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 PRODUCT NAMEFDA Code/Regulation 
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae (S.Cerevisiae) Antibodies (5 suppliers)

Identification. The Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae ) antibody (ASCA) test system is an in vitro diagnostic device that consists of the reagents used to measure, by immunochemical techniques, antibodies toS. cerevisiae (baker's or brewer's yeast) in human serum or plasma. Detection ofS. cerevisiae antibodies may aid in the diagnosis of Crohn's disease.

Classification. Class II (special controls). The special control is FDA's "Guidance for Industry and FDA Reviewers: Class II Special Control Guidance Document for Anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae ) Antibody (ASCA) Premarket Notifications."

NBT / 866.5785
Sacculotomy Tack (1 supplier)

Identification. A sacculotomy tack (Cody tack) is a device that consists of a pointed stainless steel tack intended to be implanted to relieve the symptoms of vertigo. The device repetitively ruptures the utricular membrane as the membrane expands under increased endolymphatic pressure.

Classification. Class II.

ESX / 874.3760
Sacculotomy Tack Inserter (2 suppliers)JYN / 874.4420
Safety Walk Cane (52 suppliers)

Identification. A cane is a device intended for medical purposes that is used to provide minimal weight support while walking. Examples of canes include the following: A standard cane, a forearm cane, and a cane with a tripod, quad, or retractable stud on the ground end.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 890.9. The device is also exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of 820.180, regarding general requirements concerning records and 820.198, regarding complaint files.

KHY / 890.3075
Safranin Stain (14 suppliers)

Identification. Dye and chemical solution stains for medical purposes are mixtures of synthetic or natural dyes or nondye chemicals in solutions used in staining cells and tissues for diagnostic histopathology, cytopathology, or hematology.

Classification. Class I (general controls). These devices are exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 864.9. These devices are also exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of 820.180, with respect to general requirements concerning records, and 820.198, with respect to complaint files.

HZS / 864.1850
Sahli Pipette (7 suppliers)

Identification. A manual blood cell counting device is a device used to count red blood cells, white blood cells, or blood platelets.

Classification. Class I (general controls). This device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 864.9.

GGX / 864.6160
Salicylate Colorimetry Test (11 suppliers)

Identification. A salicylate test system is a device intended to measure salicylates, a class of analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs that includes aspirin, in human specimens. Measurements obtained by this device are used in diagnosis and treatment of salicylate overdose and in monitoring salicylate levels to ensure appropriate therapy.

Classification. Class II.

DKJ / 862.3830
Salicylate Thin Layer Chromatography (1 supplier)

Identification. A salicylate test system is a device intended to measure salicylates, a class of analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs that includes aspirin, in human specimens. Measurements obtained by this device are used in diagnosis and treatment of salicylate overdose and in monitoring salicylate levels to ensure appropriate therapy.

Classification. Class II.

DJE / 862.3830
Salivary Cortisol Enzyme Immunoassay (4 suppliers)

Identification. A cortisol (hydrocortisone and hydroxycorticosterone) test system is a device intended to measure the cortisol hormones secreted by the adrenal gland in plasma and urine. Measurements of cortisol are used in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the adrenal gland.

Classification. Class II.

NHG / 862.1205
Salmonella Spp Antigen (15 suppliers)GRL / 866.3550
Salmonella Spp Antiserum (16 suppliers)GRM / 866.3550
Salmonella SPP Fluorescent Antisera (2 suppliers)GOO / 866.3550
Salpingeal Curette (8 suppliers)KBK / 874.4420
Salpingography Catheter (1 supplier)MOV / 884.4530
Saws (100 suppliers)

Identification. A manual surgical instrument for general use is a nonpowered, hand-held, or hand-manipulated device, either reusable or disposable, intended to be used in various general surgical procedures. The device includes the applicator, clip applier, biopsy brush, manual dermabrasion brush, scrub brush, cannula, ligature carrier, chisel, clamp, contractor, curette, cutter, dissector, elevator, skin graft expander, file, forceps, gouge, instrument guide, needle guide, hammer, hemostat, amputation hook, ligature passing and knot-tying instrument, knife, blood lancet, mallet, disposable or reusable aspiration and injection needle, disposable or reusable suturing needle, osteotome, pliers, rasp, retainer, retractor, saw, scalpel blade, scalpel handle, one-piece scalpel, snare, spatula, stapler, disposable or reusable stripper, stylet, suturing apparatus for the stomach and intestine, measuring tape, and calipers. A surgical instrument that has specialized uses in a specific medical specialty is classified in separate regulations in parts 868 through 892.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 878.9.

