
Fluorescence Stereomicroscopes,Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) Suppliers & Manufacturers

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Fluorescence Stereomicroscopes
North Central Instruments, Accu-Scope Inc., Carl Zeiss, Inc., more...

Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
Fluorescent IN SITU Hybridization is a relatively new technology utilizing fluorescently labeled DNA probes to detect or confirm gene or chromosome abnormalities that are generally beyond the resolution of routine cytogenetics. FISH is used in interphase cells to determine the chromosome number of one or more chromosomes as well as to detect some specific chromosome rearrangements that are characteristic for certain cancers. Fluorescent in situ hybridization is a complex test that detects mutations in chromosomes for a number of different types of cancer.
Tecan U.S., Inc.

Fluorescent Microscopes
Fluorescent microscope works on the principle that an object is emitting light. It is designed to collect an optimal signal while minimizing background illumination. Two types of illumination exist for fluorescence microscopy: transmitted illumination and incident illumination. Most fluorescent microscopes use epifluorescence, meaning that the excitatory light is transmitted through the objectives onto the specimen and not through the specimen.
SEO Enterprises, Inc., A-1 Microscope Sales and Service, North Central Instruments, more...

FOBT Testing Kit
Focus Diagnostics, Inc., World of Health Biotech Co., Ltd.

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is a glycoprotein gonadotropin secreted by the anterior pituitary in response to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is released by the hypothalamus. In women, FSH helps control the menstrual cycle and the production of eggs by the ovaries. A FSH test measures the amount of follicle stimulating hormone in a blood sample. This test is used to evaluate to woman's egg supply (ovarian reserve) and man's low sperm count. It is done to determine whether a child is going through early puberty.
ClinPro International Co. LLC, Pan Probe Biotech, Inc., ReproSource, Inc., more...

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) EIA Test Kit
Focus Diagnostics, Inc., Diagnostic Test Group, Llc, Universal Medical Systems, Inc, more...

Follicle stimulating hormone (human FSH) IRMA kit
Universal Medical Systems, Inc

Follicle Stimulating Hormone Fertility Tests Kit
Follicle Stimulating Hormone Fertility Tests Kit is used to test for infertility and menopause. FSH tests help women diagnose infertility issues by indicating elevated levels of the hormone FSH.
Focus Diagnostics, Inc., Universal Medical Systems, Inc

Follicle stimulating hormone Injectable kit
Follicle Stimulating Hormone is a naturally occurring hormone. FSH is important in the development of follicles (eggs) produced by the ovaries. FSH is used for the development of sperm. Follicle stimulating hormone is used together in the treatment of infertility. Follicle stimulating hormone is used to stimulate the development of multiple eggs for in vitro fertilization.
Universal Medical Systems, Inc

Forced Convection Oven with Air Curtain
Yamato Scientific America Inc., Mars Air Doors

FORCED-AIR CO2 Incubator
Fisher Scientific Co., LLC., Labequip Ltd.

Forehead Thermometers
Brymill Cryogenic Systems, High Class Dental, Medical Department Store, more...

Foreign Body Removal, Alligator Jaws
Olympus KeyMed Ltd.

Foreign Body Removal, Basket Type Grasping Forceps
Olympus KeyMed Ltd., HMNGB Crocomed Technik Inc.

Foreign Body Removal, Pelican Jaws Grasping Forceps
Olympus KeyMed Ltd., HMNGB Crocomed Technik Inc.

Foreign Body Removal, Pentapod Type
Olympus KeyMed Ltd.

Foreign Body Removal, Rat Tooth Jaws Grasping Forceps
Olympus KeyMed Ltd., HMNGB Crocomed Technik Inc.

Foreign Body Removal, Rubber Tipped Jaws
Olympus KeyMed Ltd.

Foreign Body Removal, Shark Tooth Jaws Grasping Forceps
Olympus KeyMed Ltd., HMNGB Crocomed Technik Inc.

Foreign Body Removal, Tripod Type
Olympus KeyMed Ltd.

Foreign Body Removal, W-shaped Jaws Grasping Forceps
Olympus KeyMed Ltd., HMNGB Crocomed Technik Inc.

Four Channel Platelet Aggregation
Medimpex United, Inc.

Four Tiered Pipette Rack
Four Tiered Pipette Rack is made for disposable plastic pipettes. It is designed for removal of pipettes from the right side.
Corning Incorporated

Free Estriol (E3)
Free estriol (E3) is the principal estrogen produced during pregnancy. It is produced by the placenta from dehydroepiandosterone sulfate derived from the fetal liver and adrenals. The test is used as part of the triple marker screen (in association with alpha fetoprotein and chorionic gonadotropin) for Down syndrome.
Diagnostic Automation, Inc., Calbiotech, Inc., Diagnostic Systems Laboratories, Inc.

