
Enzyme Steroid 21-Hydroxylase, RIA Kit,Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay Suppliers & Manufacturers

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Enzyme Steroid 21-Hydroxylase, RIA Kit
Becton, Dickson & Co.,

Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay
SpectraCell Laboratories, Avioq

Epstein Barr VCA IgA ELISA Kit
ClinPro International Co. LLC

Epstein Barr VCA IgG ELISA Kit
Epstein Barr VCA IgG ELISA Kit is an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for detection of IgG antibodies to EBV-VCA antigen in human serum.
ClinPro International Co. LLC

Epstein Barr VCA IgM ELISA Kit
Epstein Barr VCA IgM ELISA Kit an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for detection of IgM antibodies to EBV-VCA antigen in human serum. This kit contains purified VCA antigen, serum diluent plus, cutoff calibrator, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugate, chromogen/substrate solution and wash buffer components in sufficient quantities to perform the number of tests.
ClinPro International Co. LLC

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) Test Kits
Wampole Laboratories, Medimpex United, Inc., Focus Diagnostics, Inc.

Epstein-Barr Virus Test Kits
Medimpex United, Inc., Focus Diagnostics, Inc., Formosa Biomedical Technology Corporation

ERCP Cannulae, Ball Tip
Olympus KeyMed Ltd.

ERCP Cannulae, Cross-cut Opening Tip
Olympus KeyMed Ltd.

ERCP Cannulae, Hard Tip
Olympus KeyMed Ltd.

ERCP Cannulae, Long Tapered Tip
Olympus KeyMed Ltd.

ERCP Cannulae, Metal Tip
Olympus KeyMed Ltd.

ERCP Cannulae, Short Tapered Tip
Olympus KeyMed Ltd.

ERCP Cannulae, Standard Tip
Olympus KeyMed Ltd.

ERCP Cannulae, Swingtip
Olympus KeyMed Ltd.

Ergonomic Pipettes
Corning Incorporated, C&a Scientific Co., PZ HTL S.A.

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Test Kits
Becton, Dickson & Co.,, Polymedco Inc., Focus Diagnostics, Inc., more...

Erythropoietin (Epo)
Erythropoietin is a hormone (a type of protein) produced by specialized cells in the kidneys. It is a test to measure the amount of erythropoietin in blood. It is used to help determine the cause of anemia, polycythemia (high red blood cells) or other bone marrow disorders.
Biomerica, MD Biosciences Inc.

Esr Blood Test Kit
Becton, Dickson & Co.,, Medimpex United, Inc., Focus Diagnostics, Inc., more...

Esr Meter
Becton, Dickson & Co.,, Adani

Esr Spectroscopy Kit
World Precision Instruments, Inc., Becton, Dickson & Co.,

Estradiol is the most potent estrogen of a group of endogenous estrogen steroids, which includes estrone and estriol. It is the most active form of estrogen in the human body. An estradiol test measures the amount of estradiol in the blood. This test is used to evaluate function of the ovaries, placenta, or adrenal glands, particularly when certain types of ovarian tumor are suspected, or when there is delayed or abnormal development of male or female body characteristics.
Diagnostic Automation, Inc., Biocheck, Inc., Diagnostic Products Corporation, more...

Estradiol ELISA Kit
Estradiol ELISA Kit is a solid phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on the principle of competitive binding.
Diagnostic Automation, Inc., Biocheck, Inc., Diagnostic Products Corporation, more...

Estradiol Kits
Diagnostic Automation, Inc., Biocheck, Inc., Diagnostic Products Corporation, more...

Estradiol Microtiter Tests
Teco Diagnostics, Integrated Diagnostics Group

Estriol (Unconjugated) Enzyme Immunoassay Test Kit
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Medimpex United, Inc., Focus Diagnostics, Inc.

Estriol Microtiter Tests
Blood gas safety syringe protects technicians from needle stick injuries. It has an attached seal to prevent air contamination of the sample. The needle is advanced just prior to sample withdrawal. The sample is taken. By simply withdrawing the syringe within the guard, the needle is locked and the sample sealed. This step can be performed with one hand while pressure is applied to the puncture site.
Teco Diagnostics, Integrated Diagnostics Group

Estriol, Saliva Testing Kit
Focus Diagnostics, Inc., Salimetrics, LLC, Tianjin Geneally Biotechnology Co.,Ltd

Estrone is an estrogenic hormone. It is produced primarily from androstenedione originating from the gonads or the adrenal cortex. It is relevant to health and disease due to its conversion to estrone sulfate, a long-lived derivative of estrone. It is a primary estrogenic component of several pharmaceutical preparations, including those containing conjugated and esterified estrogens.
Diagnostic Systems Laboratories, Inc., Immunometrics (UK) Ltd.

Estrone E1 ELISA Kit
Diagnostic Systems Laboratories, Inc., Immunometrics (UK) Ltd.

