 Electronic Oxyzen Conserving Device Suppliers > Jiangsu Reak Healthy Articles Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu Reak Healthy Articles Co., Ltd.

Contact: Jay Mansour
Address: No.1 Jiangzhou Square, Yangzhong City 212200, China
Phone: +86-(511)-85155898 | Fax: +86-(511)-88338680 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Jiangsu Reak Healthy Articles Co., Ltd. manufactures sports protectors and healthcare supports. Our product range covers soft elastic & neoprene supports for the whole body. Our team sport protection products include elbow pads, knee pads and soccer shin guards. We offer sports protection products, active support, and diving & surfing suits. We provide active support products for shoulder & neck, elbow, wrist, back, knee, thigh, calf and ankle. Our diving suits include life jackets, rash guards, semi-dry diving suits, waders, wet suits and accessories.

FDA Registration Number: 3005157379
US Agent: Jay Mansour / Mansour Consulting Llc
Phone: +1-(678)-908-8180  Fax: +1-(678)-908-8180  E-Mail:

15 Products/Services (Click for related suppliers)  
• Arm Supports (FDA Code: IOY / 890.3475)
A limb orthosis (brace) is a device intended for medical purposes that is worn on the upper or lower extremities to support, to correct, or to prevent deformities or to align body structures for functional improvement. Examples of limb orthoses include the following: A whole limb and joint brace, a hand splint, an elastic stocking, a knee cage, and a corrective shoe.
• Basic Elbow Support
• Basic Knee Support
• Elastic Elbow Support
• Elastic Knee Support
• Elbow Braces & Supports
• External Ankle Brace (FDA Code: ITW / 890.3475)
• External Brace Hip Joint (FDA Code: ITS / 890.3475)
• External Brace Knee Joint (FDA Code: ITQ / 890.3475)
• Hand Splint and Component (FDA Code: ILH / 890.3475)
• Knee Braces & Supports
• Knee Support
• Limb & Truncal Orthosis (FDA Code: MRI / 890.3490)
A truncal orthosis is a device intended for medical purposes to support or to immobilize fractures, strains, or sprains of the neck or trunk of the body. Examples of truncal orthoses are the following: Abdominal, cervical, cervical-thoracic, lumbar, lumbo-sacral, rib fracture, sacroiliac, and thoracic orthoses and clavicle splints.
• Neoprene Knee Pad Wrap
• Sports Supports

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