Address: 1268 N. Lakeview Ave, Anaheim, California 92807, USA
www.tecodiag.com |
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Phone: +1-(714)-463-111, 800-222-9880
FDA Registration: 1832216
Products: Serum Total Protein, ALT (SGPT), Gamma-GT, Amylase, Creatinine, Creatine Kinase (CK), ...
Teco Diagnostics is an ISO 13485 certified company. We offer a complete line of clinical chemistry reagents and urine reagent strips. Our one step pregnancy card test helps in obtaining a visual quali
Address: 9033 Red Branch Road, Columbia, Maryland 21045, USA
www.hemagen.com |
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Phone: +1-(443)-367-5500
FDA Registration: 1181055
Products: Bilirubin, Urea, Serum Total Protein, ALT (SGPT), Calcium, Gamma-GT, ...
Hemagen Diagnostics, Inc. offers diagnostic test kits. We develop, manufacture and supply test kits used in the diagnosis of certain autoimmune & infectious diseases. Our Virgor ENA screen 6 kit is an
Address: 310 East 67th Street, New York, New York 10065, USA
www.nybloodcenter.org |
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Phone: +1-(212)-570-3000
Products: Cardiac Monitoring, Intracranial Pressure Monitors, Ambulatory BP Monitors, Holter ECG Monitors, Long-Term Monitoring Systems, Monitoring Services, ...
New York Blood Center provides life-saving blood products, clinical & transfusion services. We serve as a resource for tranfusion specialists, blood bank directors and hospital transfusion services. O
Address: 2409 Avenue N, Austin, Texas 78727, USA
healthcaresupplypros.com |
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Phone: +1-(512)-417-9580
Products: Otoscopes, Disposable Examination Gloves, Procedure Trays, Face Masks, Shoe Covers, Mayo Stands, ...
Healthcare Supply Pros specializes in providing healthcare supplies and durable medical equipment that enhance the quality of patient care. We carry medical apparels, bedding & towels, sterilization,
Address: 2930 East Houston Street, San Antonio, Texas 78202, USA
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Phone: +1-(210)-222-2108, 800-531-5535
Products: Bilirubin, Urea, Serum Total Protein, ALT (SGPT), Calcium, Gamma-GT, ...
Horizon Diagnostics, Inc. produces chemical reagents for the clinical laboratory. Our glucose(oxidase) aids in the quantitative determination of glucose in serum. Our Cassi™ rotational core biop
Address: 13170 TelFair Avenue, Sylmar, California 91342, USA
www.tri-anim.com |
Phone: +1-(818)-362-6882
FDA Registration: 3008604179
Products: Anesthesia Equipment, Defibrillators, Electrocardiographs (ECGs), Spirometers, Stethoscopes, Disposable Examination Gloves, ...
Tri-anim Health Services, Inc. provides sales and distribution services for healthcare industry. We offer absorbents, adapters, analyzers, bags, breast pumps and breathing tubes.
Address: 105 Technology Dr, Suite 100, Broomfield, Colorado 80021, USA
Phone: +1-(303)-444-7170/395-9495
Products: Spirometers, Stethoscopes, Disposable Examination Gloves, Glucose, Catheters, Oximetry, ...
Pharmaceutical Buyers, Inc., is a group purchasing organization. The company offers hospice programs that deliver pharmaceutical and supply contracts, as well as clinically driven programs. Our member
Address: 11800 28th St N, St Petersburg, Florida 33781, USA
www.diamonddiabetic.com |
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Phone: +1-(727)-572-4288/800-437-4455
Products: Blood Glucose Meters, Dressings, Bandages, Gauze, Blood Lancets, Glucose, Insulin, Disposable Syringes, ...
Diamond Diabetic Products is a distributor of diabetic product and durable medical equipment suppliers.