HSO / 878.4800
Scalp Circular Electrode and Applicator (11 suppliers)

Identification. A fetal scalp circular (spiral) electrode and applicator is a device used to obtain a fetal electrocardiogram during labor and delivery. It establishes electrical contact between fetal skin and an external monitoring device by a shallow subcutaneous puncture of fetal scalp tissue with a curved needle or needles. This generic type of device includes nonreusable spiral electrodes and reusable circular electrodes.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

HGP / 884.2675
Scalp Clip (18 suppliers)

Identification. A scalp clip is a plastic or metal clip used to stop bleeding during surgery on the scalp.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

HBO / 882.4150
Scalpel Blade (248 suppliers)

Identification. A manual surgical instrument for general use is a nonpowered, hand-held, or hand-manipulated device, either reusable or disposable, intended to be used in various general surgical procedures. The device includes the applicator, clip applier, biopsy brush, manual dermabrasion brush, scrub brush, cannula, ligature carrier, chisel, clamp, contractor, curette, cutter, dissector, elevator, skin graft expander, file, forceps, gouge, instrument guide, needle guide, hammer, hemostat, amputation hook, ligature passing and knot-tying instrument, knife, blood lancet, mallet, disposable or reusable aspiration and injection needle, disposable or reusable suturing needle, osteotome, pliers, rasp, retainer, retractor, saw, scalpel blade, scalpel handle, one-piece scalpel, snare, spatula, stapler, disposable or reusable stripper, stylet, suturing apparatus for the stomach and intestine, measuring tape, and calipers. A surgical instrument that has specialized uses in a specific medical specialty is classified in separate regulations in parts 868 through 892.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 878.9.

GES / 878.4800
Scalpel Handle (360 suppliers)

Identification. A manual surgical instrument for general use is a nonpowered, hand-held, or hand-manipulated device, either reusable or disposable, intended to be used in various general surgical procedures. The device includes the applicator, clip applier, biopsy brush, manual dermabrasion brush, scrub brush, cannula, ligature carrier, chisel, clamp, contractor, curette, cutter, dissector, elevator, skin graft expander, file, forceps, gouge, instrument guide, needle guide, hammer, hemostat, amputation hook, ligature passing and knot-tying instrument, knife, blood lancet, mallet, disposable or reusable aspiration and injection needle, disposable or reusable suturing needle, osteotome, pliers, rasp, retainer, retractor, saw, scalpel blade, scalpel handle, one-piece scalpel, snare, spatula, stapler, disposable or reusable stripper, stylet, suturing apparatus for the stomach and intestine, measuring tape, and calipers. A surgical instrument that has specialized uses in a specific medical specialty is classified in separate regulations in parts 868 through 892.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 878.9.

GDZ / 878.4800
Scavenging Mask (31 suppliers)

Identification. A scavenging mask is a device positioned over a patient's nose to deliver anesthetic or analgesic gases to the upper airway and to remove excess and exhaled gas. It is usually used during dentistry.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 868.9.

KHA / 868.5590
Scented Deodorized Menstrual Tampon (8 suppliers)

Identification. A scented or scented deodorized menstrual tampon is a device that is a plug made of cellulosic or synthetic material that is inserted into the vagina and used to absorb menstrual or other vaginal discharge. It has scent (i.e., fragrance materials) added for aesthetic purposes (scented menstrual tampon) or for deodorizing purposes (scented deodorized menstrual tampon). This generic type of device does not include menstrual tampons treated with added antimicrobial agents or other drugs.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

HIL / 884.5460
Scented Menstrual Pad (14 suppliers)

Identification. A scented or scented deodorized menstrual pad is a device that is a pad made of cellulosic or synthetic material which is used to absorb menstrual or other vaginal discharge. It has scent (i.e., fragrance materials) added for aesthetic purposes (scented menstrual pad) or for deodorizing purposes (scented deodorized menstrual pad). This generic type of device includes sterile scented menstrual pads used for medically indicated conditions, but does not include menstrual pads treated with added antimicrobial agents or other drugs.

