 Extra Function Operating Table Suppliers > Dealmed Medical Supplies

Dealmed Medical Supplies

Contact: Abe Bodek - Director
Address: 1920 Swarthmore Ave, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-569-0570 | Fax: +1-(732)-367-0010 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Dealmed Medical Supplies - Click To Visit Our Website Dealmed medical supplies is a distributor of a full line of general medical supplies including disposable medical supplies like gloves, exam gowns, masks, needles and syringes. We carry a full line of high end equipments like treatment tables, autoclaves and stress test systems from brands like Midmark Ritter, Brewer, Cardiac Science and Welch Allyn with two fully stocked warehouses and sales staff that is well versed in the medical industry.

The company was founded in 2000, has revenues of USD 1-5 Million, has ~10 employees.

651 to 700 of 945 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: << Previous 50 Results 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 [14] 15 16 17 18 19 >> Next 50 Results
• Pediatric Scale Tables
• Pediatric Stethoscope
• Pediatric Treatment Tables
• Pediatric Urine Collection Bags
• Pediatric, Single-head Disposable Stethoscope
• Penis Clamps
• Perfusion ALS/BLS EMS Bags
• Personal Eyewash Station
• Personal Gear Packs
• Petroleum Dressing
• Physician's Tape Measure
• Physicians Scale
• Pillow
• Pillowcases
• Piston Enteral Feeding Syringes
• Plain Splinter Forceps
• Plastic Backboard
• Plastic Eye Charts
• Plastic Plasma Tubes
• Plastic Sundry Jars
• Plastic Surgical Tapes
• Plastic Utility Carts
• Pneumatic Exam Stools
• Pocket Eye Charts
• Pocket Ophthalmoscope
• Pocket Otoscope Set
• Pocket Spirometer & Mouthpieces
• Poly Straps
• Polyethylene Aprons
• Portable Oxygen Tanks
• Portable Pulse Oximeter
• Portable Suction Pumps
• Portable Transportation Units
• Portable Tympanometric Instruments
• Povidone Iodine Swabs
• Povidone Iodine Swabstick
• Powdered Latex Surgical Gloves
• Powdered Non Latex Gloves
• Power Procedure Examination Chair
• Power Procedures Table
• Power Treatment Tables
• Prefilled Humidifiers
• Pregnancy Kits
• Pregnancy Test Kit
• Pregnancy Testing Kits
• Probe Covers
• Professional EMT Trauma Bags
• Protective Clothing
• Protective Oxygen Mask
• Pulse Oximeter Accessories

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