Address: 1600 Faraday Avenue,PO Box 6482, Carlsbad, California 92008, USA
www.invitrogen.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(760)-603-7200
Products: SOC Media, LB Broth, Gentamicin, Pen-Strep, Agar, Blotters (Semi-Dry), ...
Invitrogen Corporation delivers products & services that support pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. We offer products such as antibodies & secondary detection reagents, beads & micro spheres,
Address: 1351 South Leavitt Ave. Suite 101, Orange City, Florida 32763, USA
www.biomelab.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(386)-456-1235
Products: Clinical Microscopes, Hematology Analyzers, Coagulation Analyzers (FDA Code:
GKP), Chemistry Analyzers, Hematology Reagents, Immunoassay Analyzers, ...
Biomedical Lab Center, Inc is specialized in providing re-conditioned, re-certified, and pre-owned clinical laboratory equipment & related products. Our products include flow cytometers, co-oximeters,
Address: 1800 NW 65th Ave, Plantation, Florida 33313, USA
www.cdsolinc.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(954)-791-1773
FDA Registration: 1064130
Products: Hematology Analyzers, Capillary Blood Collection Tubes (FDA Code:
GIO), Calibrators for Equipment, Enzymatic Detergents, Hematology Reagents, Blood, Hematology Analyzers, ...
Clinical Diagnostic Solutions, Inc manufactures quality hematology instruments, reagents, calibrators and controls. We offer products such as next generationT reagents systems, hematology analyzers, c
Address: 100 Abbott Park Rd, Abbott Park, Illinois 60064-3500, USA
www.abbottdiagnostics.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(847)-937-6100
Products: Biochemistry Analyzers, Genetic Analysis Systems, Glucose, Hematology Analyzers, Hematology Workcells, Immunoassay Systems, ...
Abbott Diagnostics specializes in pharmaceutical, nutritional, diagnostic instruments, surgical devices, and medical devices. Our medical diagnostic instruments and tests are used in hospitals, refere
Address: 1717 Deerfield Road, Deerfield, Illinois 60015-0778, USA
www.usa.siemens.com/diagnostics |
Phone: +1-(847)-267-5300
Quality: ISO 9000, CE Certified
Products: Laboratory Automation Systems, Biochemistry Analyzers, Blood Gas Analyzers, Coagulation Analyzers (FDA Code:
GKP), Immunoassay Systems, Immunochemistry Analyzers, ...
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, a clinical diagnostics company, provides clinicians with the vital information they need for the accurate diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients. Our comprehen
Address: One Nelson C. White Parkway, Mundelein, Illinois 60060, USA
www.sysmex.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(847)-996-4500, 800-379-7639
FDA Registration: 1422681
Products: Hematology Analyzers, Coagulation Analyzers (FDA Code:
GKP), Particle and Cell Urinalysis Systems, Controls, General Diagnostic Supplies, General Diagnostics, ...
Sysmex America, Inc. manufactures and markets clinical laboratory testing devices, reagents, and software for hematology, hemostasis, immuno-chemistry, particle counting and urinalysis and also distri
Address: 12076 Santa Fe Drive, P.O. Box 14428, Lenexa, Kansas 66215, USA
www.remelinc.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(913)-888-0939
FDA Registration: 1031428 Year Established: 1973
Employee Count: ~20
Products: Swabs, Chemical Sterilizers (FDA Code:
MLR), Coagulation Analyzers (FDA Code:
GKP), Myoglobin (FDA Code:
DDR), Sliding Microtomes (FDA Code:
KFL), Rotary Microtomes (FDA Code:
IDO), ...
Remel offers a wide range of microbiology products that are used in the clinical, industrial, research and academic laboratories. Our products help diagnose infection quickly and accurately, providing
Address: 333 Fiske Street, Holliston, Massachusetts 01746, USA
www.diamonddiagnostics.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(508)-429-0450
FDA Registration: 3003030793
Products: General Diagnostic Supplies, General Medical Supplies, Multi Analyte Control (FDA Code:
JJY), Blood Gas Controls (FDA Code:
JJS), Calcium Ion Specific Electrode (FDA Code:
JFP), Multi Analyte Mixture - Calibrator (FDA Code:
JIX), ...