Classification. (1) Class I (general controls) for menstrual pads made of common cellulosic and synthetic material with an established safety profile. The devices subject to this paragraph (b)(1) are exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 884.9. This exemption does not include the intralabial pads and reusable menstrual pads.

HHL / 884.5425
Scented-Deodorized Menstrual Pads (40 suppliers)

Identification. A scented or scented deodorized menstrual pad is a device that is a pad made of cellulosic or synthetic material which is used to absorb menstrual or other vaginal discharge. It has scent (i.e., fragrance materials) added for aesthetic purposes (scented menstrual pad) or for deodorizing purposes (scented deodorized menstrual pad). This generic type of device includes sterile scented menstrual pads used for medically indicated conditions, but does not include menstrual pads treated with added antimicrobial agents or other drugs.

Classification. (1) Class I (general controls) for menstrual pads made of common cellulosic and synthetic material with an established safety profile. The devices subject to this paragraph (b)(1) are exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 884.9. This exemption does not include the intralabial pads and reusable menstrual pads.

NRC / 884.5425
Schiff Reagent Stain (18 suppliers)

Identification. Dye and chemical solution stains for medical purposes are mixtures of synthetic or natural dyes or nondye chemicals in solutions used in staining cells and tissues for diagnostic histopathology, cytopathology, or hematology.

Classification. Class I (general controls). These devices are exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 864.9. These devices are also exempt from the current good manufacturing practice requirements of the quality system regulation in part 820 of this chapter, with the exception of 820.180, with respect to general requirements concerning records, and 820.198, with respect to complaint files.

HZT / 864.1850
Schirmer Strips (15 suppliers)

Identification. A Schirmer strip is a device made of filter paper or similar material intended to be inserted under a patient's lower eyelid to stimulate and evaluate formation of tears.

Classification. Class I (general controls). If the device is made of the same materials that were used in the device before May 28, 1976, the device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 886.9.

KYD / 886.1800
Schistosoma Mansoni Fluorescent Antibody Test Antigen (1 supplier)GNH / 866.3600
Scintillation Gamma Camera (32 suppliers)

Identification. A scintillation (gamma) camera is a device intended to image the distribution of radionuclides in the body by means of a photon radiation detector. This generic type of device may include signal analysis and display equipment, patient and equipment supports, radionuclide anatomical markers, component parts, and accessories.

Classification. Class I (general controls).

IYX / 892.1100
Sclera Marker (34 suppliers)

Identification. An ophthalmic surgical marker is a device intended to mark by use of ink, dye, or indentation the location of ocular or scleral surgical manipulation.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 886.9.

HMQ / 886.4570
Scleral Plug (5 suppliers)LXP
Scleral Shell (31 suppliers)

Identification. A scleral shell is a device made of glass or plastic that is intended to be inserted for short time periods over the cornea and proximal-cornea sclera for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes. An artificial eye is usually painted on the device. The device is not intended to be implanted.

Classification. Class II (special controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to 886.9.

HQT / 886.3800
Screwdriver (159 suppliers)

Identification. An orthopedic manual surgical instrument is a nonpowered hand-held device intended for medical purposes to manipulate tissue, or for use with other devices in orthopedic surgery. This generic type of device includes the cerclage applier, awl, bender, drill brace, broach, burr, corkscrew, countersink, pin crimper, wire cutter, prosthesis driver, extractor, file, fork, needle holder, impactor, bending or contouring instrument, compression instrument, passer, socket positioner, probe, femoral neck punch, socket pusher, reamer, rongeur, scissors, screwdriver, bone skid, staple driver, bone screw starter, surgical stripper, tamp, bone tap, trephine, wire twister, and wrench.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter, subject to the limitations in 888.9.

