Address: 15 South Main St, 2nd Floor, Marlboro, New Jersey 07746, USA
www.pmiusa.biz |
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Phone: +1-(732)-683-1900/800-438-0503
Products: Stethoscopes, Walkers, Bath Accessories, Chairs & stools, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Nebulizers, ...
Probasics by PMI offers products like chrome knurled grab bars, plastic tub rails, aluminum crutches, recliner, rollators, mattress overlay, cushion, pressure pumps, power chairs(XP6500 Folding type),
Address: 661 Route 23 South, Wayne, New Jersey 07470, USA
www.maddak.com |
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Phone: +1-(973)-628-7600
Year Established: 1971
Annual Revenues: USD 25-50 Million
Employee Count: ~10
Quality: ISO 9000 Certified
Products: Walkers, Bath Accessories, Chairs & stools, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, General Medical Supplies, General Orthopedic Supplies, ...
Maddak, Inc designs and produces assistive devices. We provide clinical modality assessment and evaluation tools for the professional therapist. Our Pediatrics Children's Chaise™ consist of a se
Address: 33, howard street., Dolgeville, New York 13329, USA
www.realdesigninc.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-696-7041
Products: Walkers, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Ortho Splints Walkers, Orthopedic Seat Cushions, Rolling Walkers, Folding Walkers, ...
REALDesign, Inc. is a creator and manufacturer of products for children with disabilities. We provide convert able table which is used with wheelchairs and equipment including standind frames, seating
Address: 99 Seaview Blvd, Port Washington, New York 11050, USA
www.drivemedical.com |
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Phone: +1-(516)-998-4600/ 877-224-0946
Products: Orthopedic Cushions, Tubing, Disposables, Walkers, Bath Accessories, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, ...
Drive Medical Design and Manufacturing is a manufacturer and distributor of durable medical equipment in the home healthcare, medical/surgical and rehabilitation markets. We provide walker accessories
Address: 10 Ford Products Road, Valley Cottage, New York 10989, USA
www.completemedical.com |
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Phone: +1-(845)-353-0434, 800-242-2674
FDA Registration: 3009166566 Year Established: 1988
Annual Revenues: USD 10-25 Million
Employee Count: ~60
Products: Medical Humidifiers, Blood Lancets, Disposables, Walkers, Bath Accessories, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, ...
Complete Medical Supplies, Inc. is a wholesale distributor of healthcare products. The GelStep medium recovery heel pad has dual durometer for maximum comfort while standing, walking or running. The t
Address: 12801 E Independence Blvd, PO Box 1739, Matthews, North Carolina 28106, USA
www.snugseat.com |
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Phone: +1-(704)-882-0666
FDA Registration: 1053060 Year Established: 1988
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~20
Quality: CE Certified
Products: Walkers, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Wheelchairs, Ortho Splints Walkers, Orthopedic Seat Cushions, Rolling Walkers, ...
Snug Seat Inc is the manufacturer of pediatric rehabilitation equipments. We offer wheelchairs like cheetahs, x:panda, cougar, combi frame, platypus for therapists and sting for children. We also offe
Address: One Invacare Way, Elyria, Ohio 440396-212, USA
www.invacare.com |
Phone: +1-(800)-347-5440,
FDA Registration: 3009598250 Year Established: 1979
Annual Revenues: > USD 1 Billion
Employee Count: ~5700
Quality: ISO 9001 Certified
Products: Medical Humidifiers, Orthopedic Cushions, Patient Lifters (FDA Code:
FNG), Forceps (FDA Code:
HTD), Tubing, Walkers, ...
Invacare Corporation specializes in the manufacture of home medical equipments. The BAR750 bariatric bed is a heavy-duty full-electric bed frame capable of supporting up to 750 pounds. With the end us
Address: 1478 Dillon Rd, Maple Glen, Pennsylvania 19002, USA
www.easy-walking.com |
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Phone: +1-(215)-654-1626
FDA Registration: 3003897934
Products: Walkers, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Ortho Splints Walkers, Rolling Walkers, Folding Walkers, Adult Walkers & Accessories, ...
Easy Walking Inc produces durable medical products.
Address: 1003 International Drive, Oakdale, Pennsylvania 15071-9226, USA
www.clarkehealthcare.com |
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Phone: +1-(724)-695-2122, 888-347-4537
FDA Registration: 2523870 Year Established: 1994
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Employee Count: ~20
Products: Patient Lifters (FDA Code:
FNG), Walkers, Bath Accessories, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Trays, Hospital Trays, ...
Clarke Health Care Products provides aquatec products. We offer shower chairs and walkers. We also offer aquatec bath board(bali), dukki, handi-grip, & beluga such daily life aids. Our walkers models
Address: 195 Phillips Park Dr, South Williamsport, Pennsylvania 17702, USA
www.duralife-usa.com |
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Phone: +1-(570)-323-9743/800-443-5433
Year Established: 1988
Annual Revenues: < USD 1 Million
Employee Count: ~20
Products: Walkers, Bath Accessories, Chairs & stools, Foams, Wheelchairs, Hospital Chairs, ...
