 Mammography Films Suppliers > Yon Don Ent. Co., Ltd.

Yon Don Ent. Co., Ltd.

Address: 2f No. 34 Lane 80 Nan Kang Rd. Sec. 3, Taipei, Taiwan
Phone: +886-(2)-2785 9800 | Fax: +886-(2)-2786 5539 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Yon Don Ent. Co., Ltd. specializes in medical equipment development for neonatalogy. Our products include infant incubator series,radiant warmer, photo therapy unit series, warming light series, oxygen tent, oxygen monitor controller, humidity monitor & controller, baby scale and portable positive pressure quarantine system. Our infant incubators are designed to offer uniform incubator environment for infant's care. They accurately control the air temperature inside the incubator at preset level. The units, with electronic time-proportional control, provide even heat distribution on the mattress and minimize the stress on the infant, and make the infant comfortable. They also provide a wide range of relative humidity control and stable oxygen concentration. Our photo therapy units can be used to treat hyperbilirubinemia. Our oxygen tent is used to keep the infant in an oxygen-rich environment. It is composed of a clear plastic sheet suspended over the bed and tucked beneath the mattress to provide an almost airtight compartment. The oxygen supply and temperature are controlled by means of gauges. Our oxygen tent is particularly useful in the treatment of heart and lung disorders that limit the body's supply of oxygen & thus necessitate a higher concentration of the gas than is normally present in the air.

10 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Audio Nurse Call System
• Electric Oxygen Tent (FDA Code: BYK / 868.5710)
An electrically powered oxygen tent is a device that encloses a patient's head and, by means of an electrically powered unit, administers breathing oxygen and controls the temperature and humidity of the breathing gases. This generic type device includes the pediatric aerosol tent.
• Infant Radiant Warmer (FDA Code: FMT / 880.5130)
The infant radiant warmer is a device consisting of an infrared heating element intended to be placed over an infant to maintain the infant's body temperature by means of radiant heat. The device may also contain a temperature monitoring sensor, a heat output control mechanism, and an alarm system (infant temperature, manual mode if present, and failure alarms) to alert operators of a temperature condition over or under the set temperature, manual mode time limits, and device component failure, respectively. The device may be placed over a pediatric hospital bed or it may be built into the bed as a complete unit.
• Neonatal Incubators (FDA Code: FMZ / 880.5400)
A neonatal incubator is a device consisting of a rigid boxlike enclosure in which an infant may be kept in a controlled environment for medical care. The device may include an AC-powered heater, a fan to circulate the warmed air, a container for water to add humidity, a control valve through which oxygen may be added, and access ports for nursing care.
• Neonatal Incubators (FDA Code: FMZ / 880.5400)
• Neonatal Phototherapy Unit (FDA Code: LBI / 880.5700)
A neonatal phototherapy unit is a device used to treat or prevent hyperbilirubinemia (elevated serum bilirubin level). The device consists of one or more lamps that emit a specific spectral band of light, under which an infant is placed for therapy. This generic type of device may include supports for the patient and equipment and component parts.
• Nurse Call System
• Patient Care Isolation Chamber (FDA Code: FRR / 880.5450)
A patient care reverse isolation chamber is a device consisting of a roomlike enclosure designed to prevent the entry of harmful airborne material. This device protects a patient who is undergoing treatment for burns or is lacking a normal immunosuppressive defense due to therapy or congenital abnormality. The device includes fans and air filters which maintain an atmosphere of clean air at a pressure greater than the air pressure outside the enclosure.
• Patient Scale (FDA Code: FRW / 880.2720)
A patient scale is a device intended for medical purposes that is used to measure the weight of a patient who cannot stand on a scale. This generic device includes devices placed under a bed or chair to weigh both the support and the patient, devices where the patient is lifted by a sling from a bed to be weighed, and devices where the patient is placed on the scale platform to be weighed. The device may be mechanical, battery powered, or AC-powered and may include transducers, electronic signal amplification, conditioning and display equipment.
• Visual Nurse Call System

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