an economical package designed
Address: 1915 W. County Rd. C, Roseville, Minnesota 55113-1320, USA
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Phone: +1-(651)-635-0655, 800-788-7479
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~10
Products: Wheelchair Restraints, Wheelchair Lifts For Vehicles, Portable Wheelchair Lift Rental, Wheelchair Restraint for Disabled/Handicapped, Wheelchair Lift for Disabled/Handicapped, Wheelchair Lift, ...
Complete Mobility Systems Inc. specializes in offering wheelchairs and electric scooters. We offer a wide range of devices enabling persons with varying disabilities to operate their vehicles. We prov
Address: 1284 Miller Rd., Avon, Ohio 44011-1004, USA
Phone: +1-(440)-934-1032
Annual Revenues: < USD 1 Million
Products: Wheelchair Restraints, Wheelchair Restraint for Disabled/Handicapped, ...
Leisure Time specializes in offering wheelchair restraints for disabled/handicapped people.
Address: P.O. Box 140188, Memphis, Tennessee 38114, USA
www.profexmed.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-325-0196
FDA Registration: 1043615 Year Established: 1938
Products: Backboards, Cabinets, Chairs & stools, Collars, Couches, Emergency Stretcher, ...
Profex Medical Products manufactures and distributes medical products for hospitals, nursing homes and doctor's offices. Our products include cushions, pads & covers, buddy activites, cushions & posit
Address: 336 Trowbridge Drive, P.O. Box 907, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54937, USA
www.grahamfield.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-347-5678
FDA Registration: 2183191 Year Established: 1946
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~280
Products: Batteries, Orthopedic Cushions, Tubing, Ultrasounds, Disposables, Walkers, ...
Graham-Field(GF) Health Products, Inc. is a manufacturer and distributor of medical products in the health care industry. We offer home care, surgical, & rehabilitation products. Our health care produ
Address: 110 Queen St., Woodstock, New Brunswick E7M 2M6, Canada
www.segufix.com |
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Phone: +1-(506)-328-8636
Year Established: 1980
Annual Revenues: < USD 1 Million
Products: Elastic Shoulder Immobilizer, Wheelchair Restraints, Shoulder Immobilizer with Abduction Pillow, Shoulder Immobilizers, Universal Comfort Shoulder Immobilizer, Wheelchair Restraint for Disabled/Handicapped, ...
Segufix Systems Ltd. specializes in human restraint and positioning systems. Our Segufix restraint and positioning systems is concerned about the safety of patients and personnel care. The Segufix- pr
Address: 621 Justus Dr., Kingston, Ontario K7M 4H5, Canada
www.amstilt.com |
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Phone: +1-(613)-384-7460, 800-661-6716
Year Established: 1988
Annual Revenues: < USD 1 Million
Employee Count: ~10
Products: Wheelchair Restraints, Wheelchair Restraint for Disabled/Handicapped, ...
Advanced Mobility Systems Corporation specializes in the design and manufacture of tilt wheelchairs & supporting accessories. We provide assistive devices that improve the mobility and independence of
Address: 931 Progress Ave. Ste.13, Scarborough, Ontario M1G 3V5, Canada
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Phone: +1-(416)-439-2237, 800-565-4336
Year Established: 1994
Annual Revenues: < USD 1 Million
Employee Count: ~10
Quality: CE Certified
Products: Splints, Pneumatic Tourniquet (FDA Code:
KCY), Wheelchair Restraints, Abdominal Binders (FDA Code:
FSD), Bariatric Abdominal Binder, Panel Elastic Abdominal Binder, ...
Geen Healthcare Inc. offers skin cleaner and conditioner, pressure free socks for diabetic patients, medical containers, instrument holders, and speed splint.
Address: 7109, Trans-Canada, Montréal, Quebec H4T 1A2, Canada
www.formedica.com |
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Phone: +1-(514)-336-4821, 800-361-9671
Year Established: 1972
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~60
Quality: CE Certified
Products: Splints, Occupational Back Support, Ergonomic Wrist Support, Arm Support Extender:, Toilet Aids, Toilet Safety Arm Support, Shiatsu Back Support, ...
Formedica Ltd. specializes in orthopedic products. Our products include thermo frame, sacro forme, ergo sport, ergo select, posture plus, and surgi forme. Our first aid products include thermo therape