HXX / 888.4540
Sealed Dialysate Delivery System (1 supplier)

Identification. A high permeability hemodialysis system is a device intended for use as an artificial kidney system for the treatment of patients with renal failure, fluid overload, or toxemic conditions by performing such therapies as hemodialysis, hemofiltration, hemoconcentration, and hemodiafiltration. Using a hemodialyzer with a semipermeable membrane that is more permeable to water than the semipermeable membrane of the conventional hemodialysis system (876.5820), the high permeability hemodialysis system removes toxins or excess fluid from the patient's blood using the principles of convection (via a high ultrafiltration rate) and/or diffusion (via a concentration gradient in dialysate). During treatment, blood is circulated from the patient through the hemodialyzer's blood compartment, while the dialysate solution flows countercurrent through the dialysate compartment. In this process, toxins and/or fluid are transferred across the membrane from the blood to the dialysate compartment. The hemodialysis delivery machine controls and monitors the parameters related to this processing, including the rate at which blood and dialysate are pumped through the system, and the rate at which fluid is removed from the patient. The high permeability hemodialysis system consists of the following devices:

Classification. Class II. The special controls for this device are FDA's:

FII / 876.5860
Second Antibody Gentamicin (125-I) Radioimmunoassay Test (1 supplier)

Identification. A gentamicin test system is a device intended to measure gentamicin, an antibiotic drug, in human specimens. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of gentamicin overdose and in monitoring levels of gentamicin to ensure appropriate therapy.

Classification. Class II.

DJB / 862.3450
Second Antibody Rabbit Digoxin Radioimmunoassay Test (1 supplier)

Identification. A digoxin test system is a device intended to measure digoxin, a cardiovascular drug, in serum and plasma. Measurements obtained by this device are used in the diagnosis and treatment of digoxin overdose and in monitoring levels of digoxin to ensure appropriate therapy.

Classification. Class II.

DNL / 862.3320
Secondary Antibody Test (7 suppliers)

Identification. An immunoglobulins A, G, M, D, and E immunological test system is a device that consists of the reagents used to measure by immunochemical techniques the immunoglobulins A, G, M, D, an E (serum antibodies) in serum. Measurement of these immunoglobulins aids in the diagnosis of abnormal protein metabolism and the body's lack of ability to resist infectious agents.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

KTS / 866.5510
Secondary Calibrator (61 suppliers)

Identification. A calibrator is a device intended for medical purposes for use in a test system to establish points of reference that are used in the determination of values in the measurement of substances in human specimens. (See also 862.2 in this part.)

Classification. Class II.

JIT / 862.1150
Sedimentation Rate Tube (11 suppliers)

Identification. An erythrocyte sedimentation rate test is a device that measures the length of time required for the red cells in a blood sample to fall a specified distance or a device that measures the degree of sedimentation taking place in a given length of time. An increased rate indicates tissue damage or inflammation.

Classification. Class I (general controls). This device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 864.9.

GHC / 864.6700
Selective and Differential Culture Media (36 suppliers)

Identification. A selective culture medium is a device that consists primarily of liquid or solid biological materials intended for medical purposes to cultivate and identify certain pathogenic microorganisms. The device contains one or more components that suppress the growth of certain microorganisms while either promoting or not affecting the growth of other microorganisms. The device aids in the diagnosis of disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms and also provides epidemiological information on these diseases.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 866.9.

JSI / 866.2360
Selective and Non-Differential Culture Media (28 suppliers)

Identification. A selective culture medium is a device that consists primarily of liquid or solid biological materials intended for medical purposes to cultivate and identify certain pathogenic microorganisms. The device contains one or more components that suppress the growth of certain microorganisms while either promoting or not affecting the growth of other microorganisms. The device aids in the diagnosis of disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms and also provides epidemiological information on these diseases.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 866.9.

JSJ / 866.2360
Selective Broth Culture Media (20 suppliers)

Identification. A selective culture medium is a device that consists primarily of liquid or solid biological materials intended for medical purposes to cultivate and identify certain pathogenic microorganisms. The device contains one or more components that suppress the growth of certain microorganisms while either promoting or not affecting the growth of other microorganisms. The device aids in the diagnosis of disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms and also provides epidemiological information on these diseases.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 866.9.

JSD / 866.2360
Self Adhesive Strips (32 suppliers)FPX / 880.5240
Self-Retaining Retractors (127 suppliers)

Identification. A manual gastroenterology-urology surgical instrument and accessories is a device designed to be used for gastroenterological and urological surgical procedures. The device may be nonpowered, hand-held, or hand-manipulated. Manual gastroenterology-urology surgical instruments include the biopsy forceps cover, biopsy tray without biopsy instruments, line clamp, nonpowered rectal probe, nonelectrical clamp, colostomy spur-crushers, locking device for intestinal clamp, needle holder, gastro-urology hook, gastro-urology probe and director, nonself-retaining retractor, laparotomy rings, nonelectrical snare, rectal specula, bladder neck spreader, self-retaining retractor, and scoop.

