 Phlebotomy Disposals Suppliers > Teco Diagnostics

Teco Diagnostics

Address: 1268 N. Lakeview Ave, Anaheim, California 92807, USA
Phone: +1-(714)-463-111, 800-222-9880 | Fax: +1-(714)-463-1169 | Map/Directions >>

Profile: Teco Diagnostics is an ISO 13485 certified company. We offer a complete line of clinical chemistry reagents and urine reagent strips. Our one step pregnancy card test helps in obtaining a visual qualitative result for the detection of pregnancy. Our uritek-720 urine reagent strip reader incorporates flat bed, continuous feed method for fast reading & meeting the demands of high volume laboratories. Our tests refer to a variety of card and dipstick tests used to quickly and qualitatively determine the presence of a given substance in a sample. These tests are easily interpreted as positive or negative by the presence or absence of a color band in the test zone. Each test contains a built-in control line for added quality assurance. Rapid tests are useful for the testing of fertility, tumor markers, cardiac markers, infectious diseases, drug of abuse and drug adulteration.

FDA Registration Number: 1832216

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• Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase Kinetic Method (FDA Code: JQB / 862.1360)
A gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and isoenzymes test system is a device intended to measure the activity of the enzyme gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (GGTP) in plasma and serum. Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase and isoenzymes measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases such as alcoholic cirrhosis and primary and secondary liver tumors.
• Gamma-GT
• Glucose and Fructosamine Monitors
• Glucose Hexokinase Test (FDA Code: CFR / 862.1345)
A glucose test system is a device intended to measure glucose quantitatively in blood and other body fluids. Glucose measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of carbohydrate metabolism disorders including diabetes mellitus, neonatal hypoglycemia, and idiopathic hypoglycemia, and of pancreatic islet cell carcinoma.
• Glucose Kits
• Glucose Monitoring
• Glucose Monitoring Systems
• Glucose Monitors
• Glucose Monitors
• Glucose Oxidase, Glucose (FDA Code: CGA / 862.1345)
• Glucose Tolerance Test kit
• Glycosylated Hemoglobin Assay Test (FDA Code: LCP / 864.7470)
A glycosylated hemoglobin assay is a device used to measure the glycosylated hemoglobins (A1a, A1b, and A1c) in a patient's blood by a column chromatographic procedure. Measurement of glycosylated hemoglobin is used to assess the level of control of a patient's diabetes and to determine the proper insulin dosage for a patient. Elevated levels of glycosylated hemoglobin indicate uncontrolled diabetes in a patient.
• Growth Hormone (Somatotropin)
• Haemogloblin Iron Testing Kits
• HCG Over The Counter Pregnancy Test Kit (FDA Code: LCX / 862.1155)
A human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) test system is a device intended for the early detection of pregnancy is intended to measure HCG, a placental hormone, in plasma or urine.
• HDL Cholesterol
• HDL Precipitation Method (FDA Code: LBR / 862.1475)
A lipoprotein test system is a device intended to measure lipoprotein in serum and plasma. Lipoprotein measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of lipid disorders (such as diabetes mellitus), atherosclerosis, and various liver and renal diseases.
• Home Microalbumin Testing Kit
• Home Screening Kit For MRSA
• Homeopathic Human Growth Hormone
• Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Agglutination Method (FDA Code: JHJ / 862.1155)
• Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Radioimmunoassay (FDA Code: JHI / 862.1155)
• Human Growth Hormone
• Human Microalbumin Kit
• Infectious Mononucleosis Test System (FDA Code: KTN / 866.5640)
An infectious mononucleosis immunological test system is a device that consists of the reagents used to measure by immunochemical techniques heterophile antibodies frequently associated with infectious mononucleosis in serum, plasma, and other body fluids. Measurements of these antibodies aid in the diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis.
• Inorganic Phosphorus Phosphomolybdate (FDA Code: CEO / 862.1580)
A phosphorus (inorganic) test system is a device intended to measure inorganic phosphorus in serum, plasma, and urine. Measurements of phosphorus (inorganic) are used in the diagnosis and treatment of various disorders, including parathyroid gland and kidney diseases, and vitamin D imbalance.
• Iron Photometric Method (FDA Code: JIY / 862.1410)
An iron (non-heme) test system is a device intended to measure iron (non-heme) in serum and plasma. Iron (non-heme) measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as iron deficiency anemia, hemochromatosis (a disease associated with widespread deposit in the tissues of two iron-containing pigments, hemosiderin and hemofuscin, and characterized by pigmentation of the skin), and chronic renal disease.
• Isoenzymes Colorimetric Method (FDA Code: JHY / 862.1215)
A creatine phosphokinase/creatine kinase or isoenzymes test system is a device intended to measure the activity of the enzyme creatine phosphokinase or its isoenzymes (a group of enzymes with similar biological activity) in plasma and serum. Measurements of creatine phosphokinase and its isoenzymes are used in the diagnosis and treatment of myocardial infarction and muscle diseases such as progressive, Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy.
• Isoenzymes NAD Reduction/NADH Oxidation (FDA Code: CGS / 862.1215)
• Ketone Test Kits
• Ketone Test Kits, Bilirubin
• Labeled Medical Laboratory Equipment (FDA Code: LXG / 862.2050)
General purpose laboratory equipment labeled or promoted for a specific medical use is a device that is intended to prepare or examine specimens from the human body and that is labeled or promoted for a specific medical use.
• Lactate Dehydrogenase NAD Reduction/NADH Oxidation (FDA Code: CFJ / 862.1440)
A lactate dehydrogenase test system is a device intended to measure the activity of the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase in serum. Lactate dehydrogenase measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of liver diseases such as acute viral hepatitis, cirrhosis, and metastatic carcinoma of the liver, cardiac diseases such as myocardial infarction, and tumors of the lung or kidneys.
• LDL & VLDL Precipitation Method (FDA Code: LBR / 862.1475)
• LDL Cholesterol
• LDL Cholesterol Reagent
• Lipoprotein Low-Density Test System (FDA Code: MRR / 862.1475)
• Luteinizing Hormone Radioimmunoassay (FDA Code: CEP / 862.1485)
A luteinizing hormone test system is a device intended to measure luteinizing hormone in serum and urine. Luteinizing hormone measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of gonadal dysfunction.
• Magnesium Photometric Method Test (FDA Code: JGJ / 862.1495)
A magnesium test system is a device intended to measure magnesium levels in serum and plasma. Magnesium measurements are used in the diagnosis and treatment of hypomagnesemia (abnormally low plasma levels of magnesium) and hypermagnesemia (abnormally high plasma levels of magnesium).
• Metamphetamine Thin Layer Chromatography Test (FDA Code: DJC / 862.3610)
A methamphetamine test system is a device intended to measure methamphetamine, a central nervous system stimulating drug, in serum, plasma, and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of methamphetamine use or overdose.
• Methadone Enzyme Immunoassay Test (FDA Code: DJR / 862.3620)
A methadone test system is a device intended to measure methadone, an addictive narcotic pain-relieving drug, in serum and urine. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of methadone use or overdose and to determine compliance with regulations in methadone maintenance treatment.
• Methamphetamine Gas Chromatography Test (FDA Code: LAF / 862.3610)
• Microalbumin Immunoturbidimetric Test kit
• Microalbuminuria Testing Kits
• Microglobulin Microtiter Tests
• Microplate Incubators & Shakers
• Microplate Washers
• Minerals, Calcium
• Minerals, Chromium
• Minerals, Copper

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