Diamond Diagnostics, Inc supplies refurbished equipment and alternate brand supplies. We render small to mid-sized laboratories a reliable & cost effective alternative to new instrumentation. It is gi
Address: One Becton Drive, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey 07417, USA
www.bd.com/us |
Phone: +1-(201)-847.6800
FDA Registration: 1119779 Annual Revenues: USD 10-25 Million
Employee Count: ~1600
Quality: ISO 9000, CE Certified
Products: Anesthesia Equipment, Hypodermic Syringes, Bodyfat Analyzers, Medical Thermometers, Blades, Scalpels, ...
Becton, Dickinson & Co., manufactures and distributes a broad range of medical supplies, devices, laboratory equipment and diagnostic products. Our product BD Soluvia™ is a prefillable microinje
Address: P. O. Box 752, Beaumont, Texas 77704-0752, USA
www.helena.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(409)-842-3714, 800-231-5663
FDA Registration: 3011390138 Year Established: 1966
Annual Revenues: USD 50-100 Million
Employee Count: ~1000
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Laboratory Equipment, Coagulation Analyzers (FDA Code:
GKP), POC Coagulation Analyzers (PT and INR), Non-Sterile Barrier Pipette Tips, Racked Non-Sterile Non-Barrier Pipette Tips, Sterile Barrier Pipette Tips, ...
Helena Laboratories Corp. develops new diagnostic tests. We manufacture electrophoresis analyzers, test kits for fecal occult blood, immunology and protein diagnostics, and hemostasis reagents & instr
Address: 6392 Via Real, Carpinteria, California 93013, USA
www.dakousa.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(805)-566-6655, 800-235-5743
FDA Registration: 2022180 Annual Revenues: USD 25-50 Million
Employee Count: ~180
Quality: ISO 9001 Certified
Products: Myoglobin (FDA Code:
DDR), Ferritin (FDA Code:
DBF), Anti-acetylcholine Receptor Alpha Monoclonal Antibody, Analyte Specific Reagents, Asr Reagents (FDA Code:
MVU), Automated Slide Stainer (FDA Code:
KPA), Microscope Slides (FDA Code:
KEW), ...
Dako North America, Inc. focuses on tissue-based cancer diagnostics like immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, flow cytometry, bulk antibodies for turbidometry and ELISA kits. We provide reagen
Address: 2030 Gillespie Way, Suite 104, El Cajon, California 92020, USA
www.mslabos.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(619)-562 0800
Year Established: 1986
Products: Hematology Analyzers, Automated Blood Sampler, Reagents, Differential Cell Counter (FDA Code:
GKZ), Blood Tube Rotators, ...
Melet Schloesing Laboratories USA specializes in hematology, and chemistry products. MS4 vet is fully automatic & adaptable to the veterinarian needs. It also allows to obtain a complete and reliable
Address: 4059 Clipper Court, Fremont, California 94538, USA
www.cytekdev.com |
Phone: +1-(510)-657-0102, 888-922-9835
Products: Fluid Management Systems, Differential Cell Counter (FDA Code:
GKZ), Refurbished Flow Cytometers, Cytometer Accessories, Solid State Lasers, Aerosol Containment Systems, ...
Cytek Development, Inc. is a manufacturer and supplier of flow cytometry products and services. We develop accessories to improve cytometer function.
Address: 4300 N. Harbor Boulevard P.O. Box 3100, Fullerton, California 92834-3100, USA
www.coulter.com |
Phone: +001-(800)-742-2345
FDA Registration: 2050012 Year Established: 1934
Annual Revenues: > USD 1 Billion
Employee Count: ~10100
Quality: ISO 9000, ISO 9001, ISO 9002, CE Certified
Products: Blood Glucose Meters, Blood Pressure Measuring Equipment, Fetal Monitors, Otoscopes, Blood Bags For Dialysis, Blood & Intravenous (IV) Bottles, ...
