
Btnx, Inc.

Contact: Robert Clark
Address: 570 Hood Road, Unit 23, Markham, Ontario L3R 4G7, Canada
Phone: +1-(905)-9449565, 888 339 9964 | Fax: +1-(905)-944 0406 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Btnx, Inc. is a biotechnology company. We provide rapid, point-of-care diagnostics. We develop and manufacture advanced in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) tests and information technology systems to manage point-of-care diagnostic test results using HL7/POCT1-A2 compliant software solutions for laboratories, clinics, hospitals and physicians' offices. Our rapid responser products include fertility (pregnancy, ovulation and menopause) tests, infectious diseases tests, drugs of abuse tests and others.

The company is ISO 13485, ISO 9001 certified.

FDA Registration Number: 3003917514
US Agent: Phil Triolo / Phil Triolo & Associates Lc
Phone: +1-(801)-699-9846  Fax: +1-(801)-328-2399  E-Mail:

45 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine 2 Ascorbic Acid (FDA Code: JMA / 862.1095)
An ascorbic acid test system is a device intended to measure the level of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in plasma, serum, and urine. Ascorbic acid measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of ascorbic acid dietary deficiencies.
• Alcohol Breath Trapping Device (FDA Code: DJZ / 862.3050)
A breath-alcohol test system is a device intened to measure alcohol in the human breath. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis of alcohol intoxication.
• Alkaline Phosphatase Isoenzymes Electrophoretic Separation Test (FDA Code: CIN / 862.1050)
An alkaline phosphatase or isoenzymes test system is a device intended to measure alkaline phosphatase or its isoenzymes (a group of enzymes with similar biological activity) in serum or plasma. Measurements of alkaline phosphatase or its isoenzymes are used in the diagnosis and treatment of liver, bone, parathyroid, and intestinal diseases.
• Amphetamine Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code: DKZ / 862.3100)
An amphetamine test system is a device intended to measure amphetamine, a central nervous system stimulating drug, in plasma and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of amphetamine use or overdose and in monitoring levels of amphetamine to ensure appropriate therapy.
• Assayed and Unassayed Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (FDA Code: JJX / 862.1660)
A quality control material (assayed and unassayed) for clinical chemistry is a device intended for medical purposes for use in a test system to estimate test precision and to detect systematic analytical deviations that may arise from reagent or analytical instrument variation. A quality control material (assayed and unassayed) may be used for proficiency testing in interlaboratory surveys. This generic type of device includes controls (assayed and unassayed) for blood gases, electrolytes, enzymes, multianalytes (all kinds), single (specified) analytes, or urinalysis controls.
• Automated Urinalysis System (FDA Code: KQO / 862.2900)
An automated urinalysis system is a device intended to measure certain of the physical properties and chemical constituents of urine by procedures that duplicate manual urinalysis systems. This device is used in conjunction with certain materials to measure a variety of urinary analytes.
• Barbiturate Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code: DIS / 862.3150)
A barbiturate test system is a device intended to measure barbiturates, a class of hypnotic and sedative drugs, in serum, urine, and gastric contents. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of barbiturate use or overdose and in monitoring levels of barbiturate to ensure appropriate therapy.
• Benzodiazepine Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code: JXM / 862.3170)
A benzodiazepine test system is a device intended to measure any of the benzodiazepine compounds, sedative and hypnotic drugs, in blood, plasma, and urine. The benzodiazepine compounds include chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, oxazepam, chlorzepate, flurazepam, and nitrazepam. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of benzodiazepine use or overdose and in monitoring levels of benzodiazepines to ensure appropriate therapy.
• Bilirubin and Conjugates Colorimetric Azo-Dyes Test (FDA Code: JJB / 862.1115)
A urinary bilirubin and its conjugates (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to measure the levels of bilirubin conjugates in urine. Measurements of urinary bilirubin and its conjugates (nonquantitative) are used in the diagnosis and treatment of certain liver diseases.
• Campylobacter Pylori (FDA Code: LYR / 866.3110)
• Cannabinoids Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code: LDJ / 862.3870)
A cannabinoid test system is a device intended to measure any of the cannabinoids, hallucinogenic compounds endogenous to marihuana, in serum, plasma, saliva, and urine. Cannabinoid compounds includedelta -9-tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabidiol, cannabinol, and cannabichromene. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of cannabinoid use or abuse and in monitoring levels of cannabinoids during clinical investigational use.
