Address: 1268 N. Lakeview Ave, Anaheim, California 92807, USA
www.tecodiag.com |
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Phone: +1-(714)-463-111, 800-222-9880
FDA Registration: 1832216
Products: Serum Total Protein, ALT (SGPT), Gamma-GT, Amylase, Creatinine, Creatine Kinase (CK), ...
Teco Diagnostics is an ISO 13485 certified company. We offer a complete line of clinical chemistry reagents and urine reagent strips. Our one step pregnancy card test helps in obtaining a visual quali
Address: 3495 North Dixie Hwy. Unit # 8, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, USA
www.ibilabs.com |
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Phone: +1-(561)-826-0061
FDA Registration: 2032134 Year Established: 1994
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~40
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Uric Acid, LDL Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL Cholesterol, Iron, Cholesterol, ...
International Bio-Analytical Industries, Inc. manufactures uranyl acetate, uranyl nitrate, uranium oxide and other fine specialty uranium compounds for medical purposes. Uranyl acetate, uranyl nitrate
Address: 5449 Research Drive, Canton, Michigan 48188, USA
www.pointescientific.com |
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Phone: +1-(734)-487-8300
FDA Registration: 1827821 Year Established: 1981
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~30
Quality: CE Certified
Products: Ferritin (FDA Code:
DBF), Hemoglobin A1C (Glycohemoglobin), Hematology Reagents and Kits Hemoglobin A1C (Glycohemoglobin), Biopotential Amplifier and Signal Conditioner (FDA Code:
DRR), Tartrate Inhibited Acid Phosphatase (FDA Code:
JFH), Nitrophenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase (FDA Code:
CJE), ...
Pointe Scientific, Inc. manufactures clinical diagnostic products. We offer products such as general chemistry, analyzer/instruments, standard calibrators, specific reagents, EIA, serology, urine chem
Address: 5919 Farnsworth Ct., Carlsbad, California 92008, USA
Phone: +1-(760)-929-0500
FDA Registration: 2245544 Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Products: Coagulation Analyzers (FDA Code:
GKP), Lyme Disease (Borrelia) Test Kits, Automated Coagulation Analyzer (FDA Code:
GKP), Analyte Specific Reagents, Asr Reagents (FDA Code:
MVU), Infectious Disease Test Kits, Automated Coagulation Instrument (FDA Code:
GKP), ...
Mardx Diagnostics, Inc. is engaged in developing, manufacturing, and marketing of diagnostic products. We offer western blot, IFA, EIA,and ENA IgG marstripe immunostride tests for 6 extractable nuclea
Address: 500 West Ave, PO Box 110215, Stamford, Connecticut 06911, USA
www.americandiagnostica.com |
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Phone: +1-(203)-602-7777
FDA Registration: 1220602 Year Established: 1982
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~40
Products: Publications, Flow Cytometry, Tourniquets, Anti-acetylcholine Receptor Alpha Monoclonal Antibody, Analyte Specific Reagents, Asr Reagents (FDA Code:
MVU), Publications Service, ...
American Diagnostica Inc markets, supplies and manufactures novel medical diagnostic products. We focus on diagnosis and research of disorders involving angiogenesis, blood coagulation, fibrinolysis,
Address: 3495 North Dixie Highway, Unit 8, Boca Raton, Florida 33431, USA
ibireagents.com |
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Phone: +1-(954)-324-5106
Products: Tartrate Inhibited Acid Phosphatase (FDA Code:
JFH), Nitrophenylphosphate, Alkaline Phosphatase (FDA Code:
CJE), Multi Analyte Control (FDA Code:
JJY), Amylase Catalytic Method Test (FDA Code:
JFJ), Amylase Nephelometric (FDA Code:
KHM), Amylase Saccharogenic Test (FDA Code:
CIJ), ...
International Bioanalytical Reagents is a distributor of diagnostic test kits and services.
Address: 36645 Metro Court, Sterling Heights, Michigan 48312, USA
www.sterlingdiagnostics.com |
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Phone: +1-(586)-979-2141, 800-637-2661
FDA Registration: 1831796 Year Established: 1984
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~10
Products: Laboratory Equipment, Spectrophotometers, Coagulation Analyzers (FDA Code:
GKP), ANA (Antinuclear antibodies), Microscopes, General Diagnostic Supplies, ...