Address: 3381 Fairlane Farms Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33414, USA
www.pharmasupply.com |
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Phone: +1-888-469-3579
Products: Blood Glucose Meters, Glucose Monitors, Diabetic Footwear, Blood Pressure Monitors, Alcohol Prep Pad, Lancets, ...
Pharma Supply offers disposable product to the medical supply market. We offer Advocat™, Advocate Duo™ and Advocate RediCode™, & speaking glucose monitors. Advocate™ has featur
Address: 160 Tower Drive, Burr Ridge, Illinois 60527-5720, USA
dhchealthcare.com |
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Phone: +1-(630)-655-0311/655-0311
Products: Medical Humidifiers, Batteries, Blood Glucose Meters, Dressings, Bandages, Gauze, Blood Lancets, Tubing, ...
DHC Healthcare offers home health care products from durable medical equipment to disposable supplies. We offer products for ambulatory aids, bathroom safety, diabetes care, diagnostics equipment, hos
Address: 640 Miami Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas 66105, USA
www.dedicateddistribution.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-325-8367
Year Established: 1989
Annual Revenues: USD 10-25 Million
Employee Count: ~20
Products: Medical Humidifiers, Defibrillators, Blood Glucose Meters, Spirometers, Stethoscopes, Dressings, Bandages, Gauze, ...
Dedicated Distribution is a distributor and marketer of medical supplies for the home care industry. Our catalog has more than 250,000 home care and medical products. We especially deal with diabetes,
Address: 75 October Hill Rd, Holliston, Massachusetts 01746, USA
www.invacaresupplygroup.com |
Phone: +1-(800)-225-4792
Year Established: 1975
Annual Revenues: USD 100-500 Million
Employee Count: ~120
Products: Medical Humidifiers, Blood Glucose Meters, Dressings, Bandages, Gauze, Breast Pumps, Orthopedic Cushions, Blood Lancets, ...
Invacare Supply Group markets durable and consumable medical products for the health industry. We provide ambulatory products, wound care and diabetic products. Our products include Invacare® Adju
Address: 304 Park Ave S, Suite 218, New York, New York 10010, USA
www.usdiagnostics.net |
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Phone: +1-(212)-674-3636/866-216-5308
Products: Blood Glucose Meters, Blood Lancets, Glucose, Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems, Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems, Blood glucose testing, ...
US Diagnostics is a developer, manufacturer and distributor of blood glucose monitoring systems for home and clinical settings. Our system is used for quantitative measurement of glucose levels in who
Address: 1300 Morris Drive, Frisco, Texas 75034, USA
www.amerisourcebergen.com |
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Phone: +1-(866)-408-3761
Products: Medical Humidifiers, Batteries, Blood Glucose Meters, Dressings, Bandages, Gauze, Blood Lancets, Clamps, ...
AmerisourceBergen is a comprehensive pharmaceutical services provider. Our services include pharmaceutical distribution to retail pharmacies, hospitals & other institutions, specialty pharmaceutical d
Address: No.18, East Li River Road, Guilin 541004, China
www.aachek.com |
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Phone: +86-(773)-5810745
Products: Glucose Monitoring Systems, Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems, Glucose Monitors, Blood Glucose Test Strips, Diabetes Test Strips, Blood Glucose Monitors, ...
Guilin Royalyze Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of diabetes test products. We supply urine test strips, blood glucose test, urine HCG test and blood glucose monitoring systems. Accu-Ans
Address: Meilin Garden Industrial Park, Ninghai County, Ningbo, China
www.chinahuakun.cn |
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Phone: +86-(574)-65298898
FDA Registration: 3009747810
Products: Laryngoscopes, Endotracheal Tubes, Glucose Monitoring Systems, Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems, Glucose Monitors, Anesthesia Circuit, Breathing Bags, ...
Ningbo Huakun Medical Equipment Co.,Ltd, is a manufacturer of anesthesia breathing circuits, anesthesia masks and HME filters. Our products include blood glucose monitors, blood pressure monitors, dia