Address: 4615 Shepard Street, Bakersfield, California 93313, USA
www.townsenddesign.com |
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Phone: +1-(661)-837-1795, (800)-432-3466
FDA Registration: 2951574
Products: Ankle Braces, Elbow Braces, Foot Braces, Knee Braces, Hand and Wrist Braces, Walkers, ...
Townsend Design develops & markets orthopedic braces. We offer products like functional, osteoarthritis, rehab device, speciality bracing, walking boots, shoulder sling, custom elbow, custom ankle & s
Address: 742 Pancho Road, Camarillo, California 93012, USA
www.roycemedical.com |
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Phone: +1-(805)-494-2600
Year Established: 1972
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~110
Products: Splints, Ankle Braces, Elbow Braces, Shoulder Braces, Knee Braces, Finger Splints, ...
Royce Medical Company develops & assembles products for the treatment of sprains, strains, fractures and post-operative care. We offer products like braces & support, casting & splinting, wound care p
Address: 2985 Scott Street, Vista, California 92081, USA
www.djortho.com |
Phone: +1-(760)-727-1280, (800)-321-9549
Annual Revenues: < USD 1 Million
Employee Count: ~400
Quality: CE Certified
Products: Splints, Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), External Bone Growth Stimulators, Bone Rasps (FDA Code:
HTR), Surgical Helmet Systems, Ankle Braces, ...
DJ Orthopedics, Inc. is a global medical device company specializing in rehabilitation and regeneration products for the non-operative orthopedic & spine markets. We offer products like ankle & knee b
Address: 7477 East Dry Creek Parkway, Longmont, Colorado 80503, USA
www.sunrisemedical.com |
Phone: +001-(800)-333-4000
Year Established: 1983
Annual Revenues: USD 100-500 Million
Employee Count: ~400
Quality: ISO 9001 Certified
Products: Medical Humidifiers, Oxygen Masks (FDA Code:
BYG), Batteries, Orthopedic Cushions, Patient Lifters (FDA Code:
FNG), Tubing, ...
Sunrise Medical manufactures homecare and extended care products. Our product list comprises of wheelchairs, wheelchair seating, pediatric mobility, bariatric products and wheelchair accessories. Our
Address: PO Box 587, Warsaw, Indiana 46581-0587, USA
www.biomet.com/orthopedics |
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Phone: +1-(574)-267-6639
FDA Registration: 1825034 Year Established: 1977
Annual Revenues: > USD 1 Billion
Employee Count: ~20
Quality: ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Heat or Cold Packs, Blades, Drills, Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Probes (FDA Code:
HXB), Saws (FDA Code:
HSO), ...
Biomet, Inc designs and manufactures products for hip replacement, knee replacement, shoulder replacement, elbow replacement & other small joint replacements. We are an ISO 9001 CE certified company.
Address: 297 High Street, Dedham, Massachusetts 02026, USA
www.alimed.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-225-2610
FDA Registration: 1218386 Employee Count: ~180
Quality: ISO, CE Certified
Products: Masks & Breathing Bags, Hypodermic Syringes, Bodyfat Analyzers, Spirometers, Disposable Examination Gloves, Furniture & Storage, ...
Alimed, Inc. is a manufacturer and supplier of pre-formed orthoses, alarms for fall management, cushions, diagnostic imaging & operating room accessories, orthopedic rehabilitation equipment, and ergo
Address: 1200 Trapp Road, Eagan, Minnesota 55121, USA
www.birdcronin.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-328-1095
FDA Registration: 2182345
Products: Splints, Cast Boots, Ankle Braces, Foot Braces, Shoulder Braces, Knee Braces, ...
Bird and Cronin Inc. manufactures patient footwear, orthopedic soft goods and specialty patient care products. We offer products like cervical, upper extremities, lumbar/low back, lower extremities, c
Address: 11911 E. 83rd Street, Raytown, Missouri 64138, USA
www.orthocare.net |
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Phone: +1-(816)-353-8660
FDA Registration: 1927565
Products: Ankle Braces, Walkers, Flexible Ankle Braces, Ortho Splints Walkers, Rolling Walkers, Folding Walkers, ...
Ortho-Care, Inc. produces orthopedic and sports medicine products. We offer products like bodyflex, casting, lower extremity, upper extremity & patient care. Our front closure clavicle brace has a wel
Address: 669 East Industrial Park Drive, Manchester, New Hampshire 03109, USA
www.corflex.com |
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Phone: +1-(603)-623.3344
FDA Registration: 1218997 Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~50
Quality: CE Certified
Products: Splints, Ankle Braces, Elbow Braces, Foot Braces, Humeral Splints, Shoulder Braces, ...
Corflex, Inc. manufactures & distributes orthopedic rehabilitation, sports medicine and orthotic products. We produce a broad range of over 250 products. We offer a comprehensive line of sports medici
Address: 92 River Road, Summit, New Jersey 07901, USA
www.aircast.com |
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Phone: +1-(908)-273-6349, (800)-526-8785
Year Established: 2001
Annual Revenues: USD 100-500 Million
Employee Count: ~3000
Quality: ISO, CE Certified
Products: Sequential Compression Devices, Ankle Braces, Elbow Braces, Foot Braces, Shoulder Braces, Knee Braces, ...