Classification. Class I (general controls). The device is exempt from the premarket notification procedures in subpart E of part 807 of this chapter subject to the limitations in 876.9.

FFO / 876.4730
Semen Analysis Device (10 suppliers)MNA
Semen Analysis Quality Control Material (3 suppliers)

Identification. A hematology quality control mixture is a device used to ascertain the accuracy and precision of manual, semiautomated, and automated determinations of cell parameters such as white cell count (WBC), red cell count (RBC), platelet count (PLT), hemoglobin, hematocrit (HCT), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC).

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

NRF / 864.8625
Semi-Automated Blood Component Separator (1 supplier)MYY
Semi-Automatic Peritoneal Dialysate Delivery System (4 suppliers)

Identification. (1) A peritoneal dialysis system and accessories is a device that is used as an artificial kidney system for the treatment of patients with renal failure or toxemic conditions, and that consists of a peritoneal access device, an administration set for peritoneal dialysis, a source of dialysate, and, in some cases, a water purification mechanism. After the dialysate is instilled into the patient's peritoneal cavity, it is allowed to dwell there so that undesirable substances from the patient's blood pass through the lining membrane of the peritoneal cavity into this dialysate. These substances are then removed when the dialysate is drained from the patient. The peritoneal dialysis system may regulate and monitor the dialysate temperature, volume, and delivery rate together with the time course of each cycle of filling, dwell time, and draining of the peritoneal cavity or manual controls may be used. This generic device includes the semiautomatic and the automatic peritoneal delivery system.

Classification. Class II (performance standards).

KPF / 876.5630
Semi-Constrained Acetabular Hip Prosthesis (18 suppliers)

Identification. A hip joint metal/metal semi-constrained, with an uncemented acetabular component, prosthesis is a two-part device intended to be implanted to replace a hip joint. The device limits translation and rotation in one or more planes via the geometry of its articulating surfaces. It has no linkage across-the-joint. This generic type of device includes prostheses that consist of a femoral and an acetabular component, both made of alloys, such as cobalt-chromium-molybdenum. The femoral component is intended to be fixed with bone cement. The acetabular component is intended for use without bone cement (888.3027).

Classification. Class III.

KWA / 888.3330
Semi-Constrained Elbow Prosthesis (13 suppliers)

Identification. An elbow joint metal/polymer semi-constrained cemented prosthesis is a device intended to be implanted to replace an elbow joint. The device limits translation and rotation in one or more planes via the geometry of its articulating surfaces. It has no linkage across-the-joint. This generic type of device includes prostheses that consist of a humeral resurfacing component made of alloys, such as cobalt-chromium-molybdenum, and a radial resurfacing component made of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. This generic type of device is limited to those prostheses intended for use with bone cement (888.3027).

Classification. Class II.

JDB / 888.3160
Semi-Constrained Femorotibial Knee Prosthesis (28 suppliers)

Identification. A knee joint femorotibial metal/polymer semi-constrained cemented prosthesis is a device intended to be implanted to replace part of a knee joint. The device limits translation and rotation in one or more planes via the geometry of its articulating surfaces. It has no linkage across-the-joint. This generic type of device includes prostheses that consist of a femoral component made of alloys, such as cobalt-chromium-molybdenum, and a tibial component made of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene and is limited to those prostheses intended for use with bone cement (888.3027).

Classification. Class II.

HRY / 888.3530
Semi-Constrained Hip Prosthesis (17 suppliers)

Identification. A hip joint metal/metal semi-constrained, with a cemented acetabular component, prosthesis is a two-part device intended to be implanted to replace a hip joint. The device limits translation and rotation in one or more planes via the geometry of its articulating surfaces. It has no linkage across-the-joint. This generic type of device includes prostheses that consist of a femoral and an acetabular component, both made of alloys, such as cobalt-chromium-molybdenum. This generic type of device is limited to those prostheses intended for use with bone cement (888.3027).

Classification. Class III.

JDL / 888.3320
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