Beckman Coulter, Inc. is a manufacturer of biomedical testing instrument systems, tests & supplies that simplify and automate laboratory processes. Spanning the biomedical testing continuum from medic
Address: 386 MAIN STREET, SUITE 200, REDWOOD CITY, California 94063, USA
www.modulusdatasystems.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(650)-365-3111, 888-663-8547
FDA Registration: 3013472744 Year Established: 1972
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Products: Reconditioned Cell Counters, Cell Counter Instruments, Differential Blood Cell Counters, Cell Counter, Clinical Laboratory Computer, Differential Cell Counter (FDA Code:
GKZ), ...
Modulus Data Systems, Inc. is a producer of digital clinical cell counters. Our three models of products are Diffcount III, UR-O-comp and Comp-U-diff. The UR-O-comp data entry workstation uses a micro
Address: 1585 Industrial Rd., San Carlos, California 94070, USA
www.reametrix.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(650)-620-9253
Quality: ISO 9001:2000 Certified
Products: Autoimmunity Screening Device, Diagnostic Kits, Infectious Diseases Assays, Immunoassay Reagents & Test Kits, RIA Reagents & Test Kits, Cell Counting & Endothelial Analysis Systems, ...
Reametrix Inc. deals with medical diagnostic solutions. Our diagnostic products include HIV/AIDS diagnostics, autoimmunity, stem cell analysis, and leukemia & lymphoma immunopheno typing products. Our
Address: 5440 Patrick Henry Dr., Santa Clara, California 95054, USA
www.abbott.us |
Phone: +1-(408)-982-4800
FDA Registration: 2919069 Employee Count: ~72000
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Myoglobin (FDA Code:
DDR), Catheter Introducers (FDA Code:
DYB), Ferritin (FDA Code:
DBF), Capillary Blood Collection Tubes (FDA Code:
GIO), Carotid Stent Systems (FDA Code:
NIM), Diagnostic Instruments, ...
Abbott Hematology offers pharmaceutical, medical, and nutritional products. Our product range comprises of medicines, medical diagnostic instruments & tests, minimally invasive surgical devices, and a
Address: 1274 Alafaya Trail, Oviedo, Florida 32765, USA
www.aliciadiagnostics.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(407)-365-8498
Annual Revenues: USD 25-50 Million
Quality: ISO 9003 Certified
Products: Volumetric Infusion Pumps, Needle Destruction Device (FDA Code:
MTV), Syringe Infusion Pump, Automated Cell Counter (FDA Code:
GKL), Differential Cell Counter (FDA Code:
GKZ), Medication Administration Equipments, ...
Alicia Diagnostics, Inc. is involved in the development of health card systems. We also provide telemedicine, needlyser, analyzer, monitoring and disposable equipment. We offer micro-infusion syringes
Address: 181 Cedar Hill St., Marlborough, Massachusetts 01752, USA
www.pointcare.net |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(508)-281-6926
Products: Diagnostic Equipment, Differential Cell Counter (FDA Code:
GKZ), Portable Flow Cytometry Systems, ...
Pointcare Technologies Inc. is a medical diagnostics company. We develop and manufacture medical diagnostic products such as point care NOW, and gold resonant immuno cytometry analyzer. Our point care
Address: 614 McKinley Place N.E., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413-2647, USA
www.rndsystems.com |
Phone: +1-(800)-343-7475
FDA Registration: 2182501 Annual Revenues: USD 50-100 Million
Employee Count: ~450
Products: Laboratory Reagent, Multi Analyte Control (FDA Code:
JJY), Assayed and Unassayed Single (Specified) Analyte Controls (FDA Code:
JJX), Differential Cell Counter (FDA Code:
GKZ), Cell Indices Calibrator (FDA Code:
KRX), Erythropoietin Assay (FDA Code:
GGT), ...
R & D Systems, Inc. manufactures reagents for the research and hematology markets. We also offer controls and calibrators for hematology analyzers. Our products include proteins, antibodies, assay kit