Aircast develops ankle braces and walking braces. We are an ISO 9001 & CE certified company. We offer products such as ankle braces, walking braces, cold therapy, upper extremity, knee braces & vascul
Address: 200 Allen Boulevard, Farmingdale, New York 11735, USA
www.cwimedical.com |
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Phone: +1-(631)-844-0055, 866-588-3888
FDA Registration: 1932233
Products: Dressings, Bandages, Gauze, Dressing Forceps, Arthroscopy Instruments, Walkers, Nitrile Gloves, Glove Boxes, ...
CWI Medical, LLC specializes in incontinence products as well as adaptive and rehabilitation equipment. We provide a complete line of nutritional supplements and durable medical equipment supplies. We
Address: 520 Mulberry St., Bryan, Ohio 43502, USA
www.gendroninc.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-537.2521
FDA Registration: 1523528 Year Established: 1871
Employee Count: ~60
Products: Walkers, Centrifuge Aids, Chairs & stools, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Emergency Stretcher, Exam Tables, ...
Gendron, Inc. develops, designs and manufactures bariatric patient care products for acute care, long term care, home care & rehabilitation environments. We offer manual & power wheelchairs, custom bu
Address: 3960 Rosslyn Drive, Cincinnati, Ohio 45209-1195, USA
surgicalappliance.com |
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Phone: +001-(800)-888-0458
Year Established: 1893
Annual Revenues: USD 25-50 Million
Employee Count: ~350
Products: Orthopedic Cushions, Splints, Ankle Braces, Elbow Braces, Knee Braces, Hand and Wrist Braces, ...
SAI Therapeutic Brands deals with healthcare products. Our products are divided into four major brand categories such as Truform therapeutic compression hosiery, Truform OTC orthotics & prosthetics, A
Address: 6009 Richmond Ave Suite 200, Houston, Texas 77057, USA
www.medical-supplies-equipment-company.com |
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Phone: +1-(713)-589-6059, 877-706-4480
Products: Medical Humidifiers, Hypodermic Needles, Hypodermic Syringes, Blood Pressure Measuring Equipment, Fetal Monitors, Neonatal Monitors, ...
Medical Supplies & Equipment Company LLC deals with medical equipment and health care products. Our breast pumping accessory kit is a partially assembled kit with an option to select double or single
Address: 7030 Park Centre Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121, USA
www.dynatronics.com |
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Phone: +1-(801)-568-7000, (800)-874-6251
FDA Registration: 1000643136 Annual Revenues: USD 10-25 Million
Employee Count: ~100
Quality: ISO 9000, ISO 9001, CE Certified
Products: Biofeedback & Electrotherapy, Heat or Cold Packs, Orthopedic Cushions, Splints, Ultrasounds, Hand Tables, ...
Dynatronics Corporation manufactures and distributes a wide variety of products for rehabilitation, chronic pain & for the anesthetic market. Our rehabilitation product category comprises of electroth
Address: , Huntington, West Virginia 25701, USA
healthdesign.net |
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Phone: +1-(304)-781-5234, (888)-847-8090
Products: Cast Boots, Foot Braces, Knee Braces, Finger Splints, Walkers, Removable Cast Boots, ...
Health Design manufactures orthopedic footwear. We offer products like HD Hi-top rom walker, soft goods & quick fit wrist splint. We specialize in private labeling, high volume, and low cost orthopedi
Address: 21251 Deering Court, Canoga Park, California 91304, USA
www.allmanproducts.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-223-6889
Year Established: 1984
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~20
Products: Walkers, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Foams, Underpads, Wheelchairs, Adult Diapers and Underpads, ...
Allman Products Inc. deals in home healthcare products and medical products. Our product line includes cervical pillow, foam bed wedge and elevated leg rest.
Address: 1470 Beachey Place, Carson, California 90248, USA
www.novaortho-med.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-557-6682
FDA Registration: 2085249
Products: Walkers, Chairs & stools, Tens Units, Trays, Wheelchairs, Muscle Stimulators, Combo UltraSound, ...
Nova Ortho-Med, Inc. is a manufacturer of mobility and bathroom safety products such as canes, walkers, transport chairs and bath benches. We supply folding travel canes, designer aluminum canes, quad
Address: 13825 Norton Ave, Chino, California 91710, USA
www.ctmhomecare.com |
Phone: +1-(909)-590-1388
FDA Registration: 3006247243
Products: Walkers, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Wheelchairs, Ortho Splints Walkers, Forearm Crutches, Rolling Walkers, ...
C.t.m. Homecare Product, Inc focuses on power mobility and power chairs. We offer accessories and mobility scooters. We produce solid tires, rear bags, storage covers and canopies.
Address: 508 Chaney Street B, Lake Elsinore, California 92530, USA
www.irepinc.net |
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Phone: +1-(951)-674-7628/800-828-0852
Year Established: 1982
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~10
Products: Biofeedback & Electrotherapy, Heat or Cold Packs, Ultrasounds, Walkers, Rehabilitation Treadmills, Exercise Balls, ...
I-Rep Inc markets products for medical and rehabilitation industry. We provide medical, therapeutic and fitness equipment.