Duralife Inc is a manufacturer of PVC furniture for hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers. We market products like adjustable bath chairs, dura-chairs & shower chairs, laundry hampers, d
Address: PO Box 3417, Abilene, Texas 79604, USA
www.convaquip.com |
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Phone: +1-(325)-677-4171/800-637-8436
FDA Registration: 1629847 Year Established: 1974
Annual Revenues: USD 1-5 Million
Quality: CE Certified
Products: Patient Lifters (FDA Code:
FNG), Walkers, Bath Accessories, Chairs & stools, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Wheelchairs, ...
Convaquip Industries Inc products include bathseats, beds, canes, chairs, commodes - bedside, commodes-drop arm, crutches, econoline, gurney/stretcher, hygiene, lifts, linens, mattresses, safety rolle
Address: Box 742855, Dallas, Texas 75374, USA
www.liftnwalk.com |
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Phone: +1-(972)-837-4615
Year Established: 1980
Employee Count: ~10
Products: Walkers, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Ortho Splints Walkers, Rolling Walkers, Folding Walkers, Adult Walkers & Accessories, ...
Liftnwalk LP specializes in the production of LIFTnWALK™ gait walker. We offer lightweight devices.
Address: 1300 Morris Drive, Frisco, Texas 75034, USA
www.amerisourcebergen.com |
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Phone: +1-(866)-408-3761
Products: Medical Humidifiers, Batteries, Blood Glucose Meters, Dressings, Bandages, Gauze, Blood Lancets, Clamps, ...
AmerisourceBergen is a comprehensive pharmaceutical services provider. Our services include pharmaceutical distribution to retail pharmacies, hospitals & other institutions, specialty pharmaceutical d
Address: 1128 Luke St, Irving, Texas 75061, USA
www.integratedrehabsystems.com |
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Phone: +1-(972)-313-0186
Products: Walkers, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Wheelchairs, Ortho Splints Walkers, Rolling Walkers, Folding Walkers, ...
Integrated Rehabilitation Systems specializes in rehabilitation equipment, home medical equipment and wheelchairs. We deal with patient lifts, computer access, environmental control, adapted telephone
Address: 10005 Mt Baker Hwy, PO Box 5089, Glacier, Washington 98244-5089, USA
www.shuttlesystems.com |
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Phone: +1-(360)-599-2833
Year Established: 1962
Employee Count: ~10
Products: Walkers, Exercise Balls, Cardiovasculars, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Ortho Splints Walkers, Gymnic Exercise Balls, ...
Shuttle Systems by Contemporary Design Co manufactures rehabilitation and fitness equipment. Our products are used by rehabilitating geriatric patients and olympic champions. Our supportwalk are used
Address: 336 Trowbridge Drive, P.O. Box 907, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54937, USA
www.grahamfield.com |
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Phone: +1-(800)-347-5678
FDA Registration: 2183191 Year Established: 1946
Annual Revenues: USD 5-10 Million
Employee Count: ~280
Products: Batteries, Orthopedic Cushions, Tubing, Ultrasounds, Disposables, Walkers, ...
Graham-Field(GF) Health Products, Inc. is a manufacturer and distributor of medical products in the health care industry. We offer home care, surgical, & rehabilitation products. Our health care produ
Address: 484 Ohba, Yoro-cho, Yorogun, Gifu 503-12, Japan
www.matsunaga-w.co.jp |
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Phone: +81-(584)-35-1180
Products: Walkers, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Wheelchairs, Ortho Splints Walkers, Walking Canes, Rolling Walkers, ...
Matsunaga Seisakusho Co., Ltd. specializes in wheelchairs.
Address: 1-7-5 Higashida, Yahata-Higashi-Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 805-8538, Japan
www.arizono.co.jp |
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Phone: +81-(93)-661-1010
FDA Registration: 3004191967
Products: Walkers, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Adult Walkers & Accessories, Walkers Armrest Attachments, Bariatric Walkers & Accessories, Walkers & Accessories, Baskets, ...
Arizono Orthopedic Supplies Co. deals with the manufacture of equipment for rehabilitation. We are accredited with ISO 9001:2000 and ISO13485:2003 certification.We specialize in walkers. Our SRC walke
Address: A-220, Street No.5,Opp Soap Factory, Kabir Nagar, Delhi, Delhi 110094, India
www.palsurgicals.com |
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Phone: +91-(11)-22121688
Products: Stethoscopes, Surgical Headlights, Suction Tubes, Foot Braces, Walkers, Thermometers, ...
PAL Surgicals produces surgical and medical instruments such as stethoscopes, B.P. apparatus, rehabilition aid kits, percussion hammers, rota meters, flow meters, breast pumps, OT equipments, physioth
Address: 1565 Inkster Blvd., Winnipeg, Manitoba R2C 5C7, Canada
www.freedomconcepts.com |
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Phone: +1-(204)-654-1074
FDA Registration: 9615313 Year Established: 1991
Employee Count: ~20
Products: Walkers, Crutches, Canes, Walkers, Ortho Splints Walkers, Rolling Walkers, Folding Walkers, Adult Walkers & Accessories, ...
Freedom Concepts Inc. manufactures three-wheeled therapeutic bikes. We develop a full line of therapy bicycles. Our products include chill out chair, freedom climber, the freedom walker and its access