• Clinical Refractometer (FDA Code: JRE / 862.2800)
A refractometer for clinical use is a device intended to determine the amount of solute in a solution by measuring the index of refraction (the ratio of the velocity of light in a vacuum to the velocity of light in the solution). The index of refraction is used to measure the concentration of certain analytes (solutes), such a plasma total proteins and urinary total solids. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of certain conditions.
• Cocaine and Cocaine Metabolites Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code: DIO / 862.3250)
A cocaine and cocaine metabolite test system is a device intended to measure cocaine and a cocaine metabolite (benzoylecgonine) in serum, plasma, and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of cocaine use or overdose.
• Copper Sulfate Solution (FDA Code: KSL / 864.9320)
A copper sulfate solution for specific gravity determinations is a device used to determine whether the hemoglobin content of a potential donor's blood meets the required level (12.5 grams per 100 milliliters of blood for women and 13.5 grams per 100 milliliters of blood for men).
• Creatinine Enzymatic Method Test (FDA Code: JFY / 862.1225)
A creatinine test system is a device intended to measure creatinine levels in plasma and urine. Creatinine measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of renal diseases, in monitoring renal dialysis, and as a calculation basis for measuring other urine analytes.
• Follicle Stimulating Hormone Radioimmunoassay (FDA Code: CGJ / 862.1300)
A follicle-stimulating hormone test system is a device intended to measure follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in plasma, serum, and urine. FSH measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of pituitary gland and gonadal disorders.
• Glucose Oxidase, Glucose (FDA Code: CGA / 862.1345)
A glucose test system is a device intended to measure glucose quantitatively in blood and other body fluids. Glucose measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including diabetes mellitus, neonatal hypoglycemia, and idiopathic hypoglycemia, and of pancreatic islet cell carcinoma.
• HCG Over The Counter Pregnancy Test Kit (FDA Code: LCX / 862.1155)
A human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) test system is a device intended for the early detection of pregnancy is intended to measure HCG, a placental hormone, in plasma or urine.
• Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Radioimmunoassay (FDA Code: JHI / 862.1155)
• Infectious Mononucleosis Test System (FDA Code: KTN / 866.5640)
An infectious mononucleosis immunological test system is a device that consists of the reagents used to measure by immunochemical techniques heterophile antibodies frequently associated with infectious mononucleosis in serum, plasma, and other body fluids. Measurements of these antibodies aid in the diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis.
• Luteinizing Hormone Radioimmunoassay (FDA Code: CEP / 862.1485)
A luteinizing hormone test system is a device intended to measure luteinizing hormone in serum and urine. Luteinizing hormone measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of gonadal dysfunction.
• Metamphetamine Thin Layer Chromatography Test (FDA Code: DJC / 862.3610)
A methamphetamine test system is a device intended to measure methamphetamine, a central nervous system stimulating drug, in serum, plasma, and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of methamphetamine use or overdose.
• Methadone Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code: DJR / 862.3620)
A methadone test system is a device intended to measure methadone, an addictive narcotic pain-relieving drug, in serum and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of methadone use or overdose and to determine compliance with regulations in methadone maintenance treatment.
• Methamphetamine Gas Chromatography Test (FDA Code: LAF / 862.3610)
• Morphine Thin Layer Chromatography (FDA Code: DNK / 862.3640)
A morphine test system is a device intended to measure morphine, an addictive narcotic pain-relieving drug, and its analogs in serum, urine, and gastric contents. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of morphine use or overdose and in monitoring levels of morphine and its analogs to ensure appropriate therapy.
• Non-Quantitative Urobilinogen Test (FDA Code: CDM / 862.1785)
A urinary urobilinogen (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to detect and estimate urobilinogen (a bile pigment degradation product of red cell hemoglobin) in urine. Estimations obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases and hemolytic (red cells) disorders.
• Occult Blood in Urine Test (FDA Code: JIO / 864.6550)
An occult blood test is a device used to detect occult blood in urine or feces. (Occult blood is blood present in such small quantities that it can be detected only by chemical tests of suspected material, or by microscopic or spectroscopic examination.)
• Occult Blood Reagent (FDA Code: KHE / 864.6550)
• Opiates Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code: DJG / 862.3650)
