 Gonad Shield Disposable Briefs Suppliers > Dealmed Medical Supplies

Dealmed Medical Supplies

Contact: Abe Bodek - Director
Address: 1920 Swarthmore Ave, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701, USA
Phone: +1-(800)-569-0570 | Fax: +1-(732)-367-0010 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Dealmed Medical Supplies - Click To Visit Our Website Dealmed medical supplies is a distributor of a full line of general medical supplies including disposable medical supplies like gloves, exam gowns, masks, needles and syringes. We carry a full line of high end equipments like treatment tables, autoclaves and stress test systems from brands like Midmark Ritter, Brewer, Cardiac Science and Welch Allyn with two fully stocked warehouses and sales staff that is well versed in the medical industry.

The company was founded in 2000, has revenues of USD 1-5 Million, has ~10 employees.

801 to 850 of 945 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  Page: << Previous 50 Results 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 [17] 18 19 >> Next 50 Results
• Standard Exam Tables
• Standard IV Stand
• Standard Step Stool
• Standard Suction Tubes
• Statpacks Bags
• STD Testing Kits
• Steam Autoclave Indicator Tape
• Steam Indicator Tapes
• Steam Water Distillers
• Step On Plastic Waste Can
• Sterile Alcohol Prep Pads
• Sterile Baby Foil Bunting Swaddlers
• Sterile Calcium Aginate Wood Applicators
• Sterile Cotton Tipped Applicator
• Sterile Dessicator Dermal Tips
• Sterile Lube Jelly
• Sterile Medical Tongue Depressors
• Sterile Surgeons Latex Gloves
• Sterile Surgical Gloves
• Sterile Suture Removal Kits
• Sterile Tongue Depressors
• Sterile Water Irrigation Bottles
• Sterilization Wrap (FDA Code: FRG / 880.6850)
A sterilization wrap (pack, sterilization wrapper, bag, or accessories, is a device intended to be used to enclose another medical device that is to be sterilized by a health care provider. It is intended to allow sterilization of the enclosed medical device and also to maintain sterility of the enclosed device until used.
• Sterilization Wrapping Systems
• Stethoscope Chest Pieces
• Stethoscope Diaphragms
• Stethoscope Eartips
• Stethoscope Hip Clips
• Stethoscope ID Tags
• Stethoscope Identification Tags
• Stethoscopes
• Stitch Scissors
• Stockinette
• Straight Line Laminate Treatment Table
• Straight Line Treatment Tables
• Straight Lister Bandage Scissors
• Strep A Rapid Test
• Strep Test Kits
• Stress / Holter Electrode Tabs
• Stress EKG Systems
• Stress Test Equipments
• Stress Test Papers
• Stretcher and Cot Straps
• Stretcher Sheeting
• Stretcher Sheets
• Stretcher Straps
• Stretchers
• Suction Canister Systems
• Suction Catheter
• Suction Connecting Tubing

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