Free Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)
ClinPro International Co. LLC, Wampole Laboratories, Diagnostic Systems Laboratories, Inc., more...

Free T3
Free T3 is an important hormone in the regulation of metabolism. Free T3 test measures the amount of T3 hormone in the blood. It is measured as part of a thyroid function evaluation. Most of the thyroid hormone made in the thyroid is in the form of T4. The body's cells convert the T4 to T3, which is the more active hormone. It is the most powerful thyroid hormone, and affects almost every process in the body, including body temperature, growth, and heart rate.
ClinPro International Co. LLC

Free T3, Elisa Kit
ClinPro International Co. LLC

Free T4
Free T4 is used as a biochemical indicator of thyroid function, and aids the diagnosis and monitoring of both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. It is an amine hormone synthesized and secreted by the thyroid gland and a precursor to triiodothyronine. It is metabolically active form of the hormone.
ClinPro International Co. LLC

Freeze-Dried Reagent
Freeze-dried reagent is preferably for use in clinical diagnosis, which enables a simple and rapid determination of components active in proteolysis. It is used for the diagnosis of trypanosomiasis hemgglutination test and for the detection of trematode antigens.
Idaho Technology, Inc.

Freezing Radial Microtomes, Jencons Scientific Inc., Rattan Sales Corporation

Fructosamine Monitoring System
Raytel Medical Corporation

Fructosamine Monitors
LXN Corp., New York Blood Center, Medical Supplies & Equipment Company LLC

FSH Enzyme Immunoassay Test Kit
FSH Enzyme Immunoassay Test Kit is based on the principle of a solid phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The assay system utilizes mouse monoclonal anti-FSH for solid phase immobilization and sheep anti-alpha FSH in the antibody-enzyme conjugate solution.
ClinPro International Co. LLC, Medimpex United, Inc., Focus Diagnostics, Inc.

Fully Automated Microplate Strip Washer
Becton, Dickson & Co.,, Dynex Technologies, Gio. de Vita (GDV) E C. S.r.l.

Fully Automated Random Access Coagulation Analyzer
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Becton, Dickson & Co.,, Diagnostica Stago, Inc., more...

Fume Handling
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc

Fume Hoods
Fume Hoods are used when chemical reagents produce a hazardous fume. These fume hoods operate more efficiently and with less noise at lower static pressure values. Fume hoods are an integral part of a chemical hygiene program as they prevent exposures by removing vapors, gases and particulates from the work area. Fume hoods are an important engineering control designed to protect laboratory workers from potential chemical exposures.
Terra Universal, Inc., Laboratory Design and Supply, Inc., Cole-Parmer Instrument Company, more...

Alimed, Inc., Biofit Engineered Products, LabTech Seating, more...

GAD 65 and IA-2 autoantibody test kit
Kronus, Inc., Focus Diagnostics, Inc.

Gamma Dab Ferritin Kit
Biocheck, Inc., Diagnostic Systems Laboratories, Inc., Kamiya Biomedical Company

Gamma Finder II
Aurora BioScience Pty Ltd

Gamma Glutamyltransferase Assay Kit
Medimpex United, Inc.

Gamma GT KIT
Hemagen Diagnostics, Inc.

Gamma GT Reagent Kit
Hemagen Diagnostics, Inc.

Gamma-GT is a test to measure the amount of the enzyme GGT in the blood. It is used to detect diseases of the liver, bile ducts, and kidney. It is also used to differentiate liver or bile duct disorders from bone disease. It participates in the transfer of amino acids across the cell membrane, and in glutathione (an anti-oxidant) metabolism.
Teco Diagnostics, Diazyme Laboratories, Hemagen Diagnostics, Inc., more...

Gas Sterilizers
Cole-Parmer Instrument Company, Alfa Medical, Astell Scientific Limited, more...

Gas Sterilizers Using Anprolene
Cole-Parmer Instrument Company, Alfa Medical

Gastric and Fecal Occult Blood Test
Medtec, Becton, Dickson & Co.,, Immunostics, Inc., more...

Gastric Occult Blood and Gastric pH Test Kits
Aerscher Diagnostics, Focus Diagnostics, Inc., Beckman Coulter, Inc.

Gastric Occult Blood and pH Point Test Kits
Medimpex United, Inc., Focus Diagnostics, Inc., Beckman Coulter, Inc.

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