Profile: Siemens Medical Solutions Inc. focuses on imaging equipment, information technology, management consulting and services. Our Mammomat® NovationDR digital mammography system provides digital screening, diagnosis and stereotactic biopsy capabilities in one system. Our OB/GYN 2D, 3D and 4D imaging solutions provide visually informative exams for every clinical application and patient type. Offline analysis, allows you to review, optimize, quantify and store exam data without interrupting patient throughput at the point of care.
The company has ~150 employees and is ISO 9001, CE certified. NYSE:SI (SEC Filings)
FDA Registration Number: 2531814
• Multipurpose Cart |
• Neonatal Respirator Ventilator |
• Neurology Kits |
• Neurosurgical Surgical Microscope |
• Non-Invasive Blood-Pressure Measurement System (FDA Code: DXN / 870.1130) A noninvasive blood pressure measurement system is a device that provides a signal from which systolic, diastolic, mean, or any combination of the three pressures can be derived through the use of tranducers placed on the surface of the body. |
• Non-surgical Spinal Decompression Device |
• Nuclear Camera Synchronizer |
• Nuclear Diagnostic Exerciser |
• Nuclear Emission Computed Tomography (ECT) Scanner |
• Nuclear Flood Source Phantom (FDA Code: IYQ / 892.1380) A nuclear flood source phantom is a device that consists of a radiolucent container filled with a uniformly distributed solution of a desired radionuclide. It is intended to calibrate a medical gamma camera-collimator system for uniformity of response. |
• Nuclear Imaging Gantry |
• Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging System (FDA Code: LNH / 892.1000) A magnetic resonance diagnostic device is intended for general diagnostic use to present images which reflect the spatial distribution and/or magnetic resonance spectra which reflect frequency and distribution of nuclei exhibiting nuclear magnetic resonance. Other physical parameters derived from the images and/or spectra may also be produced. The device includes hydrogen-1 (proton) imaging, sodium-23 imaging, hydrogen-1 spectroscopy, phosphorus-31 spectroscopy, and chemical shift imaging (preserving simultaneous frequency and spatial information). |
• Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic System (FDA Code: LNI / 892.1000) |
• Nuclear Medicine |
• Nuclear Medicine Computer |
• Nuclear Rectilinear Scanner (FDA Code: IYW / 892.1300) A nuclear rectilinear scanner is a device intended to image the distribution of radionuclides in the body by means of a detector (or detectors) whose position moves in two directions with respect to the patient. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, radionuclide anatomical markers, component parts, and accessories. |
• Nuclear Sealed Calibration Source (FDA Code: IXD / 892.1400) A nuclear sealed calibration source is a device that consists of an encapsulated reference radionuclide intended for calibration of medical nuclear radiation detectors. |
• Nuclear Uptake Probe (FDA Code: IZD / 892.1320) A nuclear uptake probe is a device intended to measure the amount of radionuclide taken up by a particular organ or body region. This generic type of device may include a single or multiple detector probe, signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, component parts, and accessories. |
• Obstetric Ultrasonic Transducer (FDA Code: HGL / 884.2960) An obstetric ultrasonic transducer is a device used to apply ultrasonic energy to, and to receive ultrasonic energy from, the body in conjunction with an obstetric monitor or imager. The device converts electrical signals into ultrasonic energy, and vice versa, by means of an assembly distinct from an ultrasonic generator. This generic type of device may include the following accessories: coupling gel, preamplifiers, amplifiers, signal conditioners with their power supply, connecting cables, and component parts. This generic type of device does not include devices used to generate the ultrasonic frequency electrical signals for application. |
• Office-based MRI Systems |
• Oncology Radiation Systems |
• Operating Room Lamp (FDA Code: FQP / 878.4580) A surgical lamp (including a fixture) is a device intended to be used to provide visible illumination of the surgical field or the patient. |
• Operating Room Television Monitor |
• Operating-Room Electrical Table (FDA Code: GDC / 878.4960) Operating tables and accessories and operating chairs and accessories are AC-powered or air-powered devices, usually with movable components, intended for use during diagnostic examinations or surgical procedures to support and position a patient. |
• Ophthalmic AC-Powered Operating Microscope and Accessories (FDA Code: HRM / 878.4700) A surgical microscope and accessories is an AC-powered device intended for use during surgery to provide a magnified view of the surgical field. |
• Orthopedic Surgical Table and Accessories (FDA Code: JEB / 878.4950) A manual operating table and accessories and a manual operating chair and accessories are nonpowered devices, usually with movable components, intended to be used to support a patient during diagnostic examinations or surgical procedures. |
• Orthopedics Evaluation Products |
• Orthovoltage Therapeutic X-Ray Collimator (FDA Code: IYI / 892.5900) An x-ray radiation therapy system is a device intended to produce and control x-rays used for radiation therapy. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, treatment planning computer programs, component parts, and accessories. |
• Orthovoltage Therapeutic X-Ray Generator (FDA Code: IYC / 892.5900) |
• Patient Data Management Computer |
• Patient Monitor Computer |
• Pediatric Ultrasonic Scanner |
• PET Imaging Systems |
• Phonocardiograph (FDA Code: DQC / 870.2390) A phonocardiograph is a device used to amplify or condition the signal from a heart sound transducer. This device furnishes the excitation energy for the transducer and provides a visual or audible display of the heart sounds. |
• Photofluorographic X-Ray System (FDA Code: IZG / 892.1730) A photofluorographic x-ray system is a device that includes a fluoroscopic x-ray unit and a camera intended to be used to produce, then photograph, a fluoroscopic image of the body. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, component parts, and accessories. |
• Physician, Clinical Information System |
• Physiological Neonatal Monitor |
• Picture Archiving & Communications Systems |
• Pneumatic Lithotripsy Systems |
• Polytomographic Diagnostic Radiographic Unit |
• Portable (X-Ray) Diagnostic Radiographic Unit |
• Portable Ventilator |
• Positron Emission Tomography |
• Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scanner |
• Powered Non-Tilting Radiographic Table (FDA Code: IZZ / 892.1980) A radiologic table is a device intended for medical purposes to support a patient during radiologic procedures. The table may be fixed or tilting and may be electrically powered. |
• Powered Radiographic Cradle |
• Powered Surgery Indirect Blood Pressure Monitor |
• Practice Management Software |
• Pulse Rate Monitors |
• R-Wave (ECG) Heart Rate Monitor |