 Liposuction Accessories, Suction Handle Suppliers > Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc

Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc

Address: 51 Valley Stream Parkway, Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355, USA
Phone: +1-(888)-826-9702 | Fax: (610)-448-2554 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Siemens Medical Solutions Inc. focuses on imaging equipment, information technology, management consulting and services. Our Mammomat® NovationDR digital mammography system provides digital screening, diagnosis and stereotactic biopsy capabilities in one system. Our OB/GYN 2D, 3D and 4D imaging solutions provide visually informative exams for every clinical application and patient type. Offline analysis, allows you to review, optimize, quantify and store exam data without interrupting patient throughput at the point of care.

The company has ~150 employees and is ISO 9001, CE certified. NYSE:SI (SEC Filings)

FDA Registration Number: 2531814

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• Radiation Oncology Kits
• Radiation Therapy Beam Shaping Block (FDA Code: IXI / 892.5710)
A radiation therapy beam-shaping block is a device made of a highly attenuating material (such as lead) intended for medical purposes to modify the shape of a beam from a radiation therapy source.
• Radiation Therapy Devices
• Radiation Therapy Simulation System (FDA Code: KPQ / 892.5840)
A radiation therapy simulation system is a fluoroscopic or radiographic x-ray system intended for use in localizing the volume to be exposed during radiation therapy and confirming the position and size of the therapeutic irradiation field produced. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, treatment planning computer programs, component parts, and accessories.
• Radiofrequency Physiological Transmitter/Receiver System (FDA Code: DRG / 870.2910)
A radiofrequency physiological signal transmitter and receiver is a device used to condition a physiological signal so that it can be transmitted via radiofrequency from one location to another, e.g., a central monitoring station. The received signal is reconditioned by the device into its original format so that it can be displayed.
• Radiographic Aperture (FDA Code: IZS / 892.1610)
A diagnostic x-ray beam-limiting device is a device such as a collimator, a cone, or an aperture intended to restrict the dimensions of a diagnostic x-ray field by limiting the size of the primary x-ray beam.
• Radiographic Cassette Changer
• Radiographic Data Computer
• Radiographic Film Changer
• Radiographic Film/Cassette Changer (FDA Code: KPX / 892.1860)
A radiographic film/cassette changer is a device intended to be used during a radiologic procedure to move a radiographic film or cassette between x-ray exposures and to position it during the exposure.
• Radiographic Film/Cassette Changer Programmer (FDA Code: IZP / 892.1870)
A radiographic film/cassette changer programmer is a device intended to be used to control the operations of a film or cassette changer during serial medical radiography.
• Radiographic Filter
• Radiographic Grid (FDA Code: IXJ / 892.1910)
A radiographic grid is a device that consists of alternating radiolucent and radiopaque strips intended to be placed between the patient and the image receptor to reduce the amount of scattered radiation reaching the image receptor.
• Radiographic Head Holder (FDA Code: IWY / 892.1920)
A radiographic head holder is a device intended to position the patient's head during a radiographic procedure.
• Radiographic Image Analysis Computer
• Radiographic Intensifying Screen (FDA Code: EAM / 892.1960)
A radiographic intensifying screen is a device that is a thin radiolucent sheet coated with a luminescent material that transforms incident x-ray photons into visible light and intended for medical purposes to expose radiographic film.
• Radiographic Mobile Phototimer
• Radiographic Patient Position Support
• Radiographic Picture Archiving/Communication System
• Radiographic Stretcher
• Radiographic Urological Table
• Radiographic Video Tape Recorder
• Radiographic X-Ray Tube
• Radiographs Devices
• Radiography & X-ray Kits
• Radiography, Digital Devices
• Radiologic Patient Cradle (FDA Code: KXH / 892.1830)
A radiologic patient cradle is a support device intended to be used for rotational positioning about the longitudinal axis of a patient during radiologic procedures.
• Radiologic Table (FDA Code: KXJ / 892.1980)
A radiologic table is a device intended for medical purposes to support a patient during radiologic procedures. The table may be fixed or tilting and may be electrically powered.
• Radiological Image Processing System (FDA Code: LLZ / 892.2050)
A picture archiving and communications system is a device that provides one or more capabilities relating to the acceptance, transfer, display, storage, and digital processing of medical images. Its hardware components may include workstations, digitizers, communications devices, computers, video monitors, magnetic, optical disk, or other digital data storage devices, and hardcopy devices. The software components may provide functions for performing operations related to image manipulation, enhancement, compression or quantification.
• Radiology Service
• Radiology Viewers
• Radiology Viewers & Accessories
• Radiology Workstations
• Radionuclide Teletherapy Beam Limiting Device (FDA Code: IWD / 892.5750)
A radionuclide radiation therapy system is a device intended to permit an operator to administer gamma radiation therapy, with the radiation source located at a distance from the patient's body. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, treatment planning computer programs, component parts (including beam-limiting devices), and accessories.
• Radiotherapy Simulators
• Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Unit
• Real-Time Ambulatory ECG Monitor
• Renal Extracorporeal Lithotripsy Systems
• Scanners
• Scheduling Software
• Scintillation Gamma Camera (FDA Code: IYX / 892.1100)
A scintillation (gamma) camera is a device intended to image the distribution of radionuclides in the body by means of a photon radiation detector. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, radionuclide anatomical markers, component parts, and accessories.
• Shockwave Lithotripsy Systems
• Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography
• Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Spares
• Skeletal Diagnostic Radiographic Unit
• Small Parts Ultrasonic Scanner
• Software Programs
• Special Procedure Radiographic/Fluoroscopic Unit
• SPECT Imaging Isotopes
• SPECT Imaging Systems

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