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MEDICAL products beginning with : Z
30 results  
 PRODUCT NAMEFDA Code/Regulation 
Zenker's Pathology Solution (7 suppliers)IFH / 864.4010
Zenoni angled Retinal Forceps (52 suppliers)
Zero Compression Microkeratome (1 supplier)
Zero compression microkeratome is the instrument that creates the corneal flap during the LASIK surgery. It allows the ability to create larger, thinner flaps that save corneal tissue, creating less swelling and smoother flaps for quicker visual rehabilitation. The zero compression upgrade is a significant step forward in preventing corneal abrasions.
Zero Emission Foams (1 supplier)
Zero Gravity Lift Chair Recliners (1 supplier)
Zero Tip Baskets (1 supplier)
Zero-Gravity Reclining Lift Chairs (1 supplier)
Zinc Acetate Lozenges (10 suppliers)
Zinc acetate lozenges are used to treat common cold. It reduces the duration of cold symptoms, especially cough.
Zinc Cylinder Wrench With Chain (1 supplier)
Zinc Lozenges (10 suppliers)
Zinc lozenge is used to treat the common cold. Sucking on zinc lozenges provides the body with quick sublingual (under the tongue) absorption. Zinc treats cold and sore throat symptoms. In addition, zinc helps balance hormone levels and may prevent acne and regulate the activity of oil glands.
Zinc Oxide Adhesive Plaster (5 suppliers)
Zinc oxide adhesive plaster is a type of tape painted with natural rubber and zinc oxide on the weaving-cloth back lining. It is used in surgical operation, fastening of dressing or catheter and sports protection.
Zinc Oxide Paste Bandage (2 suppliers)
Zinc Pyrithione& Clobetasol Topical Spray (1 supplier)
Zipline Hospital Mops (1 supplier)
Zipper Scrubs (1 supplier)
Zippered Mattress Protectors (1 supplier)
Zippered Thermal Hose Covers (1 supplier)
Zirconium Femoral Component (1 supplier)
Zolpidem ELISA Kits (1 supplier)
Zona Drilling Pipettes (1 supplier)
Zoological Models (1 supplier)
Zoology Study Guide (1 supplier)
Zoom Slit Lamp (14 suppliers)
Zoom Slit Lamp features adjustable fingertip switches control motorized zoom/light intensity, unprecedented high-resolution optics for a zoom system, flip-up magnification display mirror, illuminated magnification power display window and streamlined/power efficient transformer.
Zoom Slitlamp Microscope (6 suppliers)
Zoonosis Kit (1 supplier)
Zoster Vaccines (1 supplier)
Zylaxin Eyes Drops (4 suppliers)
Z-clamp Straight Handle (1 supplier)
Zebra Print Splint and No Turn Bell Boots (1 supplier)
Zeiss Type Slit Lamp (10 suppliers)
Zeiss Type Slit Lamp, an all-in-one instrument for observation, measurement, diagnosis and documentation. Its optimally structured design also allows it to be used in laser therapy: this has been achieved by the possibility of operating the slit projector in the central position with either the left or right hand. The instrument configuration allows to use different prism heads and a micromanipulator.
30 results  
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