Address: 338 Madison Avenue, Suite 7, Skowhegan, Maine 04976, USA
www.solonme.com |
Send Inquiry |
Phone: +1-(800)-341-6640
Year Established: 1936
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~80
Quality: ISO 13485:2003 Certified
Products: Cytology Brushes, Cotton Tipped Applicators, Disposable Cytology Brushes, Calcium Alginate Dressings, Cervical Scrapers, Wooden Cervical Scraper, ...
Solon Manufacturing Co. specializes in single-use disposable medical products. We manufacture both domestic single use disposable line under the Solon brand name, and a value single use disposable lin
Address: 1401 42nd St., Brooklyn, New York 11219, USA
Phone: +1-(718)-435-3728
Year Established: 1970
Products: Surgical Razor (FDA Code:
LWK), Nail Clipper, Orange Stick, ...
Amson Products provides medical disposable products. We also offer emery boards, hairbrushes, combs and manicure sticks.