An opiate test system is a device intended to measure any of the addictive narcotic pain-relieving opiate drugs in blood, serum, urine, gastric contents, and saliva. An opiate is any natural or synthetic drug that has morphine-like pharmocological actions. The opiates include drugs such as morphine, morphine glucoronide, heroin, codeine, nalorphine, and meperedine. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of opiate use or overdose and in monitoring the levels of opiate administration to ensure appropriate therapy.
• Osmolality Comparison Of Freezing Points & Stds. Of Known Osmotic Pressure (FDA Code: JMZ / 862.1540)
An osmolality test system is a device intended to measure ionic and nonionic solute concentration in body fluids, such as serum and urine. Osmolality measurement is used as an adjunct to other tests in the evaluation of a variety of diseases, including kidney diseases (e.g., chronic progressive renal failure), diabetes insipidus, other endocrine and metabolic disorders, and fluid imbalances.
• Over The Counter Follicle Stimulating Hormone (Fsh) Test (FDA Code: NGA / 862.1300)
• Over-The-Counter Blood Glucose Test System (FDA Code: NBW / 862.1345)
• Phencyclidine Enzyme Immunoassay (FDA Code: LCM)
• Propoxyphene Enzyme Immunoassay (FDA Code: JXN / 862.3700)
A propoxyphene test system is a device intended to measure propoxyphene, a pain-relieving drug, in serum, plasma, and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of propoxyphene use or overdose or in monitoring levels of propoxyphene to ensure appropriate therapy.
• Streptococcus Spp Antigen (FDA Code: GTY / 866.3740)
• Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Radioimmunoassay (FDA Code: JLW / 862.1690)
A thyroid stimulating hormone test system is a device intended to measure thyroid stimulating hormone, also known as thyrotrophin and thyrotrophic hormone, in serum and plasma. Measurements of thyroid stimulating hormone produced by the anterior pituitary are used in the diagnosis of thyroid or pituitary disorders.
• Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs Radioimmunoassay Test (FDA Code: LFG / 862.3910)
A tricyclic antidepressant drugs test system is a device intended to measure any of the tricyclic antidepressant drugs in serum. The tricyclic antidepressant drugs include imipramine, desipramine, amitriptyline, nortriptyline, protriptyline, and doxepin. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic depression to ensure appropriate therapy.
• Urea Nitrogen Photometric Urease Test (FDA Code: CDN / 862.1770)
A urea nitrogen test system is a device intended to measure urea nitrogen (an end-product of nitrogen metabolism) in whole blood, serum, plasma, and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of certain renal and metabolic diseases.
• Urinary Enzymatic Method (FDA Code: JIL / 862.1340)
A urinary glucose (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to measure glucosuria (glucose in urine). Urinary glucose (nonquantitative) measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia, and hyperglycemia.
• Urinary Ketones, Nitroprusside Test (FDA Code: JIN / 862.1435)
A ketones (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to identify ketones in urine and other body fluids. Identification of ketones is used in the diagnosis and treatment of acidosis (a condition characterized by abnormally high acidity of body fluids) or ketosis (a condition characterized by increased production of ketone bodies such as acetone) and for monitoring patients on ketogenic diets and patients with diabetes.
• Urinary Nitrite Colorimetric Test (FDA Code: JMT / 862.1510)
A nitrite (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to identify nitrite in urine. Nitrite identification is used in the diagnosis and treatment of uninary tract infection of bacterial origin.
• Urinary Occult Blood Enzymatic Method (FDA Code: JIP / 864.6550)
• Urinary pH Dye Indicator (FDA Code: CEN / 862.1550)
A urinary pH (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to estimate the pH of urine. Estimations of pH are used to evaluate the acidity or alkalinity of urine as it relates to numerous renal and metabolic disorders and in the monitoring of patients with certain diets.
• Urinary Protein/Albumin Nonquantitative Test System (FDA Code: JIR / 862.1645)
A urinary protein or albumin (nonquantitative) test system is a device intended to identify proteins or albumin in urine. Identification of urinary protein or albumin (nonquantitative) is used in the diagnosis and treatment of disease conditions such as renal or heart diseases or thyroid disorders, which are characterized by proteinuria or albuminuria.
• Urine Leukocyte Test (FDA Code: LJX / 864.7675)
A leukocyte peroxidase test is a device used to distinguish certain myeloid cells derived from the bone marrow, i.e., neutrophils, eosinophils, and monocytes, from lymphoid cells of the lymphatic system and erythroid cells of the red blood cell series on the basis of their peroxidase activity as evidenced by staining. The results of this test are used in the differential diagnosis of the leukemias.

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