Sterling Diagnostics, Inc. manufactures clinical diagnostic reagents and supplies. We also offer a full line of laboratory equipment and supplies. Our product list comprises of gamma counters & calibr
Address: Box 1204, Angelholm 26223, Sweden
www.hemocue.se |
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Phone: +46-(77)-5700210
FDA Registration: 3003044483 Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~150
Products: Glucose Analyzers, Automated Urinalysis System (FDA Code:
KQO), Discrete Photometric Chemistry Analyzer (FDA Code:
JJE), Glucose Oxidase, Glucose (FDA Code:
CGA), Glucose Glucose Dehydrogenase (FDA Code:
LFR), Protein /Albumin Turbidimetric Method (FDA Code:
JIQ), ...
HemoCue AB develops, produces and markets medical diagnostic products. Our products are applied to perform blood and urine tests. Our product range includes HemoCue glucose systems, plasma/low Hb syst
Address: 5-3-20 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001, Japan
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Phone: +81-(03)-5776-6781
Annual Revenues: USD 10-25 Million
Employee Count: ~1300
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Blood Gas Analyzers, pH Buffer (FDA Code:
JCC), Dry and Liquid Heparin Arterial Blood Sampling Kits, Arterial Blood Sampling Kit (FDA Code:
CBT), Blood Gas/pH analyzer, Blood Oxyhemoglobin Concentration Analyzer, ...
AVL Medical Instruments (Japan) provides automatic electrolyte analyzers, blood gas analyzers and blood collecting sets.
Address: Level 2, Elegance, Jasola District Centre, Mathura Road, New Delhi, Delhi 110025, India
www.megacare.co.in |
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Phone: +91-(11)-40601414
Products: Autoclaves, Incubators, Blood Bank Refrigerator, Laminar Flow Benches, Rotary Shaker, Blood Banking Products, ...
Megacare International Inc. specializes in offering a wide range of laboratory equipment and hospital supplies. We also offer a broad portfolio of equipment and supplies for blood bank, gynecology, pe
Address: Sandhoferstrasse 116, Mannheim D-68298, Germany
www.roche.com |
Phone: +49-(621)-759 0
FDA Registration: 9610126
Products: Myoglobin (FDA Code:
DDR), Ferritin (FDA Code:
DBF), Capillary Blood Collection Tubes (FDA Code:
GIO), Analyte Specific Reagents, Asr Reagents (FDA Code:
MVU), Automated Urinalysis System (FDA Code:
KQO), Nephelometer (FDA Code:
JZW), ...
Roche discovers, develops and provides diagnostic & therapeutic products. Our product area includes pharmaceuticals, solutions for diagnostics and products for researchers. Our pharmaceutical products
Address: Hofer Strasse 5, Noerdlingen 86720, Germany
FDA Registration: 3003366417
Products: Myoglobin (FDA Code:
DDR), Automated Urinalysis System (FDA Code:
KQO), 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine 2 Ascorbic Acid (FDA Code:
JMA), Assayed and Unassayed Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (FDA Code:
JJX), Bilirubin and Conjugates Colorimetric Azo-Dyes Test (FDA Code:
JJB), Data Processing Module for Clinical use (FDA Code:
JQP), ...
Lre Medical Gmbh offers assayed and unassayed single analyte controls, fluorometer for clinical use, automated hemoglobin systems and urinary enzymatic methods.
Address: Ebendorfer Chaussee 3,Technologiepark Ostfalen, Barleben, Magdeburg D - 39179, Germany
www.ekf-diagnostic.de |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +49-(39203)-785-0
FDA Registration: 3004838836
Products: Hemoglobin Analyzers, Blood, Hemoglobin Analyzers, Hemoglobin Measuring Device, Automated Hemoglobin System (FDA Code:
GKR), Whole Blood Hemoglobin Determination Test (FDA Code:
KHG), ...
Ekf Diagnostic GmbH specializes in biosensors. We develop, produce and distribute measuring systems to analyse glucose, lactate, hemoglobin, hematocrit and HbA1c. We offer tests like glucose, lactate