Estrone ELISA Kits
Medimpex United, Inc., Diagnostic Systems Laboratories, Inc., Immunometrics (UK) Ltd.

Estrone-3 Glucuronide (E3G) Monitors
Unipath Diagnostics Inc., New York Blood Center, Medical Supplies & Equipment Company LLC

Estrone-3 Glucuronide, Fertility Monitor
Alpco Diagnostics, Diagnostic Systems Laboratories, Inc., Immunometrics (UK) Ltd.

Estrone-3-Glucuronide (E1G) EIA Test Kit
Diagnostic Systems Laboratories, Inc., Focus Diagnostics, Inc., Immunometrics (UK) Ltd.

Ethylene Oxide Gas Sterilizers
Ethylene Oxide Gas Sterilizers are effective sterilizing equipment if sophisticated handling techniques are used. The main disadvantage of ethylene oxide sterilizers is the long sterilization times required, typically one to four hours exposure time plus additional time for aeration. These units are developed to perform warm & cold sterilization, using large gas cylinders with different mixtures of between 15% ETO-85% CO2 and 90%ETO-10% CO2.
Cole-Parmer Instrument Company, Alfa Medical, ARS Enterprises, more...

Exam Lights
High Class Dental, Kroslak Enterprises, Inc., Bovie Medical Corporation, more...

Exam Table Paper
Quality Medical Supplies, Dealmed Medical Supplies, Cirrus Healthcare Products, L.L.C., more...

Examination Drapes & Sheets
Halyard Health, Inc., Covidien, 3M Medical Specialties, more...

Examination Light, Wall Mount
Wall mount examination light is designed for use in general practice surgeries, hospital exam areas, emergency rooms and critical areas such as ICU. It produces a colour temperature of 4700K making it ideal for examination lighting. It allows the fitting to rotate from left to right to obtain maximum coverage and can be easily positioned against a wall when not in use.
Welch Allyn, Inc., Seiler Instrument & Manufacturing Company, Inc., Dai Shin Technologies, Inc., more...

Extendable Tubing
Sklar Instruments, DX Plastic AB

External Fetal Monitor
External Fetal Monitor is attached to the mother's abdomen with two straps. One strap holds the tocodynamometer, which is used to measure the frequency and strength of the uterine contractions. The other strap holds an ultrasound transducer similar to the doppler scanner near the baby's heart to measure the fetal heartbeat. External fetal monitor is used to listen to baby in labor and for certain tests like the non-stress test. External fetal monitor is the round disc that senses and receives sound waves in order to get an accurate count of the baby's heartbeat. The disc is connected to a fetal monitor machine via a wire.
Principal Medical LLC, Gopher Medical, Inc., Datascope Corp., more...

External Fixation Frame
Quatro Composites

Extraction Equipment
Qiagen Inc, Honeywell Burdick & Jackson, VWR International, LLC., more...

Eyes & Face Protection Kits
Alimed, Inc., Hardy Diagnostics, Palmero Health Care, more...

Eyewash & Shower Kits
Market Lab Inc., Certified Safety Manufacturing, VWR International, LLC., more...

A face shield provides protection against potential contamination from blood borne pathogens, body fluids, or harmful chemical splash. It reduces the risks of exposure and possible infection from life threatening diseases like the HIV/AIDS virus, and Hepatitis B virus.
Scrub Cabana, K-Medical Inc., Comfort Safety Products, Inc., more...

Facial Proctology Kit
Heine USA Ltd., Monarch Molding, Inc., Busse Hospital Disposables, more...

Fecal Coliform Heated Water Baths
Fecal coliform heated water baths are suitable for fecal coliform testing. It features microprocessor control and easy-to-read LED display of temperature to one decimal place. Its centrifugal pump maintains a uniform bath temperature under varying ambient temperatures. Its non-contact heating element heats the air jacket surrounding the tank, creating optimal temperature uniformity and eliminating hot spots.
The Lab Depot, Inc.

Fecal Coliform Incubation Circulating Water Bath
Fecal coliform incubation circulating water baths are designed specifically for fecal coli form testing and other applications where circulation provides extra temperature control. It has microprocessor controller with easy-to-read displays. It is constructed of double-wall stainless steel material and coated with easy-to-clean polymer. It has an air-jacket to eliminate hot spot and recessed heating element to prevent burnout
The Lab Depot, Inc.

Fecal Occult Blood Test
Fecal Occult Blood Test finds blood in the stool by placing a small sample of stool on a chemically treated card, pad or wipe. Fecal occult blood is done to check for some intestinal conditions or colorectal cancer. The fecal occult blood test is one of a variety of colorectal cancer screening tests. Fecal occult blood test is a noninvasive test that detects the presence of hidden (occult) blood in the stool. There are two types of FOBTs such as guaiac smear test and flushable reagent pads.
Earlydetect, Medtec, Becton, Dickson & Co.,, more...

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